Salvia Talk Come!


Well-Known Member
yeah i know i shoulda had someone there, but fuck it i like to live on the edge. :) thats why i barely moved from my recliner, i know you can fall over and shit. I kept leaning up and looking back into the back room to see if anyone was there. I'm pretty sure it was the family guy playing in front of me but sounded like it was behind me in the room. LOL>
lol u sound like me, i had a familiar expirience but it was with legal weed,i smoked like half a blunt, with my homeboy and everybody knows me ima hard smoker. so yeah then i got stuck n shit i was sitting down n couldnt get up i felt like my world was melting and couldnt move at all for like 20 minutes,i couldnt get up myself and fell haha it wasnt funny at the moment tho


Well-Known Member
Alright I got a few short experiences with salvia to share :)

Me and my friend had a little salvia and decided to toke it one night. We both lit up at the same time, held it in for 30 seconds, then let it out. Then my friend turned to me and said, "alright now we have to wait for it to hit." I remember thinking in response to that, that like most other substances i've tried, itll probably take a good while to come on, that itd come on slowly, and that it was stupid to just wait for it. My friend said to me in a jokingly manner, "Dude, the bench is eating me," (we were on a bench in a park). I played along laughing saying it was eating me too. My laughing then suddenly turned to frantic yelling, as the bench then actually proceeded to begin eating me (similiar to the chomping pianos in mario 64... anyone?). Out of nowhere it stretched and wrapped around me and pulled me in. I spent the rest of the trip rolling around in a 2-dimensional world, and it was scary as shit

Another trip i watched soundwaves of people's voices showering out of their mouths in the form of particles... Afterwards I fell into the ceiling and met a man up there in a train station.

Ive tried salvia quite a few times, and the first 5 were extremely scary (but also enlightening experiences)... but you kind of learn to control it or something after a few times I think... If you know what your doing, I think sometimes its best to just be completely alone, instead of having a ton of people just watching you and laughing at you, that ruins it sometimes... The trick is being completely alone, and at peace, and instead of trying to be part of the trip, just relaxing and retreating into your mind... If that makes sense..
wow that first trip sounds scary ass shittt,i think if u know its strong as shit,dont disrespect it by hitting it hard and holding it in for like an hour lol maybe thats y we get bad trips, and those arent friends if they laugh at u u know what im saying lol well depends but yeah and alone i wouldnt try it cuz accidents happen but thats just me


Well-Known Member
I believe people who do salvia fit into two groups:

1. people who laugh and have fun (even drool) on it

2. people who freak out, or have unpleasant experiences on it

I fall into group 2.

I believe most (I've seen a decent sample size) fall into group 2.

The first time I did it I was peaking on 2 hits of lsd, and still to this day regret it. I smoked 50x out of a bong taking greens. It would be impossible to explain the visuals honestly.
As best as I can put it, the horizon in my field of view felt 2d, and flipped over and over again...I felt as if I was stuck...I was terrified when I came too. The ground felt as if it was right under my chin. Very hard to explain.

I ran outside instantly (originally did it inside the house)...a few friends followed. I was flipping out, trying to go over in my mind and explain to my friends what I had felt. Mind you I'm peaking on very good lsd at the time.

I've done it twice since..both times sober, I felt very uncomfortable, and had to leave the room and go outside each time I came down.

If you fall into category 1, I'm happy for you.

I myself cant find it in me to do something that makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I believe people who do salvia fit into two groups:

1. people who laugh and have fun (even drool) on it

2. people who freak out, or have unpleasant experiences on it

I fall into group 2.

I believe most (I've seen a decent sample size) fall into group 2.

The first time I did it I was peaking on 2 hits of lsd, and still to this day regret it. I smoked 50x out of a bong taking greens. It would be impossible to explain the visuals honestly.
As best as I can put it, the horizon in my field of view felt 2d, and flipped over and over again...I felt as if I was stuck...I was terrified when I came too. The ground felt as if it was right under my chin. Very hard to explain.

I ran outside instantly (originally did it inside the house)...a few friends followed. I was flipping out, trying to go over in my mind and explain to my friends what I had felt. Mind you I'm peaking on very good lsd at the time.

I've done it twice since..both times sober, I felt very uncomfortable, and had to leave the room and go outside each time I came down.

If you fall into category 1, I'm happy for you.

I myself cant find it in me to do something that makes me feel so uncomfortable.
I guess im kinda stuck in the middle on this one, i freak the fuck out and drool all over the place hahaha.

