I Just Realized That Ireland Was.........


Well-Known Member
I don`t think I belong to a country, culture or religgeon. I`m a citizen of the world.
in addition to being a stately 'citizen of the world', you also have spelling abilities on par with a dyslexic, retarded baboon.

ignorance and racism....going hand in hand for millenia

and i did not insult your mother. i said 'probably'. just generalizing, ya know.


Well-Known Member
it's not true, it comes from anti-semitic stereotypes.

you know, the same ones you are helping to perpetuate...

derp dee der
All stereotypes aside, I`m gonna try and explain this.

Jewish people would help each other out really well, so to give an example they would buy of jews and sell to jews, even arrange to give money away like a charity to other fellow jewish people so they can open businesses too.

By doing this, they would quickly advance to employers and bankers in the society they were in. And so on and so forth.

We have a universal money system running which has a lot of flaws such as the whole zeitgeist thing (we are slaves of money and money mechanics).

Jewish people would advance higher and higher, causing an unfair advantage in the system. This is what causes them to be disliked by their neibhours. The fact that they support each other, help each other and choose helping their own people makes them seem like a bubble in the society. A group of people which are being racist in some manner and only helping their own fellows.

And in our current world of money and laws, nothing can be done against such a thing so they are simply disliked for what they do and do best.

Now I hope you have finished hating me and will discuss this with me.


Well-Known Member
in addition to being a stately 'citizen of the world', you also have spelling abilities on par with a dyslexic, retarded baboon.

ignorance and racism....going hand in hand for millenia

and i did not insult your mother. i said 'probably'. just generalizing, ya know.
If all you can do is insult my spelling, avoid the facts I`m talking about and try and get me back please fuck off, lol


Well-Known Member
All stereotypes aside, I`m gonna try and explain this.

Jewish people would help each other out really well, so to give an example they would buy of jews and sell to jews, even arrange to give money away like a charity to other fellow jewish people so they can open businesses too.

By doing this, they would quickly advance to employers and bankers in the society they were in. And so on and so forth.

We have a universal money system running which has a lot of flaws such as the whole zeitgeist thing (we are slaves of money and money mechanics).

Jewish people would advance higher and higher, causing an unfair advantage in the system. This is what causes them to be disliked by their neibhours. The fact that they support each other, help each other and choose helping their own people makes them seem like a bubble in the society. A group of people which are being racist in some manner and only helping their own fellows.

And in our current world of money and laws, nothing can be done against such a thing so they are simply disliked for what they do and do best.

Now I hope you have finished hating me and will discuss this with me.
i don't hate you, i pity your pathetic, feeble mentality.

what part of jews sticking together to help other jews is UNFAIR? that just seems SMART, considering the millenia of persecution the jewish people have endured. hell, we were nearly wiped off the face of the earth as little as 65 years ago. my wife has family that DIED in the holocaust. and you think the fact that we stick together is UNFAIR?

and how in the holy fuck is it racist to support your own? go google a definition of racist and get back to me.

the fact that jews stick together and help each other is well-documented. we have to in the face of all the persecution we have faced and continue to face from narrow-minded fucks like you who make false stereotypes about us.

false stereotypes like: we are fat, rich, and stingy. we are unscrupulous in business. we are racist and unfair in our practices. there is something wrong with our mindset.

take your false stereotypes and anti-semitism and blow it out your ass.

your mother was probably a slut and your father likely beat puppies for fun. have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Hitler...his country was in a tough position and Jewish people were making it harder for them. I would personally say that there is something wrong with the mindset of a Jew.

