Dont get me wrong, i dont like them one bit. i am just too patriotic and cant forget the images of the people jumping off the WTC on the horrible day!!! If that does not make you mad then you are a terrorist, lol!!( i was only joking) but you do make a good point. I also do believe that all kkk groups should be disbanded and put in prison, but this thread was not about the kkk, so i was not thinking too much about expressing my views about the kkk.
sometimes patriotism can blind you. you want to 'get them all' because you dont like the feeling you feel when you think of 9/11. you connect that negative feeling with who you think did it. do you see how that can push you to go too far? it can make people like peter king want to investigate ALL muslims because there COULD be a few terrorists in that group.
its like wanting to search all the black people in town because a few black guys robbed a liqour store. maybe these other ones robbed other stores too... or maybe they are planning to rob a store!
the only difference is the type of crime, but you get the point haha. its all just the emotional part of your brain reacting to a tragic event. use your logic to see that not all muslims are terrorists
edit: actually, the majority of them are not terrorists.
the whole plan for 9/11 was to have america spend ourselves into oblivion. thats EXACTLY what is happening. they are winning because we are too stupid to look past stereotypes. for the past 10 years, we have done pretty much nothing but 'fight terrorism'. its stupid