DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
but look @ those rims! lol
Audis are nice in my book... maybe you have much higher standards than I princess. haha
i will admit the rims are nice. i just have a thing against audi's. i think they look like other cars rather than creating there own style.

i see that an to me it looks like a sort of astin martin.


Well-Known Member
Damn D that looks like a PARTYYY!!! to me man. You just want to be there!!! Oh You are lol.
I bet the Par's were having there own do in the Kingdom mate! Congrat's on the Promotion, i told you bro. ;)



Well-Known Member
Since the Audi didn't go down too well...how about another German one, concept Merc sportscar...

And the Alfa Spyder

I got bored taking pics, 3 cars was my max and then we went to the Porsche bar for free beer....sorry.


Well-Known Member
they say you are not a true petrol head until you have owned an alfa...but then what would I know, I own a bike!!!


Well-Known Member
Journals are what you make them tony. Some people like to put that little bit extra into things. If you go through the Dr.s journal you will see that she also notes all her feeds, dates, etc in a real world diary (or what looks like one). When I joined riu I started checking out Dr Greenhorns journal and he was posting all sorts of stuff, music, pics of this and that, so I also done that because I love to copy haha, no, I just thought it was a bit more expresive. And I also like to see a journal where I get to know a little bit about the person who is loving the plants they are growing as well. I think some people are here to learn, some are here to share their grow, some are here to educate, some are here to...well do ther things. So that's my stoned take on it bru, think I'll have a bong and head off to bed. My wife just came outside to the potting shed (how dare she, lol) and handed me a mug of warm chocolate milk.....am I that old. lol Good Night everyone.



Well-Known Member
hc here to make me feel young again, thanks bru, now where's hem, cof, and heads up, lol. Dads Army...(edit, not sure if you have seen that, but you guys would find it funny I think, i do)

right, bedtime you lot! lol, or keep the noise down, there's kids in bed in Holland.
