WOW, Religion Of Peace


Well-Known Member
AND you are blaming the entire Islam religion for the acts of terrorists....

game set match? are you serious? LOL

no, whats sickening is you blame an entire religion because it was infiltrated by a bunch of homosexuals and pedophiles. the church is dealing with it. what are the muslims doing about their radicals?

game set match


Active Member
ok, how is this for a troll

now, tell me these fuckers arent nuts. these people RUN AN ENTIRE COUNTRY WITH 100 MILLION PEOPLE.

all i am asking is for people to wake the fuck up. but you can continue to sleep.
You know I do not even disagree with you on some level but I just do not necessarily think it has much to do with religion, just a lot of these Muslim countries are barely out of the wilderness, its like the middle ages in some of those countries; just look at how far some of these countries have come all thanks to wealth, technology, standard of living, education.

Just to me this whole thing is more of a socio-economic thing, does not matter what religion you are, if the circumstances are right the same things have happened at one time or another in every part of the globe, small or large scale, if your group is not big enough as well and you can not proclaim a full scale war what do you? Go into terrorism or guerrilla warfare; then maybe fall back on religion as an excuse.

A guest on the daily show the other night, can not remember who, saying how in 5 years Pakistan will become the fourth largest country in the world, with a sense of inferiority, terrible unemployment, poverty; when shit hits the fan, really how much is the religion to blame?

Personally though I am not that greatly interested in religion, I find more perspective in all the other factors, history fascinates me and its always interesting how religion changes and shapes with it; nothing more than a subjective convenience for humans who use it as it suits them on any given day depending on their circumstances.

You know a more interesting conversation would be whether certain cultures over time have more of a genetic disposition to violence, but I suspect in general a human is a human.


Well-Known Member
Ok at least you found something worth talking about.

Originally Posted by jeff f
ok, how is this for a troll
now, tell me these fuckers arent nuts. these people RUN AN ENTIRE COUNTRY WITH 100 MILLION PEOPLE.
all i am asking is for people to wake the fuck up. but you can continue to sleep.

I take it you've never heard of bohemian grove in california, where our presidents and many elites do their satanic rituals and have been members longer than you've probably been alive?

I guess you also miss all the satanic stuff on the dollar, and washington dc's street layout, and denver airports disgusting array of satanic art, the owl of molech that makes up the streets around the white house and press core buiding, that the pentagon is a pentagram?

Death from the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse at denver airport:

Educate yourself jeff.


ink the world

Well-Known Member
Wow, you only had to go back a thousand years.

I went back to FUCKING YESTERDAY...

So what, using your "resoning" if it happened long ago, it doesnt matter? You never cease to amaze me Jeff, you want some recent Christian atrocities well here ya go, all murdered in the name of Christ:

George Tiller
The holocaust museum shooter
Tim Mcveigh

How about Hitler, is that too long ago, he was a "good Christian" wasnt he?

That list can go on and in historical context would dwarf the list of Muslim atrocities.....nice try Jeff, but as usual you only see the world and our history through your Christian POV

ink the world

Well-Known Member
why dont you show me a video where an entire nations leaders are convicting people of sorcery? TODAY. oh wait, you can only come up with muslim countries....but i am the one denying reality.....oh boy.

stay in school kids otherwise you end up stupid and unable to see simple truths.
Says the man that lives his life according to superstition.....I prefer Santa or even the Easter Bunny to least no one kills people in Santas name

jeff f

New Member
So what, using your "resoning" if it happened long ago, it doesnt matter? You never cease to amaze me Jeff, you want some recent Christian atrocities well here ya go, all murdered in the name of Christ:

George Tiller
The holocaust museum shooter
Tim Mcveigh

How about Hitler, is that too long ago, he was a "good Christian" wasnt he?

That list can go on and in historical context would dwarf the list of Muslim atrocities.....nice try Jeff, but as usual you only see the world and our history through your Christian POV
yes, cuz we all know that two nutjobs are exactly the same as a nations leaders convicting people of scorcery.

say it with me ink, there are a great number of muslims around the world that are total fucking loons, and there is nothing even close in the present christian world. come on, all together now...

jeff f

New Member
Says the man that lives his life according to superstition.....I prefer Santa or even the Easter Bunny to least no one kills people in Santas name
i dont believe i ever stated what i believe.

i will say this, i am totally amazed by people that so willingly disparage millions of living christians for what happened a few thousand years ago, but willingly ignore and apologize for millions of fucking cavemen.

