Well-Known Member
let's turn this into the "ways banks try to rape us" thread.which is really just a setup. several major banks have admitted plans to limiting debit transaction amounts so that you have to swipe multiple times, and then charging debit fees on a per-swipe basis. so basically if you have a 100 dollar debit limit and need to make a 500 dollar purchase, you will need to swipe 5 times, incurring a rapefee each time. i hate BoA for reasons not even mentioned on this thread, but i swear every time i watch the news i get more motivated to go completely off the grid.
wellsfargo was recently sued for a shady practice and settled.
their scheme went like this: suppose you have $5 left in your account. let's say you make 5 purchases, the first 4 for $1 a piece, and the last one for $6.
instead of crediting those first four charges before the last charge sequentially, they would say that you made the last $6 purchase first, thus overdrafting you. they would then count each of the first 4 $1 purchases as an overdraft.
the result? they get 5 x $35 (=$175), instead of $35.
it may not work out like that all the time, but if it works out just a little in their favor, the odds are in their favor to make money off it. actuarial stats would bear this out, i'm sure.
like i said, they settled or are settling a class action lawsuit brought against them for just this reason. fucking lousy scum bankers.