Ethical justification of Recreational Cannabis Use

did anyone in your class read this? it's not very stealthy to copy and paste a paper onto a pot growing forum...
did anyone in your class read this? it's not very stealthy to copy and paste a paper onto a pot growing forum...

No, but why does it need to be stealthy? Theres nothing illegal about speaking your mind. Only the professor would see it anyway and its against university policy for him to exhibit personal works.

Good looks though
chemengin12 -- I was going to back you up -- there was no need for people to jump all over you.. ( yes, you could have formatted your post a little better... still can, for future readers ) -- but then you opened up MS Paint and decided to draw a picture (actual size) of your penis on SP's avatar -- that was rude, and now I can no longer defend you.

The last thing Im gunna need for you to do is, Look at it, would you just look at it, I mean look at that. Just look at it.
I thought it was pretty funny, just like the 'actual size' crack (that was so clever). It was no more rude than random postings of bullshit to make me look like an asshole for trying to put up an opinionated article
No, but why does it need to be stealthy? Theres nothing illegal about speaking your mind. Only the professor would see it anyway and its against university policy for him to exhibit personal works.

Good looks though

i was actually referring to the fact that a simple google search of any key phrases would link right to your account on a pot growing forum, along with all your posts about growing your autos and shrooms and asking questions like "is it safe to grow in a dorm room?". but do yo' thang bro. i'm sure it's fine.
obviously you did not read my post.............I called you out for makeing coke talk.............nothing more.... if you cant understand coke CAN NOT TALIK........1 no vocal cords.........2 inamimate do not know we know how childish you are................
Don't take it personal chem -- you seem to be handling very well, so good for you. At least you aren't posting video's of yourself trying to rap with magic marker covering your body... so at least you have that going for you.
really????? then how do you explain your caeless reguard to science saying a line of coke can talk.........................Ive never heard coke talk............Ive heard voice after I did a line but it wasnt the coke talking it was my dead mother n law.........well she wasnt dead then........but anyways..........coke dont talk
science is my life, its what i do all day every day.

Science is what we all do every day. We are science. Knowing science is like knowing the meaning of life. It's different for all of us. Autonomy.

Antidisestablishmentarianism. Bartle dew taco.
I have to agree with SP on this one. Cocaine certainly does not talk, and it's silly you (chem) would argue otherwise. Shame on you for not taking into account the theory of gravity, or magnetic attraction for that matter. For shame!