• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Pricing from each perspective - time to get real - can't we all just get abong?


Well-Known Member
[ ] buddy cant read
[ ] buddy doesnt know the mmmp web address
[x] buddy is a young uneducated punk that runs his mouth about shit he is clueless about


[ ] buddy cant read
[ ] buddy doesnt know the mmmp web address
[x] buddy is a young uneducated punk that runs his mouth about shit he is clueless about
That was my guess.
Guess I am just surprised it went on for 10 pages. And yet each time he deflected. So I asked really really straight forward questions, if he can't answer them, or won't, then of course he's full of shit. I highly doubt a reply will include answers to my questions. And if it does, I doubt it can be substantiated.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
This is so funny, rather then asking me how to get better yields you guys would rather just try and discredit me.
You might be better served thinking with your wallets then with your ego's.

2 flower tents. 1 back up tent for over flow

2 600 watts in each, with co2
1 600 over flow
1 large veg
2 400watters

I run a perpetual grow harvesting 8 plants every 30 days or so getting an average of 3 oz's per plant.
Every other month I have 4 to 6 additional plants to harvest. (thats an average of 12 plants a month)

Now go deduct everything imaginable to put the number back up to 4.5 and 7 grams a watt where you guys need it so it fits your story.

Gotta love people that claim a $9500 padding of an elec bill is just a "bit of an exaggeration" but if I'm off by a .2 grams, I'm a liar that doesn't know shit!

Note: I have asked a direct question over and over that was never answered.
The best I got was an "oxymoron" edit to the op and another reply of "I'm not going to post my shit on the net"..

So what was the point of the thread titled "from each prospective" and "time to get real" when the people posting it and defending it
refuse to use realistic numbers or examples or post the information needed to back up their claim ?


New Member
I calculated that he is getting about 4.5 grams a watt and then he said something like "how do you know they are even 1,000W" and then I said okay I really don't know that for sure 100% so I said something like "well if they are 600W then you are getting about 7 grams a watt" - either way 4.5 or 7 would be a world record in recorded history.

Secondly - If your only a caretaker and not a patient then it is clearly illegal for you to sell to anyone who is not your registered patient - however, if you are also a patient it doesn't matter as long as they are a legal patient also, I am not a legal patient so I do not sell to anyone who is not MY patient.


New Member
well buddy thanks for posting more realistic #'s which is about half of what you initially claimed (not .2grams).....I never said 9500$ lol - I said 4 digits approaching 5 which could be anything..unlike you I am not here to brag or something and I used that number because it is indeed plausible that it could cost someone that much to grow, I was not even using myself as an example, just trying to get off one of my major points to this thread in that everyone's cost is greatly different...I also asked at least 10 times for some tips from you and you only threw back insults and just wanted to argue so that is what you got, I really don't need any of your tips seeing now that you have a rather ordinary grow that's not setting world records as your pictures have already showed us.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
well buddy thanks for posting more realistic #'s which is about half of what you initially claimed (not .2grams).....I never said 9500$ lol - I said 4 digits approaching 5 which could be anything..unlike you I am not here to brag or something and I used that number because it is indeed plausible that it could cost someone that much to grow, I was not even using myself as an example, just trying to get off one of my major points to this thread in that everyone's cost is greatly different...I also asked at least 10 times for some tips from you and you only threw back insults and just wanted to argue so that is what you got, I really don't need any of your tips seeing now that you have a rather ordinary grow that's not setting world records as your pictures have already showed us.
Skippy, when you start a thread and go on to attack and insult those you are trying to get to contribute, the last thing you were looking for was understanding or a polite conversation. You questioned my honestly and integrity for offering no cost meds 5 different times in your opening post.

Do you realize that the "only" thing I posted that you have not argued over or tried to argue over in your efforts to discredit me was
my CO2 and nute costs.

You guys have complelty avoiding any questions I have asked and have only been able to use your own observations to try and insult me.

You have been talking out of both sides of your neck this entire thread.
I can't think of a single excuse or claim you guys haven't tried to use to discredt my post.

