Ethical justification of Recreational Cannabis Use

Even if you put paragraphs in that, I probably wouldn't read it. At first I was going to ask if this was a 9th grade paper, then I happened to skim over the word "autonomous," and though "hey, maybe it's a senior paper." Then I realized through control+f "auto" that the word autonomy or some variation of the word appears a full 10 times in your paper, and it becomes evident you're just showing off a new word you learned.
why beardo am i going to hell for supporting cannabis use?
Your promoting the morality of drug use and want to know why your going to hell? God doesn't like a dope smoker. and your defiling the temple that is your body. Just like if you get tattoos you can't get burried in a jewish cemetary, because your going to hell.
Even if you put paragraphs in that, I probably wouldn't read it. At first I was going to ask if this was a 9th grade paper, then I happened to skim over the word "autonomous," and though "hey, maybe it's a senior paper." Then I realized through control+f "auto" that the word autonomy or some variation of the word appears a full 10 times in your paper, and it becomes evident you're just showing off a new word you learned.

paragraph issue because i copy and pasted it. Autonomy used excessively because its a conceptual argument of ethics. If you didnt read it how can you judge the content?
Your promoting the morality of drug use and want to know why your going to hell? God doesn't like a dope smoker. and your defiling the temple that is your body. Just like if you get tattoos you can't get burried in a jewish cemetary, because your going to hell.

Never did i promote the morality of drug use, i used Kantian ethical principles to prove that people should have a right to do so if they choose
quoteing this {Drugs like heroin and cocaine speak for themselves } I have used cocaine in the past and never ever did it just sat there till I snorted it............inanimate objects cannot if you fucking lied about this.....what othere childrends fairy tales are you telling in your story up there I get sick of ppl makeing wierd shit up.............cocaine and herion speak...........Santa Clause CLimbs Down CHimmney's next think you know some asswipe will come up with some guy dying on a cross and a few days later shakes it off and walks out of his tomb and see's his shadow and we have 5 more weeks of winter.............god you crazy fuckers need to post on a UFO site or some conspericey therory site........................FUCK............and dammit FUCK
quoteing this {Drugs like heroin and cocaine speak for themselves } I have used cocaine in the past and never ever did it just sat there till I snorted it............inanimate objects cannot if you fucking lied about this.....what othere childrends fairy tales are you telling in your story up there I get sick of ppl makeing wierd shit up.............cocaine and herion speak...........Santa Clause CLimbs Down CHimmney's next think you know some asswipe will come up with some guy dying on a cross and a few days later shakes it off and walks out of his tomb and see's his shadow and we have 5 more weeks of winter.............god you crazy fuckers need to post on a UFO site or some conspericey therory site........................FUCK............and dammit FUCK

Yes cocaine is healthy!! Your right! Im sorry i mislead everyone into believing that drugs have different levels of harm associated with them!

Im gonna go smoke some crack now because its just conspiracy that its harmful
quoteing this {Drugs like heroin and cocaine speak for themselves } I have used cocaine in the past and never ever did it just sat there till I snorted it............inanimate objects cannot if you fucking lied about this.....what othere childrends fairy tales are you telling in your story up there I get sick of ppl makeing wierd shit up.............cocaine and herion speak...........Santa Clause CLimbs Down CHimmney's next think you know some asswipe will come up with some guy dying on a cross and a few days later shakes it off and walks out of his tomb and see's his shadow and we have 5 more weeks of winter.............god you crazy fuckers need to post on a UFO site or some conspericey therory site........................FUCK............and dammit FUCK

Frustrated Pony? LOL!
Yes cocaine is healthy!! Your right! Im sorry i mislead everyone into believing that drugs have different levels of harm associated with them!

Im gonna go smoke some crack now because its just conspiracy that its harmful

Coca leaves can beneficial. Man made them ugly.
never said anything about how harmful coke was.........I said It dont SPEAK.......never once have i heard it utter a pay attention....................if you made up the story about cocaine talking then what keeps you from makeing up other stories in you post is my POINT...........FUCK...............................frack...............frap........oooooo frap..............uh........Ill be back in a bit
Yes cocaine is healthy!! Your right! Im sorry i mislead everyone into believing that drugs have different levels of harm associated with them!

Im gonna go smoke some crack now because its just conspiracy that its harmful

Nigga bitch who da fuck iz you cmoing in her with bullshit nigga please
