Few pics from the cab. I have two confirmed Engineers Dream males so far, they are now in the greenhouse outside awaiting their fate at some point after jizz extraction occurs. They will be cloned and added to the stable, two similar phenos from them, both very CJ looking but with the saw like serrations from the DPQ as well. One has a bit more length to it, but I am not sure if that's down to the pot it was in or not. 4 confirmed females, jury still out on 2. Potted 3 into my tray and 1 that was slightly bigger into a 5 litre pot. These have all been done 12/12 straight from seed. The DOGs in the flower trays are also coming along, I have suppercropped most of them now to even out the heights, don't want them growing to far above the bulb, although it hasn't seemed to be too detrimental in the past. Oh well, here you are....
DOG's upstairs.
Engineers on the left, an OG in the long pot, then the Exo kaas and lastly my preggers Deep Blue, ooh baby.
Middle for diddle.....
Looking in...

And I have my MH on a 7 hour light regime at the moment. Comes on 2 hours into the cycle, and switches off 3 hours before the end of the 12 hour.
Here's a DOG bud...
Downstairs...got some psycho killers at the back, og's cj, and a few other DOG's and tings...
Mare eh the fukkin MUTT - DOG KUSH!!!!
Rom Timewarp rev-egg, think she'll be used for a seed run...not decided yet.
And that's all I could be arsed with, I should really take some pics of the males and sucha nd post them on the breaders thread, but I just feel like rolling a joint and getting smashed, it is a public holiday here (I know, on a Saturday!!!) but it's a big festival today in Amsterdam. Also the sun is shining so far...it's going to be wild me thinks.