4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

keep pushing that date out as long as you need!!! we'll keep reading your thread no matter when you decide to chop! it's a good thing those buds don't have any seams in them..... they would split right open if they did!!!
LoL, funny shit stonet. i will, when there ready, there ready.

Dude, Im calling for the mother of re vegg. That is a big bitch. I just want the thread to continue. lol.
thanks donni, thats still not out yet, we'll see. i will keep this thread going no matter what i do, LoL.

In a cardboard box. Insane.
Definitely going to look into this Jungle soil. Sounds (and looks) like it grows jungles to me. Very good work Concord.
thanks alot hupomone!! it really is good shit, i have had no problems at all with this soil. remember, its only sold at lowes and they do have several different types including a organic.

LOL, CD, I got this one, dont forget about the ff nute pack, perfect "enclosed" environment- temps/humidity, lots and lots oh love, pretty sure there is a homemade co2 setup in there? great genetics, lots more love, few grows under the belt, the greenest of thumbs, dollar for dollar some great soil that meshes nicely with the nute pack, oh and lots and lots and lots of love....

Edit: CD forgot to ask you need a roomate??? LOLOL
thanks chief, there is no co2, only the box, fans, lights, container, jungle soil, nutes and the grassy of course, LoL. and yes, lots of love. oh and blade is still kickin it in there too. i will have a u-haul box for rent with running water from the gravity fed jug, cool fans and heat from 10 cfl bulbs, $250 a month, LoL.

I hope you didn't take my post in the sense that all he needed to produce his results was a big bag of magical jungle mix (though that would be nice.) I was just intrigued by his choice of soil, that's all.

If it was that easy to grow MJ why would we need a forum? Everyone would just buy good soil throw whatever light they had laying around at the time over it and be high 24/7. Of course it takes more than that.
its all good man, my second grow was just that after my first attempt at hydro that lasted only 21 days, LoL. i switched to soil which was an old pot full of i dont know what kinda soil off the front porch, a desk lamp and the gravity fed water jug, and some bag seeds, LoL. and now look, im up to a giant ass cardboard box and a bunch of cfl's and pullin 3 to 4 oz's from each grow. the combo of the jungle growth soil and fox farm trio nutes and chaching is a winning combination. and ph'ed water!! so important. learned that early on, LoL. heres the order of my grows, weezy, the dead hydro plant, then came new bean and then there was molly and 2-1, then the twin clones of molly, venus and raven, then there was the good seeds, rocky and choo choo, which is grassy mom, wow, thats a lotta growin in a year but it has paid off.


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its all good man, my second grow was just that after my first attempt at hydro that lasted only 21 days, LoL. i switched to soil which was an old pot full of i dont know what kinda soil off the front porch, a desk lamp and the gravity fed water jug, and some bag seeds, LoL. and now look, im up to a giant ass cardboard box and a bunch of cfl's and pullin 3 to 4 oz's from each grow. the combo of the jungle growth soil and fox farm trio nutes and chaching is a winning combination. and ph'ed water!! so important. learned that early on, LoL. heres the order of my grows, weezy, the dead hydro plant, then came new bean and then there was molly and 2-1, then the twin clones of molly, venus and raven, then there was the good seeds, rocky and choo choo, which is grassy mom, wow, thats a lotta growin in a year but it has paid off.

Very nice collection and great chronicle of how you've learned and upgraded your setup over the last year. Funny too that's how you started out, but it really is how most people do start out though. Keep it real. People are ignorant automatically to a field they've ever studied or learned about so we just do what we think is right, but we later find out through experience that it really is more involved and that's when our hobby becomes the addiction. :D

I don't even know everything there is about growing but I lurk these forums like crazy. The wealth of information throughout the stickies, regular posts, and especially journals like this on RIU is amazing though. Even when you stick to one method (such as a certain type of soil) it's great to be able to see other people use different things and show their results. It inspires you as an individual to be creative and try new things rather than always sticking to what you've done in the past. I see it as there's always room for improvement even when you have the largest cola's.

