1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna throw up a pic later don of the cc x l I have In flower. It has hints of livers strutcher but not the full shebang. It's only a small clone and didn't have much room to stretch but it's a little corker. Hope your good mate...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning lad, I made some chocolate cupcakes, but used baking power instead of bicarbonate of soda, so didn't quite turn out like the wifes, lol. Nice though, but no weed in them. I got a slab of Hotel Chocolat - choc chip from Londonium, every heard of that Don? Real nice stuff.
a slab from hotel chocolate!?!?! someone likes you man, stuffs well pricey but for a reason. winner with all forms of female, mother/mo'inlaw/gf/wife.
I'm gonna throw up a pic later don of the cc x l I have In flower. It has hints of livers strutcher but not the full shebang. It's only a small clone and didn't have much room to stretch but it's a little corker. Hope your good mate...
kool man i was going to ask everyone to drop a pic in this thread for comparisons sake. ill kick the ball off.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
other stoof

remember the stray bean i found...:lol:
DOG SCROG upskirt
golf balls of grape ape
no veg livers turned beast.

big livers just over 2 wks 12/12
auto pot trees

cant wait to see how the pots do.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
CC x L????? Mr Breeder? Who the heck is the male ; ?), I thought it was the cherrycheese?
Happy Tuesday bro!
cheers! i knew today was goiong to be ok. had a nice :bongsmilie: or 2 afore work. your correct buddy the male was the cherry cheese to the lady livers!?
any ideas wot the odd bean is? Everything you touch turns to diamond encrusted dank
haha look like a weed or maybe a pea? the seed looked really like a weed bean tho!?


Well-Known Member
Sweet update, grape ape and livers look amozing! the ccxl is a stout little one as well.

Funky little yin as well, it's def not a Pea (pea seeds are just dried Pea's) Very interesting, looking forward to seeing what it is.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ta lad, cant wait to see what comes out of the grape ape x livers! I'm not sure what's going on, I have an idea tho.... I've fucked the labelling up AGAIN, the livers that looks done is down to finish in a week. its done, so its got to be out by at least a week, maybe more which means the others could quite well be. oh well they'll go till they are done...

i reckon the wee babby will probably just be a weed. but hopefully a pretty one


Well-Known Member
Hey jose'. Just thought i'd drop by and give some appriciation and update you about my update mate. wait... that's a rap! :) Na' i'm singing the Blue's ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hey jose'. Just thought i'd drop by and give some appriciation and update you about my update mate. wait... that's a rap! :) Na' i'm singing the Blue's ;)
hahaha what up juan cindero you chopped her? or taken a tester, looks beaut.
YOOOO Don, whats up dawg? i love your garden , so much variety and flavor!!! how big is your tent? those grape golfballs are really sexy! lol
alreeeet doc! nowt much ive had a midweek naughty but otherwise champion. the tents err 2.40 x 1.20 x 2 M its big i havent cranked its full potential by a long way. when i first cracked on me and my partner in crime sat in deckchairs inside n smoked a doob. the grape ape is a stubby chubby for sure indi as it gets by looks of it.
cherry cheese x livers as promised

thanks man! how far in is that?


Well-Known Member
Howdy gadge, Na' she's still leanig about pushing all the young yin's about like the big Ass bully she is! Talk about the Gangster Lean lmao.
Choking to get the axe out though, im having to tie myself up never mind Liver's branch's lol :)

Gracias Amigo


Well-Known Member
Damn. ive been hand tied with everything else going on that i miss judjed the small break up, and went into heavy drought. And with allsort's of crazy stock in the safe its been a hard one to crack open and start playing away with. But need's come first im affraid, im sure you agree ;)