The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
420th reply.
420th reply.
Just saw that is said 419 on my subscriber threads, checked, refreshed, replied. So one time.How many times did you click refresh to earn that reward?
Sorry Boys, it's a petty point, however upon closer scrutiny, I believe post #420 in this thread is mine.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
Hey Max, I can certainly feel your concern's, and I thank God every day for allowing me to be a Californian. I too, am a longtime and frequent patron of the "Tude", however, I've not experienced any of the problems expressed by others in this thread. And best of all, I have no worry's, since I have my "215 ticket", and all of my cannabis activities are carried out quite openly.
Wishing all, Good luck & good grow.......BB
That is all well and good but he said he got the 420th reply. If you dont count the original post, he is right...
LOL, O.K. kiddo, since I'm to be tagged as "Trollbait", I must confess to being really stupid here, but the significance of Cryptkeeper calling "420th reply.", in the 421st post, somehow eludes me.
Since my post was #420, do I win something, seeds?, lights,? anything? Or does ALL the "Glory" go to the Cryptkeeper for noticing that 420th post had just past?...........BB
Oh...wait...I see, it's 420 "Bingo".....LOL
Yep, you win free spam mail from Highlife Seeds as well as a healthy does of paranoia. Congratulations!
LOL, and I thank you for that, my day is made! I will truly become a thread troll now. Gotta watch and wait ever so patiently for the "magic" 420 to roll around..Yep, that's gonna be MY life now.........ROFLMAO.......good luck guys.......................BB
Well Cryptkeeper, the only thing "hostile" I've noticed was the "Trollbait" shot. I'm sorry for making any comment on the 420/421 thing, obviously, my bad for being curious. I would also apologize for making the specious "420 Bingo" comment. I hope I've covered all of my perceived transgressions, as there is no reason for "hostility" in this matter...............Good luck & good grow.......BB
Such hostile individuals in this thread! =)
Zero! Fuck you. If I was banned I wouldn't be talking to you.And you would have nothing to do with that I imagine....
How many times have you been banned?
And that's cool. I'm glad you, any many others, weren't affected, but some were, and all I, and I think we, want is for some accountability from Attitude and support from our brothers and sisters in the war. We need more people in The Union, not less, and we need to have each others backs, not take the stance of "Well, it didn't happen to me, so whatever." Historically that stance has had nothing bur negative outcomes. If people want to keep buying from them after something like this with no explanation or changes, they are more than welcome, but if enough people back this idea, they will have to own up, fix the problem, secure their servers, and then we can all safely get back to business.