Dr. Yo
Active Member
I'm very aware that plants generally do better in the ground than buckets.I know you keep saying location location location and safer in pots etc etc , but lets get down to basics here mate... I think your forgetting something here. The plant will grow much taller much faster much stronger with a big area for roots to span, obviously in your argument you could use bigger pots but i think what your forgetting is the water issue, see in your buckets there soil only can hold so much moisture, and as a man that im sure has dug a deep whole before even during a drought will know that the soil is moist the further you go... NOW with that being said your issues with "Deficiencies and such" Will have become less and less, unless the reason why you keep saying location location is because your constantly moving them to get the best light then i could see why you keep telling us to bug off lol but honestly i would love to take you up on a challenge if your up to it those seeds your working on sound like an awesome thing you have going so let me know when you need testers![]()
That's not some special point of illumination provided by you; it's common fact that anyone with an IQ above 70 realizes.
I don't have the luxury, however, to be near anywhere with good soil, only hard clay just inches below the ground.
If you have any experience working with primarily clay-based soils, you quickly realize you can't grow in them. Even digging holes in the ground and replacing with primo soil doesn't solve the drainage issue. When it rains, there is nowhere for the rain to drain, and it just sits in the clay holes, in a watery puddle for weeks on end....slowly suffocating and killing any plants that are trying to grow in them.
That's why I'm growing in 5-gallon buckets. I've been growing weed in buckets for years, and almost always end up with at least a pound.
Second off, I don't have any issues with deficiencies. Not really sure what you're trying to intimate here, but thanks for stopping by....I guess.