Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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I bet LEO is having a field day with this thread. What with everyone telling them how often they order from Attitude and Nirvana...
I bet LEO is having a field day with this thread. What with everyone telling them how often they order from Attitude and Nirvana...

You are kidding?......right?...........OR........you believe that one of the many forms of "leo" out there actually has the interest or man hours to monitor the plethora of canna-forums, each with 1,000's of post HOURLY!???
And with the current economy causing "leo" layoffs at many levels, (my community of 200,000 just lost 60 police officers), I feel your concerns, but I'm thinking "leo" just isn't going to be gleaning internet cannabis forums.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

BTW: If they WERE to be curious about the volume of seeds coming into the country, they would most likely discover the true nature and size of the "flood", and just walk away muttering...fuck this!....NO way to stop it!
I am simply saying that it is really easy to see who is growing by who is freaking out in this thread.

If you havent given out any other info you are safe but people probably are not thinking about this angle.
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