4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

Awesome yield CD.

You put Grassy into 12/12 around Feb. 6, right? So she's been on 12/12 for about 10 weeks then? Just wondering cause I have a KK (and a Pineapple Express) going now that's at day 49 of 12/12, and it seems about right that she'll need another 3 weeks yet. I don't think I'm gonna yield as much as you, even though I'm using 16 42 watt bulbs over the two plants. Maybe since you vegged a couple more weeks than I did?

Either way, Grassy was a nice producer.

I'll start a "late" grow journal this weekend (like I said, already 7 weeks into 12/12), and it might be interesting to see the difference between Grassy and the KK I've got going. Kinda hard for me to really guess at a yield right now, since it's the first time I've done any topping. Instead of a single cola and a bunch of smaller buds, I now have a lot more colas (but obviously none of them are as big as the main cola on an unaltered plant).
thanks cd i will do that.
sure thing hammer.

What was the dry weight so far?
id say just a little over 3 oz's good and dry, its in the jars now and i just cut some more of the smaller buds today, maybe close to another oz??

Awesome yield CD.
You put Grassy into 12/12 around Feb. 6, right? So she's been on 12/12 for about 10 weeks then? Just wondering cause I have a KK (and a Pineapple Express) going now that's at day 49 of 12/12, and it seems about right that she'll need another 3 weeks yet. I don't think I'm gonna yield as much as you, even though I'm using 16 42 watt bulbs over the two plants. Maybe since you vegged a couple more weeks than I did?

Either way, Grassy was a nice producer.

I'll start a "late" grow journal this weekend (like I said, already 7 weeks into 12/12), and it might be interesting to see the difference between Grassy and the KK I've got going. Kinda hard for me to really guess at a yield right now, since it's the first time I've done any topping. Instead of a single cola and a bunch of smaller buds, I now have a lot more colas (but obviously none of them are as big as the main cola on an unaltered plant).
thanks a lot lee!! right now, she's ay 10 1/2 weeks, the buds left are ready for sure, gonna cut the rest when i get home and trim it up. id like to see that bulb setup, LoL. i always put mine into flowering at about 15 to 20 days, but this was a clone so thats why it vegged to 54 days i think and why she got so big, LoL.

heres todays pics, grassy is still doing fine at day 124, shes been getting just water cause i have all the nutes packed away now. im cutting the rest of the buds when i get home tonight and then that will be the end of grassy, im gonna miss this girl.


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Awesome yield CD.

You put Grassy into 12/12 around Feb. 6, right? So she's been on 12/12 for about 10 weeks then? Just wondering cause I have a KK (and a Pineapple Express) going now that's at day 49 of 12/12, and it seems about right that she'll need another 3 weeks yet. I don't think I'm gonna yield as much as you, even though I'm using 16 42 watt bulbs over the two plants. Maybe since you vegged a couple more weeks than I did?

Either way, Grassy was a nice producer.

I'll start a "late" grow journal this weekend (like I said, already 7 weeks into 12/12), and it might be interesting to see the difference between Grassy and the KK I've got going. Kinda hard for me to really guess at a yield right now, since it's the first time I've done any topping. Instead of a single cola and a bunch of smaller buds, I now have a lot more colas (but obviously none of them are as big as the main cola on an unaltered plant).

would love to see your grow

i want to do a large cfl grow also using 42w cfl (16 also, 672w worth)
my plan would be to have 8 clones with 2 levels of lights each the lights will be coming in on the side some how afixed to the inner walls of a mylar lined cab like in a vertical grow(but the lights will be on the outsides not the middle, i feel that cfl growers would benifit more from useing them from the side like in vertical growing: incressed penetration = incressed yeilds ). the walls will ack like a big reflector/light fixture 2 lights on each plant - (this is another reason i love cfls- the watts can be incressed as needed each level would be 336w as the plants grow then i can turn on the next level. instead of having ALL 672w on the whole grow like with a hps grow)
the goal would be to get 2 oz dry from each plant
this grow is still in the planning stage. i first need to find a place to do this grow
still absorbing lots of info.......
rip grassey. thanks for the memories. enjoy the ole girl cd
good luck with part 2 of the harvest bro!!
thanks guys and its still not over, not sure how much is there yet but id say a good half to an o? what a pain in the ass trimming that shit was, LoL. theres a couple nice little nugs left but the rest im not gonna mess with. so 1 more final cut tomorrow and thats it. the rest will be use with the other trimmings to make bubble hash i guess, the guy said he'd give some of the final product.

would love to see your grow

i want to do a large cfl grow also using 42w cfl (16 also, 672w worth)
my plan would be to have 8 clones with 2 levels of lights each the lights will be coming in on the side some how afixed to the inner walls of a mylar lined cab like in a vertical grow(but the lights will be on the outsides not the middle, i feel that cfl growers would benifit more from useing them from the side like in vertical growing: incressed penetration = incressed yeilds ). the walls will ack like a big reflector/light fixture 2 lights on each plant - (this is another reason i love cfls- the watts can be incressed as needed each level would be 336w as the plants grow then i can turn on the next level. instead of having ALL 672w on the whole grow like with a hps grow)
the goal would be to get 2 oz dry from each plant
this grow is still in the planning stage. i first need to find a place to do this grow
still absorbing lots of info.......
me too, post some pics here if you want lee.