Ive also smoked salvia while peaking on mushy's, it was overly intense. The salvia completely over powered the mushrooms, to the point where i forgot i even took them. Coming down from a salvia trip back to peaking on mushroom's was so confusing, def not cool.
It's been said many times before, but I'll say it again. You guys are taking WAY TOO MUCH! Would you take a thumbprint your first time on L?


Well-Known Member
I believe people who do salvia fit into two groups:

1. people who laugh and have fun (even drool) on it

2. people who freak out, or have unpleasant experiences on it

I fall into group 2.

I believe most (I've seen a decent sample size) fall into group 2.

The first time I did it I was peaking on 2 hits of lsd, and still to this day regret it. I smoked 50x out of a bong taking greens. It would be impossible to explain the visuals honestly.
As best as I can put it, the horizon in my field of view felt 2d, and flipped over and over again...I felt as if I was stuck...I was terrified when I came too. The ground felt as if it was right under my chin. Very hard to explain.

I ran outside instantly (originally did it inside the house)...a few friends followed. I was flipping out, trying to go over in my mind and explain to my friends what I had felt. Mind you I'm peaking on very good lsd at the time.

I've done it twice since..both times sober, I felt very uncomfortable, and had to leave the room and go outside each time I came down.

If you fall into category 1, I'm happy for you.

I myself cant find it in me to do something that makes me feel so uncomfortable.
damn thats crazy if u ask me bro lsd and salvia fuckkkkkk that,i dont even like to mix x with cocaine cuz i know the consequences. How does Lsd feel and what does it do to you? if u or ur friends ever do that again,hahaha record it if u can plez AND THAT GOES TO EVERY CRAZY MOFO IN HERE THAT HAS THE BALLS TO MIX THE DRUGS LIKE SHROOMS,ACID,LSD ETC WITH SALVIA HEHEH :) LETS KEEP THIS FORUM ALIVE GUYS


Well-Known Member
I fall into group one for sure, dribbling happens alot. We just take one bong rip to fill, then another rip to clear. I have seen people TOTALLY freak out on it tho, think they thought it wasnt going to be as intense at it turned out to be.


Well-Known Member
I fall into group one for sure, dribbling happens alot. We just take one bong rip to fill, then another rip to clear. I have seen people TOTALLY freak out on it tho, think they thought it wasnt going to be as intense at it turned out to be.
i drooled all over myself when i came back and i was all hot n sweaty and out of breath i drooled over my clothes and carpet lmao
im totaly group 2.....took a hit out of a two foot bong and as i tried to tell my friend next to me to take it from me... it hit and i felt the bong slip ot of my hand and everything turned into gears and i was part of this mechanical world made of gears and when it wore off i was sweating and so freaked i needed to go outside for fresh air....the bong was fine my friend was watching me and it never sliped that was him grabbing it.


I just did 20x, it only lasted about 2 or 3 min, but it was instense, my body felt wet/melty, colors would leak from objects, a red spray bottle on my right led me to believe there was a red flag/sheet or something attached to my arm and I couldn't wave it off haha. I also couldn't control my voices volume.

my brother did it and didn't like it at all, he said the room turned into moving squares and they were flying at him and going thru him.


Well-Known Member
I found the trick if you want to "leave your body" is to use a windproof lighter, if you like doing it regularly or are really into doing it buy a good one like this... Guarantee you'll "pop through" everytime!

EDIT: Im well subscribed to this thread, love hearing Salvia stories (cos they are that far out but everyone whos done it can relate), so keep em coming! Actually...need to hit that shit soon, wonder when Ill have a minder handy...last few hits Iv been COMPLETELY gone, but apparently able to get up and move around...which is risky with the "public" nearby!


Active Member
first time i had a hard sativa
i didnt know it kicked in untill i started driving and got on the freeway and freaked out because everything was going at a fast paste lol
good times didnt sober up untill we stopped at a buffet lol


Active Member
I wish I remembered my trip so vividly. I was pretty messed up. I remember laughing, then the wooden ceiling beginning to flow like a wooden river. After about twenty minutes we did it again this time in the kitchen, standing. I had to sit, then just felt like a big ol' heap of shit for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
Thats weird, usually people seem to feel good after it, I do too. Its like valium for a while or something!
I remember ripping 40x out of a bong and after I got done holding in the second hit I started laughing like no other and I felt like I was the puppet of someone pulling on strings that were attached to my limbs..I've never laughed so hard haha so I continued to rip wwhile my friend smoked the same 40x outta his pipe. After his bowl he got the blankest wide eyed stare and stood up and stumbled inside mumbling something about the world folding in on him and he was gonna be crushed by the pages of the book. Ah good times..however the next few times didn't make me trip just made me really hot and clammy idk why really.