Vote for Ron Paul-----Great idea

Ron Paul talks about the drug war april 15 2011

Notice when Dr Paul gives a speech, there are no notes, or cards or speech prewritten. He knows his shit so well he doesn't need those. Is his rhetoric weak? yes, it is and that will be one of the biggest problems to his getting elected. We all know that the Race for President is really nothing more than a popularity contest. Those with excellent speech giving abilities that can evoke an emotional response have an edge on the others.
Let me guess? They got the Jar Jar Binks character from the way you speak right? Oh wait, jar jar is probably a couple rungs above you on the evolutionary ladder.
dude are you mad becasue you got called out once again...oops I misspelled "because" better correct that for me...Oh I forgot you make mistakes trying to check spelling of everyone else but failed when it came to him.. typical from the likes of you
dude are you mad becasue you got called out once again...oops I misspelled "because" better correct that for me...Oh I forgot you make mistakes trying to check spelling of everyone else but failed when it came to him.. typical from the likes of you
Do you have anything else in your massive repertoire of really lame comebacks? I mean you can beat a dead horse, but you still won't ride. Come up with something more original, something people will remember you for, not the same tired old shit over and over. You really have no imagination at all. You make Justin Bieber look like Albert Einstein.



I'm dead ass serious you act like a female..which has earned you the name DramaQueen...I'm sure you would love to change the subject of you being such, but it is what it is...and when you forget I will be here to remind you of just how much of a bitch you are...those videos are lame...drama_queen-360x347.jpg
I'm dead ass serious you act like a female..which has earned you the name DramaQueen...I'm sure you would love to change the subject of you being such, but it is what it is...and when you forget I will be here to remind you of just how much of a bitch you are...those videos are lame...
I see you have set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

You get a plus one for using a picture, at least effort is being shown.



Oh hell yeah!
I'm dead ass serious you act like a female..which has earned you the name DramaQueen...I'm sure you would love to change the subject of you being such, but it is what it is...and when you forget I will be here to remind you of just how much of a bitch you are...those videos are lame...

If you guys are going to continue to do this back and forth can you make it rhyme for our entertainment please?