WOW, Religion Of Peace


Well-Known Member
once the catholics found out they had been infiltrated by homosexuals and child molesters they tried to get rid of them. a simple line on the application ARE YOU OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A HOMOSEXUAL OR A CHILD MOLESTER? that would have solved the homosexuals and child molester problem.
now you are trying to equate homosexuals to child molesters. so much fail. good job.

homosexuality and pedophilia are completely different variations in the spectrum of human sexuality. you have just exposed your ignorance to this scientific fact.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
David Engle stated that the major news networks in the middle east discussed Bin Ladin's assassination during the morning hours but went on to MORE IMPORTANT topics later that afternoon. Such as, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Egypt and Tunisia. Bin Ladin was an embarrassment to the Muslim world. They are breathing a sigh of relief now that he is dead. Keep in mind that Bin Ladin and his merry band killed tens of thousands of innocent muslims across the middle east.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
now you are trying to equate homosexuals to child molesters. so much fail. good job.

homosexuality and pedophilia are completely different variations in the spectrum of human sexuality. you have just exposed your ignorance to this scientific fact.
I was ignoring that bit of trollish offal. It's not even worth addressing to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Yes lets look at a religion of peace and how it deals with yet another death. How they smile and cheer with glee at the news of a death and waive their flags.
Even if he were the bad guy, which we could easily debate, does a religion of peace suggest cheering and flag waiving upon anyones death?

How is that any different whatsoever than what you complain about?

To the english our founding fathers were terrorists, to us they were freedom fighters.
Sure shows the Hypocrisy of folks. There was no trial. Now we cheer for killing. Gladiators in the new world.

jeff f

New Member
now you are trying to equate homosexuals to child molesters. so much fail. good job.

homosexuality and pedophilia are completely different variations in the spectrum of human sexuality. you have just exposed your ignorance to this scientific fact.
well what were they smart guy? they sure as hell werent christians.. they had sex with each other (homosexual) and some with children (child molestors)....please inform this small mind of mine?

jeff f

New Member
I hate to dispute you on this, but were the nazis christians?

i believe that was the state religion but i see it as a little different because they didnt go to war for their christian beleifs, they went for statist reasons nazi sosialists

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i believe that was the state religion but i see it as a little different because they didnt go to war for their christian beleifs, they went for statist reasons nazi sosialists
I find it amusing when you always add qualifiers after someone points out you're wrong. "Oh that doesn't count because I say so"... nice try.


Well-Known Member
well what were they smart guy? they sure as hell werent christians.. they had sex with each other (homosexual) and some with children (child molestors)....please inform this small mind of mine?
You have some kind of serious problem. You never cease talking about homosexuals and child molesters, even when it has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand and neither has any more to do with eachother than straight sex has to do with gay sex.

What is your major malfunction mr Freudian slip? Or is it just you are so much a sheep that your blatant religous programming doesn't even allow you to distinguish one topic for another, or see how unrelated they all are?

Get a grip man, people are going to think you always have homosexual child molesting on your mind.


Well-Known Member
i believe that was the state religion but i see it as a little different because they didnt go to war for their christian beleifs, they went for statist reasons nazi sosialists
And you know this because why you were there? Someone told you right? Or because it fits your agenda?
Look dude, religion is the number one tool of mind control used to lead the masses into war, there is no way hitler wouldn't have used that as a means to his end.
He used *everything* he could to his advantage.


Well-Known Member
Let me see if I can spell it out for you any slower, so you can follow along...

You make the claim that Islam is not peaceful, therefore, all Muslims are radicals or violent. That was the gist of your first post, starting this funny as hell thread.... I'm trying to point out to you, there are PLENTY of non-religious Muslims that you can't just lump in with the radicals... There are also many peaceful Muslims in the world, that celebrated the death of Bin Laden, one need only open his eyes and read reports on FOX, CNN, MSNBC....

I'm not beating around the bush dude, I'm directly debating your point, which you seem to have lost.... lol

My point is Islam is peaceful... some who practice it are not, just as there are Christians that are not peaceful... Your claim is therefore pretty baseless.... now do you get it? If not, quit posting and have a restful night's sleep...

assad is alawi smart guy.....pssst, (whispering) thats islam....

baath is a secular style party. members of its party, such as assad are still muslim....

and quit beating around the bush wtf is your point?



Well-Known Member
You ar so right,,,,^^^....Serapis...I'm Just a Loud mouth spectater,,,Please don't call me a "Troll"...That's fucking dis-Respect...I'm a smoking with you my Friends....:blsmoke: Ehere Evere they are:peace:


Well-Known Member
well what were they smart guy? they sure as hell werent christians.. they had sex with each other (homosexual) and some with children (child molestors)....please inform this small mind of mine?
nah, i'll let you hang yourself by trying to prove the non-existent link,

i will say that your insinuation is truly sickening.


Well-Known Member
i believe that was the state religion but i see it as a little different because they didnt go to war for their christian beleifs, they went for statist reasons nazi sosialists
nice double standard.

it was non religion-based when the nazis did it, but it is religion-based when any muslim country does it.



Well-Known Member
Hitler wasn't religious, he was considered an Atheist by many.
Of course, except he was a politician and they tell people what they want to hear at first, only after he became dictator with unquestionable power did he "act" the part of an athiest, which he wasn't either.

The nazi's higher powers were absolutely infatuated with recovering satanic relics, but they never admitted to being satanists. Just like our leaders show satanic symbols in everything from the money we use to the white house to the pentagon to the owl of molech at both the white house and the Bohemian Grove.

Most people never look into that stuff or put it all together but GWB loved to say god told him this or that, and use it as an excuse to go to war etc, while at the same time he and his father and every leader since nixon has been and are currently members of Bohemian Grove. This is not a cristian ceremony is it?

It's not crazy conspiracy stuff when you have the proof right in front of your face.


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1]"But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time . . . It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."
Richard Nixon