Well-Known Member
Alright mate, Hope your having a good one bro. Could do with getting away for a few day's peace lol. Just dont think the Mrs would fully agree 

i never took you as a blunt guy! i just started smokin papers, so i go between blunts n papers daily. but i love smokin a nice fat blunt.i got ten packs of blunt wraps through the post yesterday and i only got 6 left lol, 8 blunts in 24 hrs, yay go me lol
Whoops...thought I was over at your thread westy lol!!That's cool that blunts do the trick. I'm not a paper guy myself...I try and keep the second hand smoke to a minimum and cap the glass after each and if I'm near the living room I blow the smoke towards the air purifier and the sucks it right in! You got some young lungs that are going to be around soon to think of. Besides, he should be growing his own and not be taking pops dank lol
Catch ya later, going for a walk with my gal in a bit. We really haven't seen much of each other in the last couple of weeks.
An I thought we was on you thred H lmao. Loving the pic hem mateWhoops...thought I was over at your thread westy lol!!
I Luv. the blunt's meIts like joints dunt do it for me so much any more but a fat blunt hits the spot lol
Ha rub it in!! I'm thinking I'll be getting pretty high when I smoke again...Today is day 1. Yuck ; !)strangly enough the last 4 or 5 days i seem to be in the spot constantly. Total stone over all the time. Im sure il get a chance to straighten up soon enough wen i have to shut down for a month lol.
I hear, and Feal you there manstrangly enough the last 4 or 5 days i seem to be in the spot constantly. Total stone over all the time. Im sure il get a chance to straighten up soon enough wen i have to shut down for a month lol.