Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Nice! i just planted some out back i germed them for a buddy and he never picked them up like really dude ask me to germ you sme seeds and you dont come get them. So they went out back into the ground and forgotten about ahahhaha.


New Member
bagseed or store bought ?

Nice! i just planted some out back i germed them for a buddy and he never picked them up like really dude ask me to germ you sme seeds and you dont come get them. So they went out back into the ground and forgotten about ahahhaha.


Well-Known Member
Just some of my seeds im growing but probably two girls cuz i got all girls from the ones i popped and sexed. You share your store bought man why dont i live closer to you ahahahahah:-) I sitll cant figure out well too lazy to figure out wtf happened to the order i tried to place with attitude long story way baked still waiting for it to go through i need to contact both bank and attitude.


New Member
you sound a little baked so must be some good shit lol
if i wasnt baked to i wouldnt have understood bro

Just some of my seeds im growing but probably two girls cuz i got all girls from the ones i popped and sexed. You share your store bought man why dont i live closer to you ahahahahah:-) I sitll cant figure out well too lazy to figure out wtf happened to the order i tried to place with attitude long story way baked still waiting for it to go through i need to contact both bank and attitude.


Active Member
Just some of my seeds im growing but probably two girls cuz i got all girls from the ones i popped and sexed. You share your store bought man why dont i live closer to you ahahahahah:-) I sitll cant figure out well too lazy to figure out wtf happened to the order i tried to place with attitude long story way baked still waiting for it to go through i need to contact both bank and attitude.
If it's from the 420 promo, I just got the e-mail that said it had been dispatched, yesterday! It has never taken Attitude that long just to get it posted. I emailed them later the day I placed my order because like 2 hours after I ordered they changed the UFOs to seeds that I wanted and didn't have yet. I wanted to know if they could switch out the old UFOs for the new. They said, no very sorry we just can't do it. I was hoping it took so long to ship because they changed their minds and were going to give me the Emerald Triangle seeds in stead of yet more Burmese Kush and Kushage. I already got those in March. But if your order hasn't gone through yet either I guess they're just being slow.
Well, I guess that qualifies as a ramble!


Well-Known Member
YES!!! we have a couple of friends who are always getting him the smartass babywear and i LOVE it. their baby shower present was a onesie that said "i did 9 months, finally got out..."

my favourite so far has been the one with the ipod on it that says "iPood".... (he's outgrown it now but it used to be a self-fulfilling prophecy - he'd have one of *those* poos (you know the kind that don't stay where they should?) *every *time i put it on him....)
awesome, my son has that same shirt. we had some funny ones when they were babies. Tshirthell. com in the baby section
we had the one with the bulding blocks with letters and it said "playground pimp" "fuck the milk wheres the whiskey tits" "Daddy drinks because i cry" etc...

edit: storm is gone and its NICE! outside...not to much damage to my gardens, nothing that wont recover. and its like 20 degrees cooler then it has been..


Well-Known Member
Lmao so father shows up he's hanging out while his wife's insane cousin has her baby that they are adopting *shakes head* so he tells me my step brother gets busted growing in his closet :lol: seen that coming! He asked me to grow for him but I said no and told him DO NOT TRY IT his mom has young ones to worry about and my father would find poor kid! Then my father tells me about this one time his uncle got him some brick weed they smoke a shit ton of it then break it open to find?!!!? A rat skull! Said the guy called it R weed and now he why then proceeded to sell it but not disclose how R weed came to be...


Well-Known Member
If it's from the 420 promo, I just got the e-mail that said it had been dispatched, yesterday! It has never taken Attitude that long just to get it posted. I emailed them later the day I placed my order because like 2 hours after I ordered they changed the UFOs to seeds that I wanted and didn't have yet. I wanted to know if they could switch out the old UFOs for the new. They said, no very sorry we just can't do it. I was hoping it took so long to ship because they changed their minds and were going to give me the Emerald Triangle seeds in stead of yet more Burmese Kush and Kushage. I already got those in March. But if your order hasn't gone through yet either I guess they're just being slow.
Well, I guess that qualifies as a ramble!
No it was just before 420 like 10 days before before. I wanted to place a small order before 420 and then a phatty one on 420 if it went well but when i checked out it siad failed someshit would you like to use another card so i logged off right then and there and contacted my card company they said attitude charged me twice for the same amount but its processing wait 4 days i contact attitude they say they have yet to charge me and to place another order while the first order mind you is in my order history awaiting payment. So im worried to order again cuz of the first orders awaiting payment status i dont want it and fear it will be billed to me somehow if i place another order. I dont buy shit overseas and already dont like the double pending charge i will call my card tonight and see whats up its been over a week. Sry if this makes no sense.


Pickle Queen
success ! i also have many little sprouts, i changed the water, and put in inside my box since i control the temp, and voila!!
It's baby time!!


Well-Known Member
i got sprouts already woohoo
awesome bro! whats that 2 days? nice job! healthy seeds
do you know the strain? pm me about it if you want brother.

I changed my tote around today..gonna update my thread. i harvested that 12/12 from seed baby plant. 12 grams wet lol i thought it was gonna be like 5


Well-Known Member
Lmao ok yall waiting for my concert had to come early so we can come in through the bar mom is picking on me they aint gonna believe your 21 so make sure you have your I'd blah blah lots more shit then we get to the door the guy says umm sweetheart are you sure your 21 I lmao yes! Everyone gets carded inside but I didn't make it past the door :wall: :lol:


New Member
Lmao ok yall waiting for my concert had to come early so we can come in through the bar mom is picking on me they aint gonna believe your 21 so make sure you have your I'd blah blah lots more shit then we get to the door the guy says umm sweetheart are you sure your 21 I lmao yes! Everyone gets carded inside but I didn't make it past the door :wall: :lol:
cause you are beautiful hot and young looking like that!!:hug:



Well-Known Member
Fuck me :wall: just typed out this super long ramble a review of the concert and phone freaked and I lost it! :wall::wall::wall: that took awhile to type lol


Well-Known Member
Ok fuck well here is a summary it was a kickass concert! Pop evil, finger eleven, papa roach....tons of energy people got fucked up in the mosh pit people were groped, clothes were lost, weed was smoked and drinks were thrown..mostly in the face of the girl who attempted to dump her drink down my back outta spite ;) it was a great concert! I'd definitely see any of them again


Well-Known Member
Ok fuck well here is a summary it was a kickass concert! Pop evil, finger eleven, papa roach....tons of energy people got fucked up in the mosh pit people were groped, clothes were lost, weed was smoked and drinks were thrown..mostly in the face of the girl who attempted to dump her drink down my back outta spite ;) it was a great concert! I'd definitely see any of them again
hell yeah man! gotta bring extra lids with you to shows so when you get a soda you can put a lid on it and smash someone in the face!!
kmk might know this :wink:


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man! gotta bring extra lids with you to shows so when you get a soda you can put a lid on it and smash someone in the face!!
kmk might know this :wink:
Way to go man its 9am and now i want to FUCK SOME SHIT UP!!!!!!!!!makes me want to shoot shit:-)
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