1.I'm breaking the law (too many plants, illegal tranfers, street deals)
2.My elc bill is too low
3.I don't know what I'm talking about
4.Cheap tents
4.My hoods
5.Soil ammounts are not enough
6.Thats not a 4 oz plant (from a picture no less)
7. Trimmings

You even questioned a 15% discount at grow shops. Because "you" only get 10..
http://www.thegrowshow.org/ Call em up. 15% to any card holder.

Those are acusations not questions.
And none of them have anything to do with your topic!
So save me the bullshit.

And Rzzz for the last time :
Michigan Medical marijuana patient to patient transfers LEGAL

7:33 pm in Marijuana and the LAW, Michigan Medical Marijuana by Cannabis Chris
Isabella County Michigan: Judge Paul Chamberlain’s Dec. 16 ruling (PDF) stated that a local medical marijuana dispensary legally operates under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, which does allow patient to patient transfers of small amounts of marijuana.
Michigan Medical Marihuana Act Allows patient to patient transfers of marijuana



Well-Known Member
ok thats not wriiten in our state law. i already showed you what IS written in our law. basically what you showed us is a court ruling that ruled in the favor of the defendant because our law contradicts itself. that doesnt take away from the fact that our law states clearly that it is prohibited. also, it doesnt mean all judges will rule this way. probably most wouldnt.

however, if one lives in isabella county you should feel comfortable with p2p transfers.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
ok thats not wriiten in our state law. i already showed you what IS written in our law. basically what you showed us is a court ruling that ruled in the favor of the defendant because our law contradicts itself. that doesnt take away from the fact that our law states clearly that it is prohibited. also, it doesnt mean all judges will rule this way. probably most wouldnt.

however, if one lives in isabella county you should feel comfortable with p2p transfers.
Initiated Law 1 of 2008

State law : section 333.26424 Qualifying patient or primary caregiver;
Caregiver to caregiver/patient non patient transfer:

Sec. 4(e) "A registered primary caregiver" may receive compensation for costs associated with assisting "a registered qualifying patient" in the medical use of marihuana. Any such compensation shall not constitute the sale of controlled substances."
(note the use of "A" registered patient and not "their" registered patient)

Patient to patient/caegiver to caregiver.:
"4. Protections for the Medical Use of Marihuana.

Sec. 4(g) "A person" shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for providing a registered qualifying patient or a registered primary caregiver with marihuana paraphernalia for purposes of a qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana."

If we look at the definitions page and look at the words "medical use" and "marihuana paraphernalia...

"3. Definitions.

Sec. 3(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition."


Well-Known Member
right, i already mentioned it contradicts itself. it still says this ...

(b) A primary caregiver who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for assisting a qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department's registration process with the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act, provided that the primary caregiver possesses an amount of marihuana that does not exceed:

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Take a look at all of them and you will see they address each individual position.

Your's is the caregiver assinged patient provision'
Then there is a specific care giver non patient card holder/cargiver
Then there is the parient assiting carecigers or fellow patients.
They even have a specific one saying the same damned thing for card holders from out of state.
Any card holder is allowed to assist them in obtaining meds.

(j) A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States that allows the medical use of marihuana by a visiting qualifying patient, or to allow a person to assist with a visiting qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana, shall have the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the department.

The only violation they show for tranfers is card holder to non card holder. Doesn't matter if you are a patient or a cargiver.

(k) Any registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who sells marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under this act shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Wait i'm confused. Buddy is running 2 tents with 2X600W in each for a total of 4 600W lights or 2,400W of flowering with CO2. He pulls off an average of 3 oz/plant and 12 plants a month. That's 36 oz/mo, or 72 oz for an entire cycle. 72 oz is 2016 grams (72 oz X 28g/oz).

So from a cycle with CO2 supplement he is pulled 2016 g with 2,400W or 0.84 g/W.

Is my math correct? Where did the 4.5 or 7 g/W figure come from?


New Member
Wait i'm confused. Buddy is running 2 tents with 2X600W in each for a total of 4 600W lights or 2,400W of flowering with CO2. He pulls off an average of 3 oz/plant and 12 plants a month. That's 36 oz/mo, or 72 oz for an entire cycle. 72 oz is 2016 grams (72 oz X 28g/oz).

So from a cycle with CO2 supplement he is pulled 2016 g with 2,400W or 0.84 g/W.

