Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

depends on if you're willing to dive into it with all it's pros and cons... it is not some happy land easy fun time like most people probably think... its hard work and half the time there's something to be stressed out about....

but for now it's the life I chose...
I love girls who smoke.. I wouldn't have it any other way now after I had both. Chicks who smoke are more freakier in bed and better people in general I think (believe it or not).

About being over weight.. don't sweat it love yourself and others will love you too.
I love girls who smoke.. I wouldn't have it any other way now after I had both. Chicks who smoke are more freakier in bed and better people in general I think (believe it or not).

About being over weight.. don't sweat it love yourself and others will love you too.
ill try to remember that... :)
depends on if you're willing to dive into it with all it's pros and cons... it is not some happy land easy fun time like most people probably think... its hard work and half the time there's something to be stressed out about....

but for now it's the life I chose...

Yes it is hard work but I find it fun to I love going out to the outdoor plants in the summer hike through the woods and tend to them I find it relaxing. I'm only doing 10 outdoor this year but they will be in ten gallon pots with this nice fence I found put up around them they should be nice plants though I'm going to give them all their own spots so they get perfect light.
lol im too much of a pussy to grow my own weed

no worries plenty of men doing huge outdoor grows ...enough to pretty much supply all the women on earth that wanted to just sayin'

not that there aren't indoor growers who are women... but the likelyhood of outdoor growers that are women are dramatically lower due to all the hard labor... not saying it can't happen, just saying it isn't nearly as common as men doing huge outdoor grows...
"meat cigars"... lol how classy. Bud is the only thing i'll smoke though.
sorry if somone already addressed this i didnt read it all. but in my opinion the last part of this statement is most likely your prob. lol jk
ill try to remember that... :)

Yes. I much rather have a over weight girl who is nice, makes me feel good, loves life and likes to screw then a snobby take 3 hours to get ready whiny complaining 100lb chick any day and doesn't smoke!! I mean if you have to hide to smoke, do it behind her back and or lie about it then thats not a relationship that's not going to work out.

If they are worried about looks and not who you are on the inside and what you believe in then they are not worth your time baby. You sound like a great person man, don't worry about things like this... keep toking and loving yourself baby.
Here's my take on this: it depends.

I've dated lots of girls that smoke and lots that don't. I find that yes, a girl smoking anything is a turnoff for me and a lot of other guys out there, but smoking ganja is a lot more attractive than smoking cigs. With girls that smoked weed with me in the past, those relationships never lasted as long as with the girls that didnt smoke but didn't mind that I do. One chick smoked mt whole stash everyday while I was at work, fuck that, she didnt last long. You end up smoking twice as much if your partner also partakes, which I guesd isnt a bad thing if you two love eachother. I guess it all goes back to, it depends. I know a lot of guys want their women to smoke, so I wouldn't say that's what's keeping you single. I think maybe look some more at other aspects of your life to see what else may be bothering you. If weight is a concern for you, use those guys who won't date you as motivation to get sexy. Then you can be the sexy stoner chick that all the guys want
I feel like the bottom line is girls shouldn't smoke their mans stash. At least not all of it :D She should grow her own!
What you need to do is play to your "Demo" as it was. You need to find guys who like thick chicks. Then worry about it they like pot smokers. Also. Don't worry about how big you are. Size is not the issue i have with my wife. She thinks she is to fat. I don't have a problem with how big she is. But Since she is worried about it it kinda makes sex suffer.

Attitude is more important then body size or if you smoke. To kinda quote Forrest Gump Sexy is as sexy does. So if you feel sexy you'll act sexy you'll be sexy.
all very good advice, thank you!! :) but i do have a question... wtf is up with the "my girl smoked my whole stash"? where do you find these mooching girls?? lol i just am so appalled by the fact a girl would do that... when my brother decided he would get me high all the time cause he hates smoking alone, he taught me some really good common sense things... like "hold the bong right, be gentle," "dont ever expect to be smoked out... and pay it forward from time to time...." and lastly and most importantly "IM ONLY GONNA TELL YOU ONCE, DONT EVER EVER DIP INTO SOMEBODY'S STASH.... EVER." I never had done that but he just wanted to let me know
Yes. I much rather have a over weight girl who is nice, makes me feel good, loves life and likes to screw then a snobby take 3 hours to get ready whiny complaining 100lb chick any day and doesn't smoke!! I mean if you have to hide to smoke, do it behind her back and or lie about it then thats not a relationship that's not going to work out.

If they are worried about looks and not who you are on the inside and what you believe in then they are not worth your time baby. You sound like a great person man, don't worry about things like this... keep toking and loving yourself baby.

thanks for the advice.... lately ive been kinda down on myself but ill try to remember what you said
all very good advice, thank you!! :) but i do have a question... wtf is up with the "my girl smoked my whole stash"? where do you find these mooching girls?? lol i just am so appalled by the fact a girl would do that... when my brother decided he would get me high all the time cause he hates smoking alone, he taught me some really good common sense things... like "hold the bong right, be gentle," "dont ever expect to be smoked out... and pay it forward from time to time...." and lastly and most importantly "IM ONLY GONNA TELL YOU ONCE, DONT EVER EVER DIP INTO SOMEBODY'S STASH.... EVER." I never had done that but he just wanted to let me know

When I first started smoking (16) I was getting smoked up. I wasnt gonna buy my own weed, I wasnt into it yet. I mean, every time I hung with my stoner friends I just knew i'd get smoked up. As I matured I realized how dumb this was.. I began buying my own weed (because I fell in love with the ganj) and gained a shit ton more respect from friends and other smoker peers. Nobody likes those girls that assume they're gonna get smoked up, most of them are just super attractive and the girl knows she can do it. In that case, BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH….imho :D
When I first started smoking (16) I was getting smoked up. I wasnt gonna buy my own weed, I wasnt into it yet. I mean, every time I hung with my stoner friends I just knew i'd get smoked up. As I matured I realized how dumb this was.. I began buying my own weed (because I fell in love with the ganj) and gained a shit ton more respect from friends and other smoker peers. Nobody likes those girls that assume they're gonna get smoked up, most of them are just super attractive and the girl knows she can do it. In that case, BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH….imho :D

haha i mean idk why to this day i know my brother will always smoke me out, and i have no problem returning the favor. But outside of family or a nice friend of my brothers or my best friend, ive never been smoked out. always had to pay for what i wanted. lol maybe cause im not exactly that attractive person??? who knows. lol ive never met a guy who just offered or asked me if i wanted to. :)
man do i feel dumb, i never thought about them using me for smoke i was just always being a gentleman, thx for the knowledge ladies.
haha nice thread....yes some girls will be cute and smoke all yur stash..but you gotta create and even balance.

i love girls with some curves! curvy girls..stay curvy!
man do i feel dumb, i never thought about them using me for smoke i was just always being a gentleman, thx for the knowledge ladies.

lol if its a good girl she wont use you to smoke, just for sex and all that jazz.... ;)
I love a girl that smokes. That's what attracted me to my wife. She could smoke like me and not be all passed out. And hey...she even actually had her own to smoke on too. None of my gfs before her ever had their own. It was always all mine. And you shouldn't have to worry about your size. If they don't like it fuck em. I'm sure you are a very beautiful young woman. My wife is bigger than me and I love every inch of her. She complains about it but I don't even think she's that big. That's not what I see when I look at the one I love most. There is somebody out there that will look at you the same way. Just be yourself and love yourself and to hell with the haters. Keep your chin up.