Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.


Well-Known Member
ya no way they are going to let such an outsider that has such little knowledge of politics win.
I said the same thing about Obama vs Clinton in the Dem. primarys.
But look who won.

I think he will back out when it comes time for Financial disclosure, the way Howard Stern did in the 90s.


Well-Known Member
You must listen to, and believe, the FOX News spin. The left wing is dancing in the street at the the further splintering of the GOP.


Well-Known Member
Even the republicians are scared of Donald running. They are afraid of Americans getting elected instead of republicians when they see the American people taking their country back. I hope the tea party votes his ass in office, he has my vote. Fuck I am tired of politicians.

jeff f

New Member
Even the republicians are scared of Donald running. They are afraid of Americans getting elected instead of republicians when they see the American people taking their country back. I hope the tea party votes his ass in office, he has my vote. Fuck I am tired of politicians.
boy you said a mouthful there. did you happen to catch his interview with stephanopolis? trump dont take no shit and he tells it like he sees it. very refreshing.

i thought he was a joke at first but i am actually thinking he has my vote also. you got to admire someone who puts it out like he does regardless of how you feel about them.

and i can assure you our enemies are quaking in their boots at the thought of him in the whitehouse.


New Member
Trump will do what he has always done...milk it for every piece of anything he can for himself...oh wait...thats what they all once again it doesn't matter

jeff f

New Member
Trump will do what he has always done...milk it for every piece of anything he can for himself...oh wait...thats what they all once again it doesn't matter
one thing you cant argue, trump loves this country more than anyones opinion of him. i and many people are finding that refreshing.


New Member
doesn't matter who it is...they do whatever they so done with all their bullshit and lies...all of them dont matter which colors they fly nor what they supposedly stand for...all they stand for is themselves so fuck them all ...there is no more may get a different flavor but a piece of shit is still a piece of shit ...the mighty Donald included


Active Member
why is everyone scared of trump...? I saw him this morning being interviewed by george stepanopolisiski and trump would not answer the questions, he keep saying, ''next question'' and ol george acted like he was scared of him....I don't get it.....


Well-Known Member
one thing you cant argue, trump loves this country more than anyones opinion of him. i and many people are finding that refreshing.
You gotta be shitting me. He is just another billionaire who wants more POWER and more money.

Of course he "loves America". It is the land where he was able to prosper beyond his wildest dreams. If he was born Chinese and became a billionaire in China then he would "love China".

jeff f

New Member
why is everyone scared of trump...? I saw him this morning being interviewed by george stepanopolisiski and trump would not answer the questions, he keep saying, ''next question'' and ol george acted like he was scared of him....I don't get it.....
he didnt keep saying next question. thats a total mischaractorization of what happened. he answered the question by saying "its none of your business". stephy wouldnt let it go and he finally said enough. he put the little twurp in his place and i bet you 5 bucks more people liked that he did it than people who are taking your position.

jeff f

New Member
You gotta be shitting me. He is just another billionaire who wants more POWER and more money.

Of course he "loves America". It is the land where he was able to prosper beyond his wildest dreams. If he was born Chinese and became a billionaire in China then he would "love China".
and in doing so he put a lot of food on a lot of peoples tables. and his businesses continue to do so.

what have you done for your fellow man?


Well-Known Member
he didnt keep saying next question. thats a total mischaractorization of what happened. he answered the question by saying "its none of your business". stephy wouldnt let it go and he finally said enough. he put the little twurp in his place and i bet you 5 bucks more people liked that he did it than people who are taking your position.
More shadows and secrecy.............just what we need.

"I am above answering your silly questions, you peasant fool. Ask me something that is in line with my agenda".


Well-Known Member
and in doing so he put a lot of food on a lot of peoples tables. and his businesses continue to do so.

what have you done for your fellow man?
So because his company has provided a few temporary jobs we should trust him to become our Savior?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I can't believe I'm reading this bullshit. You actually want to vote a guy in office that went bankrupt four times and in the process destroyed the lives and businesses of a lot of people. He is a complete joke and is only using the media to boost the ratings for his show. People who believe differently need to have their heads examined.


Well-Known Member
they wouldnt have a choice, they would have to put their product on market.....or get their asses kicked. world happy.
you can't be serious. .really. i hope you are in the service and willing to give your life for your rambo thinking..or do you just play black ops on the ps3