• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are We Going To Have Sharia Law?


Well-Known Member
"cant do the time or accept the consequences of your actions, dont do the CRIME!!!!"""

so again, now that you have admitted it several times: what did YOU do that curtailed your right to carry most firearms?

it had to be pretty low-life shit. even worse than supporting the former grand wizard of the kkk for president.


Well-Known Member
So should we have stricter enforcement of all laws prohibiting sodomy and convict all sodimites for felony sodomy and then prevent them from owning firearms? what about marijuana growers? isn't that a felony? maybe we should enact more laws that prevent convicts from voting?
wtf r u talking about? sodomites? LOL if someone rapes someone in the ass without their consent, no that rapist should not have a gun. but if the person consented, there is no reason at all to take the gun away. they have not harmed anyone.

the mj growers are only lumped together with meth dealers and the like because the DEA is convinced mj is dangerous. they think mj growers also commit other crimes, so that felony conviction is justifiable in their eyes. obviously we see it differently...
i am a legal mj grower, but i still cannot own a gun...

nothing is going to make me believe you deserve a gun though. do you not understand that you took someone else's property? what happens the next time you try that? what if you had a gun? what if I get shot because your dumbass wants some dvds? you would have quite a lot of egg on your face after that


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck, i respect what you know. I am not questioning that, what i am questioning is that you dont care for anything that happened on 9/11 and you defend the side the terrorists are on, therefore that would make you a terrorist according to our laws.
you are wrong! anyone that disagrees with you, you say they dont care about 9/11. you have said that 3 times so far in this thread alone lol. why dont u go ahead and quote where he is supporting terrorists?

this is america. we CANNOT allow ourselves to let emotions get the best of us. yes, a few assholes killed some of our citizens. but that does not mean we are justified in the hostility towards that religion which they just so happened to be. we must be strong enough to realize that it is not the religion that is the problem, but the crazy people in that religion. these terrorists arent really even that muslim at all. they say they are, but they do nothing but hate and kill others.


Well-Known Member
I was not aware that the kkk would perform beheadings and that they are christian groups. Like i say UB, i am not as thorough as you are in these areas, it seems to me that this an area of expertise you have. the kkk does not demoralize women and their rights as do the taliban or al qaeda, or however the fuck you spell it, but dont get me wrong, i do not like the kkk period as i am a minority that has been targeted by the kkk before.
the KKK does not treat their women with much respect at all. theyre all white christian men that think theyre better than everyone else. if you do not like the KKK, how come you dont think they should be investigated? theyve probably killed a lot more people in our country than muslim terrorists eve did. and you being a minority, i would think that would be more of an incentive. they are a terrorist group just as much as al qaeda


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong, i dont like them one bit. i am just too patriotic and cant forget the images of the people jumping off the WTC on the horrible day!!! If that does not make you mad then you are a terrorist, lol!!( i was only joking) but you do make a good point. I also do believe that all kkk groups should be disbanded and put in prison, but this thread was not about the kkk, so i was not thinking too much about expressing my views about the kkk.

the KKK does not treat their women with much respect at all. theyre all white christian men that think theyre better than everyone else. if you do not like the KKK, how come you dont think they should be investigated? theyve probably killed a lot more people in our country than muslim terrorists eve did. and you being a minority, i would think that would be more of an incentive. they are a terrorist group just as much as al qaeda


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong, i dont like them one bit. i am just too patriotic and cant forget the images of the people jumping off the WTC on the horrible day!!! If that does not make you mad then you are a terrorist, lol!!( i was only joking) but you do make a good point. I also do believe that all kkk groups should be disbanded and put in prison, but this thread was not about the kkk, so i was not thinking too much about expressing my views about the kkk.
sometimes patriotism can blind you. you want to 'get them all' because you dont like the feeling you feel when you think of 9/11. you connect that negative feeling with who you think did it. do you see how that can push you to go too far? it can make people like peter king want to investigate ALL muslims because there COULD be a few terrorists in that group.
its like wanting to search all the black people in town because a few black guys robbed a liqour store. maybe these other ones robbed other stores too... or maybe they are planning to rob a store!
the only difference is the type of crime, but you get the point haha. its all just the emotional part of your brain reacting to a tragic event. use your logic to see that not all muslims are terrorists

edit: actually, the majority of them are not terrorists.
the whole plan for 9/11 was to have america spend ourselves into oblivion. thats EXACTLY what is happening. they are winning because we are too stupid to look past stereotypes. for the past 10 years, we have done pretty much nothing but 'fight terrorism'. its stupid


Well-Known Member
sometimes patriotism can blind you. you want to 'get them all' because you dont like the feeling you feel when you think of 9/11. you connect that negative feeling with who you think did it. do you see how that can push you to go too far? it can make people like peter king want to investigate ALL muslims because there COULD be a few terrorists in that group.
its like wanting to search all the black people in town because a few black guys robbed a liqour store. maybe these other ones robbed other stores too... or maybe they are planning to rob a store!
the only difference is the type of crime, but you get the point haha. its all just the emotional part of your brain reacting to a tragic event. use your logic to see that not all muslims are terrorists
What if they vote to make being Muslim a felony? or being black a felony?