Now while this is going on Hitler was the guy who commanded millions of his men to death, it does make sense under all the cruel and horrible things that were done to them to somehow stop Jewish people doing this.
US-Israel planning to develop a certain microwave frequency that causes a feeling of intense burning but no major damage but some to the eyes, can pass through pretty much anything and will be used against crowd control!! I hope your not in that crowd one day sir!
If the Jews act like the world is against them, the world is going to be against them and thats my point.
But that doesn`t mean I`m completely cool with Jewish people because that path leads to inevitably working for a rich, fat and stingy Jew (not stingy against other Jew`s may I add.)
I have seen Jewish people come to my country and invest in a way to bust the locals out, are you gonna rant and say what they do wrong? My country didn`t really know much of the Jewish people, but trust me, they came 2 years past and they were hated all over. Maybe because they don`t care fuck all about the locals and want to make money with minimal costs? (costs which are income to the locals)

I treat everyone on individual basis, but if I do join the world of business I`m sure that will change. Thats all I`m going to say about that.

Others pointed out that the mindset of a Jew has very old origins. I met Jew`s personally, they are just so used to being hated and very hardy fellows. Not nice at all, will stiff you on any paragraph of a business agreement even though they have a good deal. Enough said.
generally speaking they are quite helpful and nice to each other but don`t give a shit about the rest of people. Thats what gives them their reputation and everyone knows that pretty well.

...when it comes down to doing deals with Jew`s I`m surely going to treat them like they treat the rest of the world.
what the world thinks about Jewish people were the facts.

...when it comes to talking about Jew`s, a lot of people seem to share similar opinions about them and Jew`s are not doing anything to change that but rather hating the world for hating them.

They have a general reputation a lot of people seem to know about and dislike.
Jewish people would advance higher and higher, causing an unfair advantage in the system. This is what causes them to be disliked by their neibhours. The fact that they support each other, help each other and choose helping their own people makes them seem like a bubble in the society. A group of people which are being racist in some manner and only helping their own fellows.
If all you can do is insult my spelling, avoid the facts I`m talking about and try and get me back please fuck off, lol
what facts? all i see are a lot of anti-semitic, false, sweeping generalizations.


Well-Known Member
You know who really fucking suck? Native Americans!!! they only trade with their own kind. they think everybody is out to get them which only makes people hate them more. they only marry within their own race. WTF is wrong with these damned Indians!?!?

you could put any "race" in the blank and try to apply it. it's bullshit.

and my wife is Cherokee so please don't fail to see my sarcasm here. :)

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I am sure Ireland is wonderfull, but to sit around while the Germans were destroying England is unreal , i just assumed Ireland fought. they should be kissing England's butt til this day
England has been occupying Ireland for many years and the Irish should kiss thier butts? The english have fucked them over so many times and really when we talk about the English we are talking about one of the most bloodthirsthy nations in the history of the planet. Just look at history and how much land they conqured and the killing that ensued. England has now been reduced to the US's butt boys, but thy still have a shady history to go along with the more noble things they may have done.


Well-Known Member
i don't hate you, i pity your pathetic, feeble mentality.

what part of jews sticking together to help other jews is UNFAIR? that just seems SMART, considering the millenia of persecution the jewish people have endured. hell, we were nearly wiped off the face of the earth as little as 65 years ago. my wife has family that DIED in the holocaust. and you think the fact that we stick together is UNFAIR?

and how in the holy fuck is it racist to support your own? go google a definition of racist and get back to me.

the fact that jews stick together and help each other is well-documented. we have to in the face of all the persecution we have faced and continue to face from narrow-minded fucks like you who make false stereotypes about us.

false stereotypes like: we are fat, rich, and stingy. we are unscrupulous in business. we are racist and unfair in our practices. there is something wrong with our mindset.

take your false stereotypes and anti-semitism and blow it out your ass.

your mother was probably a slut and your father likely beat puppies for fun. have a nice day.
You make a very good hater...

My pathetic and feeble mentality says, that what jewish people do for their own is selfish behaviour. In our system of living, people are ment to help each other. Buying off your own and selling to others is a plot to get disliked and the fact that your holding your own people above the people you are living with, please expect the same thing back.

You are justifying this selfish behaviour with history which doesn`t solve anything.

The stereotype about the fat old person was indicating a money greedy individual I would be working for at the end of this plot, he could be someone who does pilates and sunbathes all day long.. anyways...

