Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?


Well-Known Member
fat girls have no rights unless they have huge tits. then they think they can do whatever they want. mostly cuz they can.


Pickle Queen
Over the years i have learned a few things about men, they don't fuss over the same stuff as we women do.
What i think atttracts the right man is very easy. Pamper yourself, always have soft clean nice smelling hair, clean skin (men don't like it when your face rubs off on them)
Wear clothes that fit your body, regardless of a womens size if she feels good she looks good!!! I'm 5'1 100lbs so shopping always requires me to alter my clothes to fit my small frame, but it goes the same way if your curvy, buy bigger, buy a sewing machine and costum fit your clothes, when they fit properly you feel and look good.
Look for the right type of guy, plenty of men like thicker women.Find a gay sidekick, seriously i had one when i was single and he was great!!
If your feeling down have a spa day, crank the tunes, have a facial, bath and get a new hair style, change can be fun if your in a funk


listen just be yourself i guarantee you there are at least a dozen males on here that would give you their last joint just for you talking to them most of the people on here are single males looking for a woman that dont mind a little greenery around


Well-Known Member
listen just be yourself i guarantee you there are at least a dozen males on here that would give you their last joint just for you talking to them most of the people on here are single males looking for a woman that dont mind a little greenery around
lol well thats half true.

u forgot the part about faking a personality a key in landing american women

u gonna tell me the guy at the club talking about being a normal well adjusted pro bono veterinarian to the chick with big tities ISNT full of shit?


Well-Known Member
lol well thats half true.

u forgot the part about faking a personality a key in landing american women

u gonna tell me the guy at the club talking about being a normal well adjusted pro bono vertranarian to the chick with big tities ISNT full of shit?


Well-Known Member
listen just be yourself i guarantee you there are at least a dozen males on here that would give you their last joint just for you talking to them most of the people on here are single males looking for a woman that dont mind a little greenery around
ah i see.....


Well-Known Member
My wife was 104lbs when I met her....Ass like a dream and cute as a button.....but thats not what I fell in love with. We met online and emailed back and forth for 3 monthes before we ever met.....Never exchanged any photos just words at first. That was almost 13 years ago and we are still very much in love. She smokes rarely but doesn't hassel me about it and we are soul mates.....Both of our bodies have changed in the last 13 years LOL........So he is out there and you will meet when the stars are all lined up and both of your hearts are ready for it. It isn't about looks its about love.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well personally, i wouldn't want to go out with someone that smokes, maybe joints at the party kinda smokes, but not a stoner. I certainly wouldn't want to be in a relationship with myself if i was someone else.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am a girl, and I love to smoke. Nothing better than lighting up, and then comes that tingle and throb... :) but like, here's the truth... I've never had a bf, been kissed, had sex, and I just turned 18 two days ago. Something wrong with that picture. To top it off, I am fat.... so would smoking be like another strike against me? Im not like stoner status, but I am close. :) Like I dont have to smoke, but when I have the money I always make sure I get weed... is that a turn off?
18? Ahhhaaaahhhaaa. Girlfriend u got ur whole life ahead of you. Who fckn cares if you don't fit the American ideal of the perfect woman. It's ur dream sweetheart. Smoke, live and shove as many cheese curls into your mouth as you want to.
I'm sorry I can't give an opinion on your dating dilemma because you have a cooter and I think that's just nasty.
No offense but I tried it once and I just couldn't see what all the fuss was about.
Only way u could get me into bed with a woman is if Rafael Nadal was there to make things interesting. Yum.


Active Member
Only way u could get me into bed with a woman is if Rafael Nadal was there to make things interesting. Yum.

Oh god, sexiest man alive. I'm a tennis player, I saw him playing first round of the french when he was 17 and I said to my dad THAT MAN WILL BE GREAT ONE DAY!!! and I was right :D



Over the years i have learned a few things about men, they don't fuss over the same stuff as we women do.
What i think atttracts the right man is very easy. Pamper yourself, always have soft clean nice smelling hair, clean skin (men don't like it when your face rubs off on them)
Wear clothes that fit your body, regardless of a womens size if she feels good she looks good!!! I'm 5'1 100lbs so shopping always requires me to alter my clothes to fit my small frame, but it goes the same way if your curvy, buy bigger, buy a sewing machine and costum fit your clothes, when they fit properly you feel and look good.
Look for the right type of guy, plenty of men like thicker women.Find a gay sidekick, seriously i had one when i was single and he was great!!
If your feeling down have a spa day, crank the tunes, have a facial, bath and get a new hair style, change can be fun if your in a funk
Thanks for the info. You sound like you are talking directly to me. I feel ya.


18? Ahhhaaaahhhaaa. Girlfriend u got ur whole life ahead of you. Who fckn cares if you don't fit the American ideal of the perfect woman. It's ur dream sweetheart. Smoke, live and shove as many cheese curls into your mouth as you want to.
I'm sorry I can't give an opinion on your dating dilemma because you have a cooter and I think that's just nasty.
No offense but I tried it once and I just couldn't see what all the fuss was about.
Only way u could get me into bed with a woman is if Rafael Nadal was there to make things interesting. Yum.
I take this to mean you dont like girls? Cool I like em myself but I understand other ppl's preferance.


Well-Known Member
Thx. I can't say I don't like em. I think if Scarlet Johanson wanted to go a few rounds I'd be up for it. I'd be flattered.
It's funny. Its like I like to look and yeah I see the beauty but my wiener says, "oh no bro, you're not putting me in that"


Well-Known Member
Oh god, sexiest man alive. I'm a tennis player, I saw him playing first round of the french when he was 17 and I said to my dad THAT MAN WILL BE GREAT ONE DAY!!! and I was right :D

Can you give us a few examples of what you would like to do to him?


Active Member
My old lady and I had a smokeout contest our first "date" which of course won her some points in my book. For me, if a girl smokes weed it is completely fine, otherwise I would be a hypocrite. As long as she isn't abusing it and isn't some crazy earth muffin hippy girl (no offense if anyone is, just not my bowl of greens.) If a girl smokes cigarettes though it is usually a instant turn off, or at least negative points big time in my book.

Once had a lady friend that smoke cigarettes, we weren't dating or anything, more just friends with benefits, very cute girl, wouldn't have kicked her out of the bed for eating crackers, even if crackers was the name of my dog! the last time we hooked up was for a good reason though. We finished and as I rolled up a joint she had the nerve to tell me I shouldn't smoke weed because it is bad for she packs her cigarettes. My response was a quickie then kicked her out of bed, dissing weed is way worse than eating crackers. We still talk from time to time, but I didn't hook up with her again after that. I also started hanging out with my old lady a couple months later so that ended up working out.