DWC Scrog Grow Extrema & El Monstre!


Well-Known Member
god dang I leave for a few days and come back to a crystal filled wonder land.
Lol! That's how I feel when I look closely at them. Full of crystals and my camera won't get that close. I need to get me a microscope.
The El mon 2 is super sticky and smelly compared to the sweeter smell of El Mon 1. I think I'm cloning the wrong one. Lol!
I barely touch it and my fingers get all sticky and smelly.
Ready to see what the next 3 weeks brings :hump:


Well-Known Member
Day 39 of 12/12:
:leaf: Got home early and decided to take some pics
They are really starting to pack on some size!

My pH meter reads 6.2 every time I check it.
I add a few drops of pH down and wait about 10 minutes and check it again and it still reads 6.2, so I'm just do what I have been doing.
It hasn't failed me yet, but I will be better prepared next go round with a Tri-Meter.


Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Lol! That's how I feel when I look closely at them. Full of crystals and my camera won't get that close. I need to get me a microscope.
The El mon 2 is super sticky and smelly compared to the sweeter smell of El Mon 1. I think I'm cloning the wrong one. Lol!
I barely touch it and my fingers get all sticky and smelly.
Ready to see what the next 3 weeks brings :hump:
Yeah I know what you mean, I need to at least get a 30x jewelers loupe but for right now the 10x will suffice to check on there ripeness. those buds look fat as hell. going to be interested to know the final weight on some of those top cola's. I feel you on the ph meter, I think I'm done with Hanna meters gonna try Milwaukee next time around.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what you mean, I need to at least get a 30x jewelers loupe but for right now the 10x will suffice to check on there ripeness. those buds look fat as hell. going to be interested to know the final weight on some of those top cola's. I feel you on the ph meter, I think I'm done with Hanna meters gonna try Milwaukee next time around.
Yea the buds are really starting to fatten up. I have noticed considerable growth since adding the Overdrive and Big Bud.
I'm hoping the big buds are over an oz each. I have 3 18 inch colas and 12 12 inch colas.
Not sure what to expect as a yield, but I will be happy with it

They have the scopes on eBay for like $30

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Yea the buds are really starting to fatten up. I have noticed considerable growth since adding the Overdrive and Big Bud.
I'm hoping the big buds are over an oz each. I have 3 18 inch colas and 12 12 inch colas.
Not sure what to expect as a yield, but I will be happy with it

They have the scopes on eBay for like $30
Dang bro, Measured mine a sec ago and my biggest colas are about 4 inches, hoping tall and an inch and a half wide. not bad for only 33 days of flowering. are you going to make anything with the lil popcorn buds? i.e pot brownies, hash or bho?


Well-Known Member
I really haven't thought too much much about it. I'm hoping I do not have alot of popcorn.
Probably just smoke them, but I might look more into it.
I would like to maybe do something with the trim that I cut off of them tho. Not sure what tho
. Any ideas?

Truth B Known

Active Member
lookin like doctor chawnkinstein created another monster!!!

dammm bro! you say you wanna taste the fruits of your labor, you're not gonna cut them are you? nooo, wait till they're fully ripe, they'll be even chunkier and funkier!!

fuck ya, lookin hella nice :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :D


Well-Known Member
Lol! Thanks TBK!! + Rep
No No!! No chopping here for another 3 weeks at least. They are just starting to fatten up and starting to ripen up

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I really haven't thought too much much about it. I'm hoping I do not have alot of popcorn.
Probably just smoke them, but I might look more into it.
I would like to maybe do something with the trim that I cut off of them tho. Not sure what tho
. Any ideas?
Mmm, I've never made anything either but I definitely wanna do something with the trim. Personally I'm going to use the trim and a couple popcorn buds to make butter for brownies and then the rest of the trim and pop buds to make Butane Honey Oil, somewhere on my grow journal is a youtube link for how to make bho which is suppose to be 80 to 90 percent thc. Just Ideas, could also make some hash if thats your thing


Well-Known Member
Yea kinda bored for now. Bout to cut the grass, build a dog house & a rabbit hutch. Won't be bored for long. Lol!
Nothing much to update on. I added another fresh airstone to the rez last night.
Lowered the water level about 2 inches the other day. It is now about 4 inches from the net pots.