how come no outrage for the way muslims deal with homosexuality, or womens rights? or are you okay that the iranian president announces that there are no homosexuals in his country? or that women cant attend school in many parts of islam?

btw i like santa and the easter bunny equally well. although a fat man in a red suit handing out gifts doesnt seem as far fetched as a huge rabbit laying colored chicken eggs.....just sayin


Well-Known Member
Hey dipshit not one reply to our leaders being satanic with the vids and evidence above? Just a problem with muslims eh?

jeff f

New Member
So what, using your "resoning" if it happened long ago, it doesnt matter? You never cease to amaze me Jeff, you want some recent Christian atrocities well here ya go, all murdered in the name of Christ:

George Tiller
The holocaust museum shooter
Tim Mcveigh

How about Hitler, is that too long ago, he was a "good Christian" wasnt he?

That list can go on and in historical context would dwarf the list of Muslim atrocities.....nice try Jeff, but as usual you only see the world and our history through your Christian POV

so you are saying that because soeone did it 1000 years ago, its ok to do it now? clear me up here...stupid videos too

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
So what, using your "resoning" if it happened long ago, it doesnt matter? You never cease to amaze me Jeff, you want some recent Christian atrocities well here ya go, all murdered in the name of Christ:

George Tiller
The holocaust museum shooter
Tim Mcveigh

How about Hitler, is that too long ago, he was a "good Christian" wasnt he?

That list can go on and in historical context would dwarf the list of Muslim atrocities.....nice try Jeff, but as usual you only see the world and our history through your Christian POVo
As far as I'm aware the bible doesn't directly condone murdering people simply for not follow the religion. The quran does.


Well-Known Member
Do you really need to be reminded of the site's policy on abuse and name calling? Please be civil in addressing others....

Hey dipshit not one reply to our leaders being satanic with the vids and evidence above? Just a problem with muslims eh?


Well-Known Member
Hitler wasn't religious, he was considered an Atheist by many.

Public reaction to atheism
Hitler often associated atheism with Germany's communist enemy.[53] Hitler stated in a speech to the Stuttgart February 15, 1933: "Today they say that Christianity is in danger, that the Catholic faith is threatened. My reply to them is: for the time being, Christians and not international atheists are now standing at Germany’s fore. I am not merely talking about Christianity; I confess that I will never ally myself with the parties which aim to destroy Christianity. Fourteen years they have gone arm in arm with atheism. At no time was greater damage ever done to Christianity than in those years when the Christian parties ruled side by side with those who denied the very existence of God. Germany's entire cultural life was shattered and contaminated in this period. It shall be our task to burn out these manifestations of degeneracy in literature, theater, schools, and the press—that is, in our entire culture—and to eliminate the poison which has been permeating every facet of our lives for these past fourteen years."[54]'s_religious_views

Suck that up about your hitler being atheist.


Well-Known Member
Do you really need to be reminded of the site's policy on abuse and name calling? Please be civil in addressing others....
Yea I had reached my limit for the first time in I can't recall how many years here, but is it really necessary to admonish me for calling him a silly name when he goes around spreading hate towards entire ethnic groups and the most vile stuff you've never wanted to hear? I patiently tried to educate the guy and help him out of his hate and etc etc etc until I couldn't take it any more because he completely ignores anything against his position, there is no debate and it just becomes endless trolling on his part.

Some peoples priorities in enforcing the rules here are awfully askew, you can advocate nuking a country full of people or apartheid or murder but not use a silly name. But yes I know I was wrong, I will take it on the chin as me being the bad guy for a silly name, I do get your point, I just don't agree at all with your choice of what is a problem here and what isn't.

This ADULT ONLY forum would be far better off with more silly cusswords and less of the serious real problems that bring the rest of us down but that's only my opinion of course. Peace...


ink the world

Well-Known Member
so you are saying that because soeone did it 1000 years ago, its ok to do it now? clear me up here...stupid videos too
No Jeff, that is not what im saying at all..

To put it more simply, dont throw stones when you live in a glass house.

You seem to really have a problem with Islam as a whole. It seems that you want to label an entire religion because of the acts of a few extremists. Thats fine, if you wanna look at that way just be sure you include other religions also. There are extremists in every religion and very political movement. Those extremists dont represent the views of the majority of people in their respective groups. Jeff, thats what makes them extremists. So to me if you are gonna point to a few extremists as an indication of an entire religion then why not impose those same standards to ALL religions?

I put the 9/11 attackers in the same groups as I put Tillers murderer and Tim Mcveigh. All are extremists.