Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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is it something about blahblahblah username rollitup blahblahblah records blahblahblah unavailable? (powered by aweber-something-something?)

that has apparently been happening for weeks now (you can read all about it in the support section), i spent a few days in purgatory myself when i changed my associated email (couldn't reactivate cuz it wouldn't submit).
is it something about blahblahblah username rollitup blahblahblah records blahblahblah unavailable? (powered by aweber-something-something?)

that has apparently been happening for weeks now (you can read all about it in the support section), i spent a few days in purgatory myself when i changed my associated email (couldn't reactivate cuz it wouldn't submit).
Wow Kitty, you're a pretty new member aren't ya. :D
What do you mean it isn't Attitude's fault? Every person that received an email has placed an order with Attitude using that same email address. their names and locations are compromised..... While Attitude may not be complicit in the spam, they are the one's that we hold responsible for securing customer data.....

If you don;t get that, keep on ordering up their seeds, you can have them...

Finally someone who gets it
well i got that same email. this is pretty effed. it went straight to spam for me but when i clicked to unsubscribe it said it didnt have my email in the database.
maybe they deleted everyone because they got reported for spamming? hopefully attitudes movin way fast on this one.
Never unsubscribe by clicking a link in a spoof email.... chances are, the email you provide will end up getting spammed.

well i got that same email. this is pretty effed. it went straight to spam for me but when i clicked to unsubscribe it said it didnt have my email in the database.
maybe they deleted everyone because they got reported for spamming? hopefully attitudes movin way fast on this one.
I've been emailing with Highlife seeds a bit and here's something I found pretty funny.

The thing is I never signed up for anything with you, I should never have received that email, nor should you know where my city and/or state is. How did you get my information?

Thank you,


We do not know your location or any info about you as we did not send
The email. Therefore we have no database at all.

You are not on any of our lists nor have we any orders form you

Thank You


Customer Support
When only the best is ever enough!

They don't know where I live? The fucking email they sent me sure seems to say otherwise, so does the fact that I'm not in their database (I unsubscribed earlier)

He or she is straight up lying when she said they sent me no email. I feel like forwarding the one I got from them
Never unsubscribe by clicking a link in a spoof email.... chances are, the email you provide will end up getting spammed.

I've heard of that too but my Yahoo email does a pretty good job of keeping my spam to a minimum. I used to get a ton of spam but not so much anymore.
I've been emailing with Highlife seeds a bit and here's something I found pretty funny.

I'm curious, what is the email address of the original spam email? and what email (of theirs) are you using to communicate with Highlife Seeds?

I ask because I saw a GC post where a guy said he got the same type of email, except it identified him as a GC user as opposed to an RIU user.

The source email was [email protected], which has the appearance of an email that has no affiliation to highlifeseeds.com.

I haven't absorbed all of this thread, there's a lot of hysterical nonsense being posted, but based on the facts that I've seen posted it's not clear to me that the security compromise is the result of a breach in Attitude's database as opposed to an ongoing phishing scam.

I, like some others, have both RIU and Attitude accounts and I didn't get the spam email so there must be more to it than that...
Here is the info:

Sent: 06 May 2011 6:08 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Contact Us Form

I'll forward them the email I received later today since it takes them a day to reply anyway but I'm curious to know what their reply will be when they see the email they said they never sent
I'm curious, what is the email address of the original spam email? and what email (of theirs) are you using to communicate with Highlife Seeds?

I ask because I saw a GC post where a guy said he got the same type of email, except it identified him as a GC user as opposed to an RIU user.

The source email was [email protected], which has the appearance of an email that has no affiliation to highlifeseeds.com.

I haven't absorbed all of this thread, there's a lot of hysterical nonsense being posted, but based on the facts that I've seen posted it's not clear to me that the security compromise is the result of a breach in Attitude's database as opposed to an ongoing phishing scam.

I, like some others, have both RIU and Attitude accounts and I didn't get the spam email so there must be more to it than that...


It is a mailing list company...that is where the emails were sent from

Yep... highlife doesn't know anything about it, other than it was a former affiliate they have separated with. The email header was spoofed, meaning it was made to look like it was Highlife....


It is a mailing list company...that is where the emails were sent from

This is the email I got when I clicked unsubscribe on the spam mail

Unsubscribe confirmation

Thursday, May 5, 2011 11:15 PM

"Global Seed Bank" <[email protected]>



This is a confirmation that you have been unsubscribed from our
SeedBank updates newsletter

You will receive no further emails unless you purchase some of
our WORLD FAMOUS cannabis seeds only available direct from

Don't forget we offer 100% FREE SHIPPING on EVERY order!

Thank you

List Manager
Please read this entire post. It is long but necessary.

The issue
It is obvious that some sort of data breach has occurred at The Attitude Seed bank. They have admitted this much and have stated that they are looking into it. As a result of this data breach, a significant number of people's real names, real addresses and who knows what else is now in the hands of someone whom it was never intended to be in. Aside from the e-mail spam, this could potentially endanger those affected in terms of money if the credit card number was stolen, safety if the address is stolen, and worse if real names have been stolen.

While we here on these boards are ok with what were doing, we are (mostly) all committing an act of civil disobedience. I understand this, and I choose to take that risk because I believe in the cause and I like pot. But because mainstream society still frowns upon it, I do not advertise my affiliation with or my fondness of this beautiful plant. I applaud those who can stand up for the rest of us who make themselves available publicly dispute this social paranoia, but I'm not one of them.

