Wow, so its the fact that the businessmen were jewish that caused all of this? Not that fact that they were businessmen?
Come to NYC buddy, I'll show you 20 business men per block that will make the Jewish Businessmen look like saints...
Thats how shit happens, people with money come in, get what they want, and fuck everyone else. That always how shit happens. Jewish or Muslim, Asian or Middle Eastern, American or British (again the BP spill makes that Cyprus thing look like a joke if you want to talk about injustice). Im sure that it was hard witnessing and being directly impacted by those business moves, but remember money is power. They didn't go to read the Torah and realize that it was time to have a powerful business venture in Cyprus. Instead they went to the bank and said, "I know how we can make more money". Its the money that gave them that authority, not the religion.
I mean shit, what a narrow view you keep to justify how the Jews were faulted in WWII. It had a lot more to do with WWI than anything else. Jews just ended up coming out of WWI in powerful positions, as they had allegiances with allied countries. They then capitalized on it, which any of us would do in the same position. Then Hitler said there was a supreme race and the reason the supreme race isn't in power is all b/c of the Jews.
There you go. I didn't was to go into detail cuz I really don't care that much. But one cares anyway. No one. This is about ireland being a neutral country in WWII, and somehow (which happens more often than not) it turned into: "You know what? The Jews were kinda at fault." Thats like blaming the kid for being beaten by his drunken father.
Simply put, you can't make the argument that you are not a Nazi Sympathizer and still hold your views about the Jewish peoples role in WWII. They aren't directly juxtaposed, but they are pretty contradictory none the less.
You'll have to concede one of the two.
Still adressing me tut tut... This is going to be my last post.... That cycle you just agreed to, I`m personally seeing it happen in the country I was born. Its the island of Cyprus and there is a yatch harbour being constructed there. Jewish businessmen came with the worst attitude anybody from that island has saw. They bribed the government over 2 million dollars just to politically put political pressure on people who provide the harbour with raw materials. By sending off a 2 million dollar bribe, with the extreme pressures on the providers (as the government would kick them out and place someone else and get them to do it instead) the Jewish businessman was able to cut costs approximently by 10 million dollars (stealing raw materials off locals with bribes now), clever businessmen they are.. There was a LOT more shit going on and I only know this part, neither did I make an effort to follow it. Thats just the cake and there is a lot more icing on it hinting to stingy and careless profit oriented behaviour.
The construction of this harbour is going to lead the Jew`s having the only harbour in the mediterranean sea, therefore forcing the money out of the oil rigs to use their harbour. And one thing I saw myself and couldn`t belive when someone showed me, the whole construction of the harbour is blurred on google earth!
I have saw what I saw, and I know what I know. Call me a nazi sider or a narrow minded fuck whatever, I know that Jewish people are NOT to be trusted in any way while doing business and are to be concidered the worst opponents, if not an enemy in a business deal.
If you want to blart about how your a nice tax paying jew thats fine, however you can`t contradict all the bitter experiences businessman I know have had with Jewish businessmen and what I have seen them personally do. That is my solid evidence.