Salvia Talk Come!


Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I smoked salvia, smoked a big bong rip of 60x (burnt with a windproof butane lighter) and held it till my eyes "vibrated", then I remember just laughing uncontrollably, thinking to myself "none of these others get it" then thinking "this is shit, no visuals"...until moments later the lino floor below me turned into flowing lava for a few seconds! Im sure it was even more hilarious for the 15 people watching me! Was my first experience of doing "legal drugs", and now I always have 2 flavours of salvia (cherry and strawberry) in my stash box...just incase!

Mixing it with liquor has "mixed effects" tho, I wouldnt advise going near the public, cos you wont remember any of the bothered stuff you could potentially do!


Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I smoked salvia, smoked a big bong rip of 60x (burnt with a windproof butane lighter) and held it till my eyes "vibrated", then I remember just laughing uncontrollably, thinking to myself "none of these others get it" then thinking "this is shit, no visuals"...until moments later the lino floor below me turned into flowing lava for a few seconds! Im sure it was even more hilarious for the 15 people watching me! Was my first experience of doing "legal drugs", and now I always have 2 flavours of salvia (cherry and strawberry) in my stash box...just incase!

Mixing it with liquor has "mixed effects" tho, I wouldnt advise going near the public, cos you wont remember any of the bothered stuff you could potentially do!
man, i wish i had acces to salvia nowadays... the only time ive done salvia was when my friends dad pulled out some old looking shit that was apparently 20x. i hit it, and i felt like everything had a layer of clay just under the surface, and i was really stuck to it. they asked me in a echoy voice "do you want another hit?" i just remember thinking "why would i want to make this worse?" i want to actually trip my dick off though, with good salvia.


Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I smoked salvia, smoked a big bong rip of 60x (burnt with a windproof butane lighter) and held it till my eyes "vibrated", then I remember just laughing uncontrollably, thinking to myself "none of these others get it" then thinking "this is shit, no visuals"...until moments later the lino floor below me turned into flowing lava for a few seconds! Im sure it was even more hilarious for the 15 people watching me! Was my first experience of doing "legal drugs", and now I always have 2 flavours of salvia (cherry and strawberry) in my stash box...just incase!

Mixing it with liquor has "mixed effects" tho, I wouldnt advise going near the public, cos you wont remember any of the bothered stuff you could potentially do!
hahaha ur story is similar to mines,i tried it my first time like a year ago,i told my friends that its weak this n that and i need a blunt to see shit,so i finally did it, i took a big bong hit of some 80x i holded it in like if it was my last seconds living,i let it out and i started laughing like 6 seconds later and then i saw my familys faces in the sky all of them jsut fadding away and i was in the sky and i was like wtf and i was in a chair and my face was touching my toes almost and then a cow was chasing me ahahha and then i came back to reality out of breath all sweaty lol i was scared and i couldnt walk i fell.


Well-Known Member
theres no mellow trip for salvia, thats why its legal.

try it once then u dont really need to after that.

it feels like u have no control over ur self and ur brain just got sappped


Well-Known Member
theres no mellow trip for salvia, thats why its legal.

try it once then u dont really need to after that.

it feels like u have no control over ur self and ur brain just got sappped
well yeah all of em are like that,hahaha i wouldnt mind trying it again,and see what kind of trip i go to :)

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Salvia can be a very terrifying experience... Ive tried it a good 5 or 6 times including once while peaking on some mushrooms, never once was it ever enjoyable but always very confusing and scary. Ill explain a couple of the crazier trips for you...

The first time i ever smoked salvia i smoked either 40x or 50x, I must have ripped the pipe a good 4 to 5 times holding each hit in as long as possible. After taking a good solid 2 rips the trip manifested instantly and immediately i was hurled out of my body and began to watch myself smoke the bowl. As the bowl was almost finished my roomate began packing the bowl down with this tiny farm boy statue, after looking at the farm boy statue immediately my energy took hold of this inanimate object and my head was mashed into the bowl of my pipe over and over again. From the eyes of the farm boy statue i then located my body again and was able to manifest back into my own physical self at which point i immediately stood up and saw my mom standing in my room looking at me. I turned my head away to the opposite wall and then looked back, at this point my mom had vanished. I then again looked back at the opposite wall of my room to watch it stretch miles upon miles into the infinite. It was after the universe showed me it's infinite possibilities that i was aloud to return to my consciousness and reminisce on the experience.

