WOW, Religion Of Peace


Well-Known Member
O__o exactly so...killed a handful when they had to....i'm pretty sure that isn't whole sale slaughter you were describing a bit ago... doesn't matter what you call it cult or mere gang...the question is if that religion is quite peaceful's very difficult to find many slaughters in their history....quite the opposite i'm kind of surprised....was just hoping someone had some more dirt on them really

jeff f

New Member
So now you are claiming that secular governments, such as Assad's Baath party, are religious? Are you tying Gadhaffi to Islam now? You do realize Timothy McVay was a Christian with an agenda don;t you? Does that mean Christianity condoned his actions? ROFL... Jeff, you are showing a bit of a lack of knowledge here, don't dig any deeper... lol

youre the one showing ignorance. the baath party is a political party. its members are....get ready.....are ya ready....? FUCKING MUSLIM. same for ghadafi

anymore dumb statements you wanna make?


Well-Known Member
The same can be said of Christianity and the crusades and the Spanish inquisitions.... Many Muslims view our soldiers as christian crusaders sent to convert souls or kill Muslims.... whether you share their feelings or not, they do feel that way. Do you know anyone that practices Islam personally? You have already answered the question. ;)

The idea that Islam is a religion of peace is pretty LOL


Well-Known Member
Now you just proved a 5th grader may indeed be smarter... You can't tie a political party to a religion, especially if it's secular.... the Baath party doesn't do religion, that's why it's considered secular... look it up... Do you know what secular means? Many of the countries you are referring to have secular governments... Just because they are Muslim doesn't make them religious fanatics.

youre the one showing ignorance. the baath party is a political party. its members are....get ready.....are ya ready....? FUCKING MUSLIM. same for ghadafi

anymore dumb statements you wanna make?


Well-Known Member
Now you just proved a 5th grader may indeed be smarter... You can't tie a political party to a religion, especially if it's secular.... the Baath party doesn't do religion, that's why it's considered secular... look it up... Do you know what secular means? Many of the countries you are referring to have secular governments... Just because they are Muslim doesn't make them religious fanatics.
if jeffy ol' boy wants to tie the religion of a nation to its government, let's play that game.

many people say we are a christian nation. a magical zombie's birthday is a national holiday that takes place on december 25th every year.

we have killed tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in an unnecessary war in iraq.

ZOMG!!!1! we are a terrorist, christian nation! oh noes!

yes, let's play that game!


Well-Known Member
Yes lets look at a religion of peace and how it deals with yet another death. How they smile and cheer with glee at the news of a death and waive their flags.
Even if he were the bad guy, which we could easily debate, does a religion of peace suggest cheering and flag waiving upon anyones death?

How is that any different whatsoever than what you complain about?

To the english our founding fathers were terrorists, to us they were freedom fighters.


Well-Known Member
While I fully support the reaction in front of the white house, I'm mature enough to recognize that it is insensitive to some others. I don't feel sorry for those others at all, but i do see their point of view.


Well-Known Member
me....if there was a mob like that cheering, cause i just had someone shot, milling around my front yard like that....i'd teargas em...i really would...


Well-Known Member
I'm Glad,,,He was a Master of gore,,,Just Like you think The Government is,,,Detaractor....
I'm no supporter of any killer be it bin laden or bush or cheney. I don't support our flag waiving upon the news of death any more than our flags burning in Iran either, you're not seeing things from a proper and complete perspective only the side that supports your point of view.
This man shot his "friend" in the fucking face :)

jeff f

New Member
Now you just proved a 5th grader may indeed be smarter... You can't tie a political party to a religion, especially if it's secular.... the Baath party doesn't do religion, that's why it's considered secular... look it up... Do you know what secular means? Many of the countries you are referring to have secular governments... Just because they are Muslim doesn't make them religious fanatics.
assad is alawi smart guy.....pssst, (whispering) thats islam....

baath is a secular style party. members of its party, such as assad are still muslim....

and quit beating around the bush wtf is your point?


jeff f

New Member
Yes lets look at a religion of peace and how it deals with yet another death. How they smile and cheer with glee at the news of a death and waive their flags.
Even if he were the bad guy, which we could easily debate, does a religion of peace suggest cheering and flag waiving upon anyones death?

How is that any different whatsoever than what you complain about?

To the english our founding fathers were terrorists, to us they were freedom fighters.

the guy killed 3000 americans. and you are saying our cheering his death is equal to them rioting his death? youre fucked up. you have to be on drugs to be serious...

those people in the usa crowd arent all christian. this comparison is stupid


Well-Known Member
Someone told you he killed 3000 americans. They've told you that so many times you believe it unquestioningly. There is a difference. If you can't understand the difference, I can't help you.
He did not take credit for it when he was still alive if you remember correctly. Since when would a guy like that NOT INSTANTLY take credit for the supposedly best planned super duper terrorist attack in the world? Keep in extremist muslims like that don't fear death, you can't claim he didn't take credit because he was afraid of getting a bunch of virgins in heaven.


The same people told you he did it, that told you about WMD's in Iraq and massive underground bases and crap which they sold 110% and turned out to be complete bullshit.

jeff f

New Member
hundreds of years? molesting children is peaceful?
once the catholics found out they had been infiltrated by homosexuals and child molesters they tried to get rid of them. a simple line on the application ARE YOU OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A HOMOSEXUAL OR A CHILD MOLESTER? that would have solved the homosexuals and child molester problem.