Well-Known Member
He has made a career on firing people. That troubles me. He's a free trade guy, similar to Clinton when it comes to international trade. I hate that. Free trade = outsourcing jobs to third world countries so CEO's can profit. It's the problem IMO.
On the other hand he was a pretty decent governor. It's difficult to say. I would definitely hear him out. It kind of depends on which Romney we'd get. I'll take the guy who was governor over Obama easily, but this new ultra-conservative guy I'm not a big fan of. Of course the conservative talk could be him just playing to his base and he could do a 180 in a general election and become very moderate.
So yeah, hard to figure him out. I'd have to see him run in the general election before I made my mind up about him. The rest of the republican field is a cast of fairly transparent far right mouthbreathers. Romney, who knows. I'd give him a fair chance to make his case though. But if he starts talking about more tax cuts to the rich I'll throw stuff at the tv.
Romney is also the only candidate I am considering other than Obama for my 2012 vote. It's not likely, but it really depends on if Obama grows some damn balls.