Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.


Well-Known Member
Trump will never win! Anyone who thinks he will doesn't know much about politics. He is just using the attention to promote himself.


Well-Known Member
trump talk just let's me know how much trouble the right has in finding a true candidate to run. The man stated he would just take the oil. WOW..damn donald put the whole world against the USA.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that Trump would legalize marijuana.

Once he becomes instant buddies with the Oil/Timber/Pharmaceutical billionaires........Very fuckin unlikely. I'm sure he is friends with some of them already.

I don't trust anyone who lives and breathes money,money,money. He seems to be consumed with greed and materialism.

jeff f

New Member
trump talk just let's me know how much trouble the right has in finding a true candidate to run. The man stated he would just take the oil. WOW..damn donald put the whole world against the USA.
i respectfully disagree london. when he says fuck you guys we are taking your oil, other nations will love us. the civilized ones.

the civilized world will know that we arent going to hold the oil hostage and we will make it readily available through open free markets.

the savages like most muslim countries, north korea, and others will hate us. because they wont be able to manipulate the supply.

lets face it, the whole libyian thing is all over free flowing oil to europe. trump tells them to quit playing games and keep that shit available, we just kept a lot of freinds.

also, you have never heard anyone say, donald trump ripped me off. he doesnt seem to have a lot of people ,who have worked for him, bad mouth him.

he may be a arrogant sob, but he is very cool calm and collective person.

and even when he is pissed, rosie odonnell, he maintained his cool.

and barack hussien obama certainly hasnt made us more loved around the world.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
umm.... The Donald isn't running for anything. This is just a publicity stunt to get his ratings up. The higher the rating the better chance his contract will be renewed. We'll all know for sure by May 16th. The new t.v. line-ups should be announced by then.

jeff f

New Member
umm.... The Donald isn't running for anything. This is just a publicity stunt to get his ratings up. The higher the rating the better chance his contract will be renewed. We'll all know for sure by May 16th. The new t.v. line-ups should be announced by then.
his show is a smashing success. there isnt a doubt his show is continuing so i disagree with your logic.

if he runs he will be postponing his tv career. if he runs, he may not run


Well-Known Member
they wouldnt have a choice, they would have to put their product on market.....or get their asses kicked. world happy.

I appreciate the gung-ho attitude. I strongly disagree with your logic.

Luckily, we'll never have to deal with Palin or Trump being in the Oval Office.