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Well, grassy is gone, the box is empty with the pots for the next, whenever that will be. i cleaned all the fans abd the whole box. i set the lights up to do 4 autos, again with 10 bulbs. i didnt really take the time to weigh everything this time but i would say with all the smaller buds, it was almost 5 oz's?? so now im done for a while, i'll still be around checking in on everyone and i will keep this thread going till start my new grow. thanks again to everyone!!!! oh, and i planted blade in the backyard so he's still going, the blade of wonder grass, LoL.

HAPPY 420!!!!


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an empty nester. its tough im sure. the 2 am feedings the wilting when u havent changed their diapers. what will u do with ur time? lo.l enjoy ur labor and well c u soon
Well there was no better way or day for her to go, RIP grassy 2/6 - 4/20 :lol:

You better not let all this trim go to waste this time, I want you to make some butter or something so we can get some good stories from ya : weed:
an empty nester. its tough im sure. the 2 am feedings the wilting when u havent changed their diapers. what will u do with ur time? lo.l enjoy ur labor and well c u soon
LoL, good shit man, i'll be around and i will, trust me, LoL.

Well there was no better way or day for her to go, RIP grassy 2/6 - 4/20 :lol:
You better not let all this trim go to waste this time, I want you to make some butter or something so we can get some good stories from ya : weed:
i wont, i gave it all to a guy who makes all that, bubble bag hash and butter, he said he was give me some, there were quite a few little buds left in there i didnt feel like trimming so he should make some good stuff.

Happy 4/20 My respects to the beloved
Grassy. I'm gonna have to put this sticky kush in the air.
thanks donni!!

yeah, its a sad day here on R.I.U. grassy was a friend, she was a familiar face around here showing off her sexy buds and always looking happy for the camera, LoL. she lived for 126 days and she really paid off. and gumball, that was 12-16-2010 to 4-20-2011, she was cut from choo choo then, can you believe it? i have a lot of bud that will last me quite a while and every time i smoke some, i'll think of all the good times her and i had, all the feedings, haircuts and love she got and moving from her little room to her big townhouse, which she almost grew out of too, she sure was a good ole girl. R.I.P. grassy!! heres a look back at her life, thanks everybody and i'll be around stoning down with you all, LoL. and stoney won again tonight, how cool is that, a dog named stoney winning on 4-20 also!!



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Ok, CD, I know I haven't posted till now, but man, I have to celebrate this 4/20 chop of Grassy with you...Simply awesome!! I remember way back on homers thread months ago you talking about how she just kept growing and growing...haha, and I have a DWC plant I named Behemoth that always makes me think of Grassy when I look at her, cause she's just some untamed wild beast that keeps growing. Nicely done, RIP Grassy, and this next 4/20 bong rip is dedicated to her...a moment of silence please .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Rock on CD! Happy 420!

P.S. Nice photo montage...need to put it to some slow 80's rock
Ok, CD, I know I haven't posted till now, but man, I have to celebrate this 4/20 chop of Grassy with you...Simply awesome!! I remember way back on homers thread months ago you talking about how she just kept growing and growing...haha, and I have a DWC plant I named Behemoth that always makes me think of Grassy when I look at her, cause she's just some untamed wild beast that keeps growing. Nicely done, RIP Grassy, and this next 4/20 bong rip is dedicated to her...a moment of silence please .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Rock on CD! Happy 420!

P.S. Nice photo montage...need to put it to some slow 80's rock

there you go bro, hows that. thanks for all the kind words man, really!! happy 420!!
Beautifully said CD. Excellent homage to Grassy (RIP) and awesome photo retrospective. Makes me wanna make one of my ladies! Happy 420 bro (still have 17 minutes left of it over here!).
Beautifully said CD. Excellent homage to Grassy (RIP) and awesome photo retrospective. Makes me wanna make one of my ladies! Happy 420 bro (still have 17 minutes left of it over here!).
thanks homer, grassy was so cool and now all i have is a pile of bud and a bunch of pics to remember her by. both boxes are shut down and the flower box is ready for 4 autos. i'll just do the whole grow in the flower box for them, they'll get a 20/4 light from seed to finish as this seems to be the best light schedule for them. i will start a new thread when i do start this, until then, i'll be hanging out at this one, LoL. heres the last pics for this grow.


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man- i'm lost now cd, i mean it's been fun and all, but shit man, you really just gonna kick us all out like that??? lol just playin, though i have yet to follow an autoflower grow from seed to flower (HINT HINT)

im on day something or other of flower and their looking good, still no sign of sex yet-but when they do- im drowning those bitches in the ff stuff (just kidding i know the ole' homage less is more)

one last time your grow was an inspiration man, keep it up!-oh and move to cali and get an hps, us cfl guys will still love you.
Great harvest CD, you probably got a little more yield by waiting out the second half of the chop!!!! and good news, i got my media player to play the races!!!!! are you gonna stick with the jungle soil for the auto's?