Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

jeff f

New Member
was listening to lib talk tonight. all i can say is wow are the libs quaking in their collective boots! one guy, an oblama supporter, said the reason trump could be president because he had no foregn experience.

no seriously thats what an obigear supporter said.

but listening to this left wing station, lesley marshall, was hilarious. they are so paranoid trump may win.. fucking classics

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
yeah, that's what we need. To elect a douchebag as president so he can tell the American people they are fired.


Well-Known Member
To be honest Im kinda scared of Trump too, have you ever tried to emulate his hairstyle. Tough to do.



New Member
well can u blame them? seems scary to me but I like a lot of his ideas at least he is in touch with reality a bit and thus the people, but I think he could really screw stuff up he seems way too pro war and plunder/imperialism for my taste it makes him seem kind of evil.


Well-Known Member
I am a little frightened by trump myself but at least he has strong opinions and isnt a spineless fucker like all the rest..romney, obama, mccain, palin(dumbass), who else is in? We need someone to challenge the establishment, am i right? And he should definitely run as an independent.........And I want Ron Paul in there in some capacity to SAVE our CONSTITUTION......Wasnt Newt gingrich thinking of running?


New Member
yea but would he fire all the wall street fkers or would he be on the side of the bankers, we could use someone who is good at firing people cause there is like thousands of wall street mother fkers, they basically took over the government. your right at least he has a spine and atleast he has enough of his own money he won't need be bought.


Well-Known Member
he's gotta finish his show before he looks after the welfare of the country.

that, and he is further to the right than o'reilly on the birther issue.

i welcome this guy. i just wish he would team up with palin.

a dream team!


Well-Known Member
Palin is the most worthless piece of poop (dont cuss around girls) that ever jumped on a political band wagon ever (tea party was originally ron paul supporters then got main streamed into ignorance and palin)


Active Member
Man Trump scares me to now end. I think the rest of the world would absolutely disown us if we vote him in.
He kinda eddifies "capitalism" to the nth degree.
But you never know he might just be the best thing. What has been going on for the last 20 years is not working.

Hell maybe I should throw in!!!!!! No need to comment........We would be a happy ass country though. Kinda like Amsterdam on steriods.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I know for a fact he would make marijuana legal. He would do it because he make, not billions, but TRILLIONS off of it. If you care whatsoever for my thought on the matter, he could do no worse, than Clinton, Bush, Obama, or any of them.


Active Member
I know for a fact he would make marijuana legal. He would do it because he make, not billions, but TRILLIONS off of it. If you care whatsoever for my thought on the matter, he could do no worse, than Clinton, Bush, Obama, or any of them.
I agree he probably would not do any worse. Our government is so screwed up.
Never thought about abolishing the office, going to have to think about that one for awhile.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't thought of that. Trump for president huh? Why the hell not, we are all going to hell in a hand basket anyway.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
he knows how to get rich and he has a certain honesty about him. douchey but honest, and he has a way of making a point. republicans already like him and a lot of independants could easily be won over. if he campaigns just right he actually has a shot. i still wouldn't put any money on it though.


New Member
Trump is a joke....
lol seems that way doesnt it? Trump/Palin shit that would be so hilarious - If trump isnt another stupid puppet they prolly wouldnt let it happen - they are gunna rig the votes to whomever is gunna be their puppet so really whats the point in it all, we need to go back to paper ballot at the least. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, but with a silly accent and a shitty hairdo! WOO!