Is my math correct? Where did the 4.5 or 7 g/W figure come from?
it comes from him saying his plants are 4oz on average and that he gets 50 something ounces not 32 but really I want to apologize for the way I reacted so hopefully the discussion can become civil from now on if the thread isnt already ruined

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Wait i'm confused. Buddy is running 2 tents with 2X600W in each for a total of 4 600W lights or 2,400W of flowering with CO2. He pulls off an average of 3 oz/plant and 12 plants a month. That's 36 oz/mo, or 72 oz for an entire cycle. 72 oz is 2016 grams (72 oz X 28g/oz).

So from a cycle with CO2 supplement he is pulled 2016 g with 2,400W or 0.84 g/W.

Is my math correct? Where did the 4.5 or 7 g/W figure come from?
It all started on page two when Deprave had to find away to avoid the question I asked over and over.

Page two here is the post that set the ball rolling.
All of the numbers he used came from his assumptions and need to find away to discredit my post.
From a pic of a 4 oz plant to a pic of one of my tents, this is what he came up with.

"Ive grown plants just like that the exact same size and its 2.5 - 3 oz's tops - not 4....I see you only have 2 lights in your flower room - lets assume they are 1,000W lights - that would mean you are getting 4.45 grams per watt - Please share your secrets your probably the best grower on these forums for yield according to your 45 ounces a month you said earlier. Where is your other room at because you only got half of what you said "

Now I continued to ask them both to show their number and stop trying to pick little arguemtents
and this was the next jump in numbers. Now I am suddenly getting 7gpw "acording to him".
On page 3.

From Deprave:
I didnt make any claim of what it cost exactly, I don't care to look at your lights they are obviously hps shrouded your hoods, it looks like your hoods probably couldnt hold a 1,000W so id say they are 600 or less - if they are damn that means your getting like 7 grams a watt dude your the best grower of all time holy shit - but it is hard to tell from the picture, in the picture of your plants there is a lot of things to use as a frame as reference such as the items on the counter or the typical pots you are using.

Like I said you are missing half the plants - you got 30 ounces max there ready to harvest then next month it might be another 30 or so not 45 or 50 or 60 or whatever outrageous number you said you get per month.

So the 4.5 and 7 gpw was all Depraves bullshit, NOT mine! His "lets say figures" some how became some sort of fact!

Now count the number of insults "he himself" and others tried to use in this thread all based on his rediculas assumptions in his need to discredit me for giveing no cost meds to my patients.

Still trying to figure out why he titeled the thread what he did.
"Each prospective" yet he absolutly refuses to post any of his own information!
"time to get real" yet uses only to most extreme asinine examples imaginable. 4 and 5 digit elec...
"Can't we all just get along" yet insults anyone who offers no cost meds atleast 5 times in his opening post.

So thats where the rediculas numbers they have been mocking me about came from.
The guy that claimed a 4 and 5 digit light bill that turned out to me just a little over $450 a month.


Well-Known Member
Can't we all just agree to be glad K-V Pharmaceuticals doesn't grow our medication?
Caregivers are amature at best in the price gouging game.
Can't believe i read this whole thread. What is wrong with me, i'm gonna go cut myself from the shame of being from the same state as these three guys bickering back and forth. Plain and simple do your own shit and fuck what some guy on the internet says!


Well-Known Member
Can't believe i read this whole thread. What is wrong with me, i'm gonna go cut myself from the shame of being from the same state as these three guys bickering back and forth. Plain and simple do your own shit and fuck what some guy on the internet says!
how can you include me in that when the whole time thats all i was trying to say. do what you want but dont go on a public forum guaranteeing that its in fact legal to sell to whomever you want as long as your legal. i was simply sticking up for the public. had nobody done that im sure his fictional statements would have been accepted my many.

i agree it was retarded but i couldnt let his word be accepted for others to read.
how can you include me in that when the whole time thats all i was trying to say. do what you want but dont go on a public forum guaranteeing that its in fact legal to sell to whomever you want as long as your legal. i was simply sticking up for the public. had nobody done that im sure his fictional statements would have been accepted my many.

i agree it was retarded but i couldnt let his word be accepted for others to read.


Well-Known Member
yeah well for the record i meet alot of people from here. most of the regular posters :)

i even met one of my patients on here. but yeah its neither here nor there, i agree with you.