However, now because of this data breach, I am very concerned about my personal information and my personal safety. I would be just as upset if this happened at Amazon or E-bay and would boycott them as well, but the difference is the DEA doesn't kick in your door, put a gun to your kids or your wife's head, and shoot your dog over a book. Well, not since Hitler, but that's a different rant. Don't believe that it happens? Google it. It happens, and for no better reason than making an example out of you. Not a lot, but it happens. They just got done raiding dispensaries in Washington, and Oregon I think.

Attitude is directly responsible for this. It is not their "fault" in the sense of I don't think they intended to have this happen, but intent is not the issue. And instead of admitting to it and trying to figure out what happened, they attempted to dismiss the issue, then changed their story to "well,it was only the e-mail addresses, no big deal". This is a lie,and now has gone from a breach to a cover up.

This is not acceptable. It is not acceptable that they lost our information,and they need to be told how unacceptable it is. As a consumer we have one way to do this, and that is to not spend your money with them. But its not enough to have one person, or two. It has to be a boycott, on a large scale, so that they have to deal with it.

Like I've said, I'm not saying they should shut down. I have ordered from them and I am very happy with their products, but I cannot do business with a company that cannot keep my information private. And I do not like being lied to, it implies that I'm too dumb to figure out that your lying. Attitude needs to take their medicine, admit what happened, notify those affected, and takes steps to ensure this never happens again.

Highlife Seeds is NOT involved (maybe)

I design email systems so I speak from experience. It is very easy to spoof e-mails (mask their true source), and it is very possible that they are a victim here as well. It could be that someone with a grudge against them is screwing around and just used their site as a scapegoat. It is possible that in an effort to screw over the companies as has been said that this is exactly what happened.

However, it is also possible that they were presented with an offer to buy a very high value e-mail list from someone as a marketing tool and didn't really think it through, that we would take such offense to it. When they realized the mistake, they would immediately disavow any knowledge of the incident and could do so because the email didn't come from them, it came from someone who has the capability of generating SPAM. we may never know. But if this list didn't exist, this would never have been possible, which is why this is still Attitudes fault

Why should everyone care?
I can't believe some of you are taking the stance of "Well, that's what you get! You're so stupid for using your real information, etc." Really? What we need is a little solidarity here. We should all be concerned. For those affected, your are now at a higher risk than you were 48 hours ago. For people in the UK, One of your companies just screwed over some of your buddies. For those not affected, at least stand behind us, why are you hopeful that we get caught for being a little more daring than you, a little more committed than you. For those who enjoy our products, the patients, the friends, this is a threat to people who are trying to do something about it. Overgrow the government! But we need to stand together, and when a major player in the game, Attitude! Makes a mistake of this magnitude, they have to be held accountable, and the only way I can do that it to keep my money, or give it to others who takes more precautions and safeguard my data better. If it turns out hats nobody, than I guess I can no longer order seeds from the Internet, but it does not mean that I just accept it.

I do this because I'm a man, I'm an American, and i'm a veteran of war, and I have earned the right to privacy and the right to freedom, and this type of mistake has compromised both.

If you have something to say, please do so. If you're going to speak from ignorance because you don't understand the problem, please save us the noise. If you can debate this issue, please do so, I enjoy a good conversation, but don't make this seem like it's not a big deal. It is a very big deal, it affects all of us, and should not be ignored because a majority of people are afraid of confrontation.
However, it is also possible that they were presented with an offer to buy a very high value e-mail list from someone as a marketing tool and didn't really think it through, that we would take such offense to it. When they realized the mistake, they would immediately disavow any knowledge of the incident and could do so because the email didn't come from them, it came from someone who has the capability of generating SPAM. we may never know. But if this list didn't exist, this would never have been possible, which is why this is still Attitudes fault

Just to add a bit more to this, the people behind highlifeseeds.com are internet marketers themselves. So they would be familiar with the process.

The reason behind using an intermediary site before sending them to highlifeseeds.com was to protect their domain and keep it out of blacklists. He's been trying to sell the company since before this even happened, but hasn't found any buyer. When you have a site for sale with no buyers... you need traffic and profit stats to get buyers.
Not everyone who has ordered from Attitude has received these emails, but most of the people who got the first e-mail got the second one, but I haven't heard of anyone who got the second e-mail and not the first.

Doesn't this sound like Attitude knows who was affected? They didn't send apologetic e-mails to everyone in their database, just those who got the first one. Why is that?

This is just a theory

Did those that got the e-mail click through the banner that is on this site? If so, this could be the common portal that everyone passed through and where the breach occurred. Site redirect links bounce you through other servers to get you where you're going. If this turns put to be the case, then Attitude would also be a victim. Again, this is just a theory, but if this sent you through some sort of proxy server, it could gather your info.

And one more

For those of you who use Google mail for your seed orders, have you ever noticed that all the ads you see when logged onto it are weed related? Google wants to monetize data and obviously scans your email. Does everyone affected have g-mail accounts?
Hey Max, I can certainly feel your concern's, and I thank God every day for allowing me to be a Californian. I too, am a longtime and frequent patron of the "Tude", however, I've not experienced any of the problems expressed by others in this thread. And best of all, I have no worry's, since I have my "215 ticket", and all of my cannabis activities are carried out quite openly.
Wishing all, Good luck & good grow.......BB
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