When you put "have a nice day" along with loads of insults to the end of your message, you already seem to know I`m going to disagree with your justification of selfish behaviour in society and to steer away from this, your just trying to make your post more and more final.

Take a scenario, think of being a citizen of the world living in a society mixed with others. Would you still like me if I came into your country and did the same selfish behaviour, advanced and before you realised sent you out of business and got you working for my own? I`m sure nobody would be happy of such a behaviour and thats why Jewish people own their reputation. (not all)

Don`t forget that when Jewish people act in that way in a society, they are using the society around them to advance and develop.

So are Jewish people hoping everyone realises how much bad was done to them in history and love them for what they are doing? Its not going to happen is it!


Well-Known Member
damned good guess.... he does talk like Epic Win, that russian gangster on the satellite tv commercials. why didn't I say Romania... damn! you may be our winner...
he said this...

My country didn`t really know much of the Jewish people, but trust me, they came 2 years past and they were hated all over.

now correct me if i'm wrong, but that doesn't sound like england to me.

however, he does a great job at shooting himself in the foot by saying 'his country' did not know much about the jewish people but quickly hated them anyway.

number one: which country on earth in our lifetimes 'does not know much about the jewish people'?

number two: the easiest thing to hate is that which you know the least about.



Well-Known Member
You make a very good hater...

My pathetic and feeble mentality says, that what jewish people do for their own is selfish behaviour. In our system of living, people are ment to help each other. Buying off your own and selling to others is a plot to get disliked and the fact that your holding your own people above the people you are living with, please expect the same thing back.

You are justifying this selfish behaviour with history which doesn`t solve anything.

The stereotype about the fat old person was indicating a money greedy individual I would be working for at the end of this plot, he could be someone who does pilates and sunbathes all day long.. anyways...

When you put "have a nice day" along with loads of insults to the end of your message, you already seem to know I`m going to disagree with your justification of selfish behaviour in society and to steer away from this, your just trying to make your post more and more final.

Take a scenario, think of being a citizen of the world living in a society mixed with others. Would you still like me if I came into your country and did the same selfish behaviour, advanced and before you realised sent you out of business and got you working for my own? I`m sure nobody would be happy of such a behaviour and thats why Jewish people own their reputation. (not all)

Don`t forget that when Jewish people act in that way in a society, they are using the society around them to advance and develop.

So are Jewish people hoping everyone realises how much bad was done to them in history and love them for what they are doing? Its not going to happen is it!
it sounds to me like you are jealous of the position jewish people have achieved.

you could achieve the same thing, anyone can. but probably not with your victimhood mentality.

and back to your first post: you seem to actually sympathize with hitler.

do you not realize that the jews were just a scapegoat? or do you honestly believe they deserved to be rounded up and killed for 'causing so many problems' to poor ol' hitler?

glad to see you are at least backpeddling on the whole 'fat rich stingy jew' comment. it doesn't make it any less untrue or vulgar, but it does show that you might have some sense of decency.

likely not, but you might.


Well-Known Member
he said this...

My country didn`t really know much of the Jewish people, but trust me, they came 2 years past and they were hated all over.

now correct me if i'm wrong, but that doesn't sound like england to me.

however, he does a great job at shooting himself in the foot by saying 'his country' did not know much about the jewish people but quickly hated them anyway.

number one: which country on earth in our lifetimes 'does not know much about the jewish people'?

number two: the easiest thing to hate is that which you know the least about.



Well-Known Member
about 65% of the jews in europe were rounded up and killed as recently as 65 years ago....and it is 'selfish', 'unfair' and 'racist' that we stick together and help each other out?

get a fucking clue, buddy.

do you realize now why i don't hate you, but rather pity you?

it seems like you have watched one too many conspiracy theories about us evil jews controlling the world and whatnot. and even sadder, you bought into this tripe.

yes, you are truly worthy of pity.


Well-Known Member
lets let Jesus settle it shall we?