Well-Known Member
Let's see now, the race baiting didn't work. The weak on defense rhetoric didn't work. The birth certificate conspiracy didn't pan out. The "show us your grades" ploy didn't work. So what do they have left? The Democrats are going to allow Shariah Law!!!!! Fear mongering at it's most desperate. Meanwhile the tea party candidates are stripping people of their rights across the nation and their defenders keep drinking that kool aid.
"i don't want the government in my health care"*

* unless you are a woman in late term pregnancy having second thoughts and considering an abortion. at that point the government has the right to force you into unwanted sonograms and into unwanted faith-based anti-abortion counseling....


Well-Known Member
people like peter king want to investigate ALL muslims because there COULD be a few terrorists in that group.
its like wanting to search all the black people in town because a few black guys robbed a liqour store. maybe these other ones robbed other stores too... or maybe they are planning to rob a store!
Wouldn't it make sence to do this?


Well-Known Member
its like that dude that thought communism was going to become the new world authority, but i see what you are saying. and emotions do get the best of me sometimes thats all. I do like all walks of life, i just dont like to know that a mosque is being built next to the WTC or in the vecinity, although i do think it has already happened.

sometimes patriotism can blind you. you want to 'get them all' because you dont like the feeling you feel when you think of 9/11. you connect that negative feeling with who you think did it. do you see how that can push you to go too far? it can make people like peter king want to investigate ALL muslims because there COULD be a few terrorists in that group.
its like wanting to search all the black people in town because a few black guys robbed a liqour store. maybe these other ones robbed other stores too... or maybe they are planning to rob a store!
the only difference is the type of crime, but you get the point haha. its all just the emotional part of your brain reacting to a tragic event. use your logic to see that not all muslims are terrorists


Well-Known Member
DUDE, that makes no sense at all!!!!!! Where are you basing these things off of? You are just mad at the system for taking away one of your rights,

i think a person who did something that is not legal or something with bad consequences should accept what they have done. Acceptance is the first step to the truth, which is that you broke the law and now you have to face the consequences, and all the blaming or charging this for that is not going to help your cause. If it is a very pressing matter to you, why do you not rally against the "man?"" See how far that takes you, because rallying on RIU will not do anything for you.

What if they vote to make being Muslim a felony? or being black a felony?


Well-Known Member
I guess none of you have been paying attention to Glen Beck. He has been laying everything out for us and Sharia is one of three options.
youre more of an idiot than glen beck for believing him hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
What if they vote to make being Muslim a felony? or being black a felony?
its like that dude that thought communism was going to become the new world authority, but i see what you are saying. and emotions do get the best of me sometimes thats all. I do like all walks of life, i just dont like to know that a mosque is being built next to the WTC or in the vecinity, although i do think it has already happened.
it is exactly like mccarthyism. emotions get the best of all of us sometimes, its human nature.

what about the church thats right next to the WTC? and what about the other mosque thats closer to the WTC than that new one, and has been there for years? they do not tell you about this one because its not 'new muslims coming in to destroy us'


Well-Known Member
I am not a theif and am square with the law, I don't even drive illegaly, I pay my taxes and contribute to society as a productive member so I do not appreciate your assertations and question why I should have any less rights than my fellow citizens.
I already went over this with you in another thread which you quoted in this thread, stealing is a felony a felony prevents you from owning a firearm after you have been convicted and served your sentence, and if your righting a book they were DVD box sets, the simpsons and seinfield and ally mcbeal and shit not CD's
a thief AND a liar.

as if that weren't bad enough, you support electing the former grand wizard of the KKK as president.

WOW. just WOW.


Well-Known Member
Isnt that the theme of a movie the dude from 300 did? Being tied up on the floor, wife getting raped and child murdered!!! I would wait for that dude to do his time, then i would find him, torture him before i kill him and thats that. No gun for rapist.

and in the first place this would not happen, because i OWN a GUN, 6 to be exact!!! So, anyone trying to go into my house, your life is not worth anything in there.
what if they got to you first? a gun doesn't do much good if they have theirs in your face first.


Well-Known Member
Being black used to be a crime and they couldn't own guns so when people came to lynch them they couldn't defend themselves. In Germany before the holocaust jews couldn't own guns.


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck, i respect what you know. I am not questioning that, what i am questioning is that you dont care for anything that happened on 9/11 and you defend the side the terrorists are on, therefore that would make you a terrorist according to our laws.
you should check the thread in toke and talk where i said i wished we could revive bin laden so we could pop him again.

and please show me where i defended crashing planes into buildings? i think you'll find about as much evidence to support the assertions you make n this thread as you will find to support your other (retarded) assertions that peaceful muslims in tennessee are committing terrorism.

you need to gain some perspective and a grasp on reality.


Well-Known Member
I was not aware that the kkk would perform beheadings and that they are christian groups. Like i say UB, i am not as thorough as you are in these areas, it seems to me that this an area of expertise you have. the kkk does not demoralize women and their rights as do the taliban or al qaeda, or however the fuck you spell it, but dont get me wrong, i do not like the kkk period as i am a minority that has been targeted by the kkk before.
the kkk hates any non-white. non christian. and although they don't behead people, lynching has the same effect as beheading: death.

and the kkk does demoralize women, especially if they are non-white or non-christian.

so tell me, should we make the kkk representative as christians as a whole, just as you wish to make certain terrorists representative of muslims as a whole?