600w Indoor 4x4 Tent


Active Member
Im not using nutes which is why im at a real loss for whats going on. I was thinking a difficiency of some sort. Been slammed with finals and havent had the time needed to do some research. None of the other girls are showing these signs they are all a very nice green. As you can see from the pics they are all the same distance from the light. If i cant get any more feedback on what the issue might be shes just gonna have to tough it out til after mothers day. Also moving during finals week so eveything is chaotic right now.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not too sure on nutes myself, I have done a lot of research but it is one area that gets me thinking. I would say it either needs a decent flush or possibly a nitrogen deficiency? If an expert can come in and help that would be great. What's the pH of the water you give the girls?


Active Member
pH of the water is about 6.8, I currently only have the dip strips for pools I regret to admit. I have been drawing tap water and allowing 24-36 hours to breath and let the cholorine evaporate off. I've been to lowes, wal-mart, home depot, and still haven't been able to find a decent pH tester for water or soil.

Edit: ebay. will have decent testers by monday.


Well-Known Member
6.8 is ok, I think that is the highest of the optimal levels. But, cheap testing equipment has been known to be a little off. Definitely get a better tester. She could just be ready for some extra help from added nutes.


Well-Known Member
I'll read over deficiencies again and a few other things and see if I can be more help than just throwing out ideas. I am in no way an expert, but 2 heads are better than one. If anyone viewing can be of more help than I can, please don't hesitate.


Active Member
no worries. she broke dirt 3/27 so.....5 weeks give or take a couple days?

Do you know of a soil/water pH tester that does both? I'm not sure such a thing exists.


Well-Known Member
There could be one that tests both, but I don't have it. Still have to get one for my water, I got an electronic one from a nursery, for soil, around where I live, 30 bucks.

But I got to say after reading that post, I would start feeding. Start with 1/4 strength and work your way up until her needs are met.


Active Member
My last post for right now I promise. I found something that relates to you pretty closely.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
Looks like a trip to the hydro shop is in order tomorrow. Seems like one of the guys was suggesting just a bloom and one guy is saying a bloom with like a quarter strength grow. I was realllly hoping not to have to get into nutes this early haha, atleast finals are over Friday n I can give em some nutes.

Just did a little reading, seems to be the general thinking that FFOF has enough nutes for the first 4 weeks and then theres enough time for about 2 weeks of a bloom nute and then a flush right before harvest. sound right?


Well-Known Member
I don't know too much about FFOF and what is in it, but yes generally 4 weeks. But for the autos, when did the AK start to flower?


Active Member
April 25th AK started to flower. I stand corrected I was looking back in the journal and she broke dirt march 31st was germed on the 27th. So shes half way through week 5, and a week and half into flower.


Well-Known Member
Haha. Well if I don't know I'll try to find something to help. But yea, I would definitely start with the nutes as soon as you can, start with 1/4 strength and just ease up to half and just go with whatever your plant needs.


Active Member
Going tomorrow at 10. I am going to check out floranova bloom as per Tankers suggestion. Plan to add molasses tomorrow as well. Keep ya informed. Thanks for the help tonight.


Active Member
Went with General Organics "Go Box"

I'm using:
BioThrive Bloom 2-4-4
BioBud bloom booster .5-.1-1

I used their heavy feed serving size and mixed up a couple gallon jugs. Gave this feed mix to them tonight.

I also made a jug with:
Diamond Black

Also used heavy servings. I will alternate between the two. I hope not to wake up and have them burned tomorrow. Fingers crossed.