Another Experience i had was much less interesting and much more terrifying. There was six of us chilling at my old apartment, one of my buddies randomly pulled out some salvia and asked if we would like to partake, a couple of us wanted to a couple of us didnt. We loaded a bowl of 30x salvia and i got first dibs, i ripped the bowl twice holding each hit in for as long as possible. Again, instant manifestation took place with immediate confusion and fear as i stood up, looked in the mirror and realized my body was gone, everybody in the room was visible through the mirror except myself. At that time i had reached the conclusion that my entire body had split and became apart of my friends, i thought i was a lonesome sole walking around my apartment aimlessly. Luckily after 5 min's or 5 hours depending on how you want to look at it i came down and my body re-manifested itself. Apparently my friends said after i took the second rip i got a weird look on my face stood up started mumbling and slobbering all over the place i then proceeded to try and walk but ended up stumbling all over the place.

Salvia really is a whole different realm not comparable to any other psychedelics


Well-Known Member
For me salvia is overall an unpleasant experience.
I get nasty nerve pains all over my body and the stuff is just plan confusing.

I'm sure some people find it amusing but that's there mental functions upon request for entertainment... It doesn't seem to have any spiritual characteristics for me so I just don't use it.
I can't draw any body from the trip's as much times as I smoke it.

One day MAY come where I want to real-live its short journey into la la land but for now.. I'm good :)


Well-Known Member
Well ANC my good sir you have spent more time with her, I wish I could have also but the nerve pains where just to much to bare.
Made the experiences unpleasant :(


Well-Known Member
Think it depends on what "place" your in before you hit it to be honest, gotta ride it out like a rollarcoaster, not try jump out half way through.

Iv heard its reverse-tolerant too, which means it gets stronger the more you do it. Dunno how true that is, I find ever rip is different anyways.


Well-Known Member
Salvia can be a very terrifying experience... Ive tried it a good 5 or 6 times including once while peaking on some mushrooms, never once was it ever enjoyable but always very confusing and scary. Ill explain a couple of the crazier trips for you...

The first time i ever smoked salvia i smoked either 40x or 50x, I must have ripped the pipe a good 4 to 5 times holding each hit in as long as possible. After taking a good solid 2 rips the trip manifested instantly and immediately i was hurled out of my body and began to watch myself smoke the bowl. As the bowl was almost finished my roomate began packing the bowl down with this tiny farm boy statue, after looking at the farm boy statue immediately my energy took hold of this inanimate object and my head was mashed into the bowl of my pipe over and over again. From the eyes of the farm boy statue i then located my body again and was able to manifest back into my own physical self at which point i immediately stood up and saw my mom standing in my room looking at me. I turned my head away to the opposite wall and then looked back, at this point my mom had vanished. I then again looked back at the opposite wall of my room to watch it stretch miles upon miles into the infinite. It was after the universe showed me it's infinite possibilities that i was aloud to return to my consciousness and reminisce on the experience.

Another Experience i had was much less interesting and much more terrifying. There was six of us chilling at my old apartment, one of my buddies randomly pulled out some salvia and asked if we would like to partake, a couple of us wanted to a couple of us didnt. We loaded a bowl of 30x salvia and i got first dibs, i ripped the bowl twice holding each hit in for as long as possible. Again, instant manifestation took place with immediate confusion and fear as i stood up, looked in the mirror and realized my body was gone, everybody in the room was visible through the mirror except myself. At that time i had reached the conclusion that my entire body had split and became apart of my friends, i thought i was a lonesome sole walking around my apartment aimlessly. Luckily after 5 min's or 5 hours depending on how you want to look at it i came down and my body re-manifested itself. Apparently my friends said after i took the second rip i got a weird look on my face stood up started mumbling and slobbering all over the place i then proceeded to try and walk but ended up stumbling all over the place.

Salvia really is a whole different realm not comparable to any other psychedelics
ahh dude u taken shroooms haha i always wanted to take em,share with me ur expirience

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Think it depends on what "place" your in before you hit it to be honest, gotta ride it out like a rollarcoaster, not try jump out half way through.

Iv heard its reverse-tolerant too, which means it gets stronger the more you do it. Dunno how true that is, I find ever rip is different anyways.
Im pretty sure it is reverse tolerant, i know the more time's i smoked it less i had to smoke to get blasted away. It is true that every trip is different though, especially with salvia +Rep


Well-Known Member
Noone else with salvia experiences? Its so hard to find people who have done/enjoyed it in real life, was hoping to hear some of you peoples experiences.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah man salvia is to crazy for most people to find enjoyment... Only people ive ever even heard they liked salvia was Darth and ANC, might want to try and get one of them to explain their good trip's for you..

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Phelps .... you are doing it wrong !!

You should see my Lady SALLY ... she is just awakening after snowy hibernation !!
What a joy to grow as well !


Once you start growing it ... you just start eating .... totally different thing ...


Well-Known Member
Phelps .... you are doing it wrong !!

You should see my Lady SALLY ... she is just awakening after snowy hibernation !!
What a joy to grow as well !


Once you start growing it ... you just start eating .... totally different thing ...
Eating it you say? Care to elaborate? Eager for your response ;)