PPM: 1750
pH: Meter says 6.2 but I don't know how accurate it is.
Rez Temp: 70
Room Temp: 80-82
RH: Unknown (broke meter)


Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Yea kinda bored for now. Bout to cut the grass, build a dog house & a rabbit hutch. Won't be bored for long. Lol!
Nothing much to update on. I added another fresh airstone to the rez last night.
Lowered the water level about 2 inches the other day. It is now about 4 inches from the net pots.

PPM: 1750
pH: Meter says 6.2 but I don't know how accurate it is.
Rez Temp: 70
Room Temp: 80-82
RH: Unknown (broke meter)

Dang so much for saturday being a day for relaxation lol. wish I had invested in a meter that reads ppm, would help me control this alot better. Have fun building stuff bro.


Well-Known Member
Shit i wish I could relax. It's non stop all weekend around here. Need to change oil, brakes, & plugs in my truck too.
So little time and so much to do!
I take smoke breaks tho to smoke a blunt and relax for 15 minutes at a time. Lol!
That's why I enjoy the plants. They let me get away for a few minutes a day and ease my mind, so to speak.
You definitely should have you a PPM/TDS meter. If not, then you have no idea of what you are feeding them.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Shit i wish I could relax. It's non stop all weekend around here. Need to change oil, brakes, & plugs in my truck too.
So little time and so much to do!
I take smoke breaks tho to smoke a blunt and relax for 15 minutes at a time. Lol!
That's why I enjoy the plants. They let me get away for a few minutes a day and ease my mind, so to speak.
You definitely should have you a PPM/TDS meter. If not, then you have no idea of what you are feeding them.
lol, I do all the mechanic work for my inlaws (40 picky asians with tiny cars. Yeah I've got a warranty at my hydro store where i can return this one and pay the diff on the upgrade. Next grow I will have one and maybe even a decent constant one that keeps a probe in the res 24/7. Definitely eases your mind, I smoke a spliff and space out in the grow room staring at plants haha.


Well-Known Member
I have had spark plugs and wires in the back seat of my truck all winter for about 6 months. I'll get around to changing them soon. Built the doghouse yesterday, it's raining for the next few days so I won't be doing it any day soon. Lol!
Thats what the Tri-Meter does that I talk about. It stays submerged in the water and I mount it to the wall and I just look at it and read my numbers.
It measures PPM, pH, & water temp. I found one for $119 w/free shipping. I spent $30 for my PPM meter and have bought two pH meters for $25-30 each.
Those were cheap ones too. You get what you pay for I guess.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I have had spark plugs and wires in the back seat of my truck all winter for about 6 months. I'll get around to changing them soon. Built the doghouse yesterday, it's raining for the next few days so I won't be doing it any day soon. Lol!
Thats what the Tri-Meter does that I talk about. It stays submerged in the water and I mount it to the wall and I just look at it and read my numbers.
It measures PPM, pH, & water temp. I found one for $119 w/free shipping. I spent $30 for my PPM meter and have bought two pH meters for $25-30 each.
Those were cheap ones too. You get what you pay for I guess.
Thats not bad at all for just the ppm. No, shit its raining here too high of 51 for tomorrow. I'm gonna try and get a close up pic of these buds tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
Day 42 (6 weeks) of 12/12:
Nothing much to update on. I just wanted to post some pics of the ladies.



Well-Known Member
Changed the rez today. Took all of the airstones out.
Soaked them in bleach water and scrubbed them. Works Like New!!
I am gonna run nutes this week.
Straight water for the last week.
Then 48 hours of darkness before chop.