Oops on global warming

Thats a wild find.

The usa has made our emissions of everything VERY clean. (cars, factorys, powerplants ect.)

But china mexico an Russia (polluted countys) demand we sign the Kyoto accords an cripple out buisness with even more extream regulations on emissons while they are allowed to pollute away.

The kyoto rules wont apply equaly to shit hole 3rd world nations, lol
Well maybe the libs want to donate to gores retirement fund. Dumbass fuckers LMFAO

Lol Maybe he needs another private jet or a couple more mansions that use about 5k worth of electricity every month.

He lives like a god and tells the rest of us peasants to cut back on our already meager lifestyles. What a scam.
What does Gore have to do with global warming?

cuz the hot air he spouted for 10 years heated the planet. finally that he has been proved a baffoon and has shut his lying trap, temps are back to normal and tracking downward.

so glad its getting colder, shortening the growing seasons, creating food shortages and spiking the price of everything.
god damn it now they will have to make up some other crap about something else in order to try and tax for using/emitting maybe there will be a tax on sunshine cause you know its going to run out at somepoint and we need a big lightbulb in space that will replace it when it does
naw....it'll be taken care of nice and tidy like once a deep oil rig 'accidentally' hits a overly large pocket of methane hydrates and lets the sea water touch it
Funny. Let me get this scenario down. Most of the civilized countries on earth got together and hyped their best scientists to lie (because scientists all lie in order to get their grant money) about climate change because they just don't like how well everything is going in the world. Their governments are all conspiring to bring down the global economy by banning incandescent lightbulbs. We have proof of all of this because we got some e-mails showing that they all fudge information. Am I missing anything?
Funny. Let me get this scenario down. Most of the civilized countries on earth got together and hyped their best scientists to lie (because scientists all lie in order to get their grant money) about climate change because they just don't like how well everything is going in the world. Their governments are all conspiring to bring down the global economy by banning incandescent lightbulbs. We have proof of all of this because we got some e-mails showing that they all fudge information. Am I missing anything?

Yes, the logic: People in government and industry dont want life to continue, not even their own...Everyone just hates everyone as an individual and the elites have signed off on their personal death-warrants in the name of climate change, energy shortages, and economic collapse. It's all a plan so that millions of people that comprise these sectors can live in poverty, because they just hate everything so much.
I don't doubt that the climate is changing, when isn't it changing? I do doubt however that Humans are the cause of all these changes, And that is the point I think people forget about.
I don't doubt that the climate is changing, when isn't it changing? I do doubt however that Humans are the cause of all these changes, And that is the point I think people forget about.

The climate has changed before, that much has been proven by history. It's just a matter of accurately predicted what and when...True about the human factor - I think that we can cause mass pollution, and temporary weather changes, but all in all I think what we are witnessing is something having to do with a natural progression.
it is our own world terminating the problem. We dont take care of Earth and it in turn will kill us for being bad people, cutting down her forests, polluting her air, polluting her oceans and waters, killing all sorts of wildlife, yes she will take ccare of us when we die and fertilize her soils
I don't doubt that the climate is changing, when isn't it changing? I do doubt however that Humans are the cause of all these changes, And that is the point I think people forget about.

Common sense is all. An insignificant percentage of carbon is sequestered in the biosphere every year. Some of that biosphere is buried in the ground along with the carbon, every year. Now repeat that for 50 million years. Everything is somewhat stable in all that time. Now along comes man, he discovers that carbon in the earth and liberates roughly half of it in 150 years. What do you suppose is going to happen? Nothing? Probably not.
Its already been tried ... like back in 1972. According to the doom sayers on the Left back then, we should have been covered in ice by now.

The great thing about science is that it isn't static, it corrects itself and gets more accurate over time.