Again, props. You definitely took the time and care needed to make that u-haul box into something entirely different. :) Will be watching for your future grows if you do more.
Very nice collection and great chronicle of how you've learned and upgraded your setup over the last year. Funny too that's how you started out, but it really is how most people do start out though. Keep it real. People are ignorant automatically to a field they've ever studied or learned about so we just do what we think is right, but we later find out through experience that it really is more involved and that's when our hobby becomes the addiction. :D

I don't even know everything there is about growing but I lurk these forums like crazy. The wealth of information throughout the stickies, regular posts, and especially journals like this on RIU is amazing though. Even when you stick to one method (such as a certain type of soil) it's great to be able to see other people use different things and show their results. It inspires you as an individual to be creative and try new things rather than always sticking to what you've done in the past. I see it as there's always room for improvement even when you have the largest cola's.

Again, props. You definitely took the time and care needed to make that u-haul box into something entirely different. :) Will be watching for your future grows if you do more.
thanks a lot hupomone, true, that is how most start out. a pot of soil, a cfl bulb and a seed and a lot of questions, LoL. i have learned so much on here and this is what it has given me. im always open to new things as the results have shown. i was injured pretty bad last year and couldnt walk for quite a while so this is what i did to take up the time. now im a master ghetto grower, LoL. thanks again man!!

Damn CD got alot goin on over thur! All lookin magnificent!
hater, where you been buddy? good to hear from ya and thanks man!!

well its day 118 and i just didnt have time to cut her down today. there are some clear trichs left so i think it will be friday, that will be 120 days and almost 10 weeks of flowering. heres todays pics.


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yep! what everyone else is sayin! i try to be original,but come on now! youve heard it all cuz ur shits rockin cd! btw, im watchin tonight.
thanks kmk, i dont wanna brag, but dam, i just cant believe this shit, i did it again, LoL. i just cut a test bud, trimmed it up and its hanging and dryin. heres a couple pics. we won a few races today in the mat, my long dog won!! yes. hes one of my favorites, LoL. some good ones in tonight, hope to get a couple more wins. watch for "stoney" dog (sell high) in the 9th.


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ill be watchin! nice man! if only it retained more wt, huh?! i chopped1 last nite also. she was little but main bud was 18.6- i know,it has a stem&its still wet!.shes got a sister coimin down wk or two with sum girth! i envy your grassy man! look forward to your harvest!
Those big cola's look beyond juicy. Just imagining the things my bong and I would do to that if I was left alone with it for a couple hours.

Hahaha. Looking forward to the smoke report as well on your sample.
ohh shnap! that was so sikk! cd, those dogs are fast! that was hella close in race 9! sheeeeesh. hey, if i slap a 15 on my hound can i run'em?hahahaha good shit cd!
ill be watchin! nice man! if only it retained more wt, huh?! i chopped1 last nite also. she was little but main bud was 18.6- i know,it has a stem&its still wet!.shes got a sister coimin down wk or two with sum girth! i envy your grassy man! look forward to your harvest! btw, the 3rd pic-still on plant, thats a beautiful bud!
yeah no doubt, see the pics, LoL. thanks!!

very nice cd!! i'll be waiting for friday... you gonna give us a smoke report on that sample bud soon?
see below, it is gonna happen tomorrow.

Those big cola's look beyond juicy. Just imagining the things my bong and I would do to that if I was left alone with it for a couple hours. Hahaha. Looking forward to the smoke report as well on your sample.
thanks, see below.

Monster Buds, thats all I can say!!!
thanks gumball!!

Can I see the bud dry or drying? thanks. You really stepped your growing abilities up over the course of this time. Kudos! I hope my development is similar.
i will post pics of the whole process, the test bud, i just hung on a paper clip in my room, the others will be dried in the veg box. thamks a lot donni and good luck with yours!!

ohh shnap! that was so sikk! cd, those dogs are fast! that was hella close in race 9! sheeeeesh. hey, if i slap a 15 on my hound can i run'em?hahahaha good shit cd!
hell yeah bro, cool shit huh? man i love it so much, the dogs are the greatest to work with!! i couldnt believe stoney blew a 10 lenght lead, LoL. man, they use to have a day where you could bring your own dog out and race him against others, it was a big event, i dont think they do that anymore.

ok first, its day 119 and grassy got her last drink of water today, i will be cutting her down tomorrow for sure. i dont start till the 4th race tomorrow night so i'll have plenty of time to cut, trim and get everything laid out on the bakers rack to dry in the veg box. the veg box has a passive intake hole about 4" x 8" and 2 80mm fans on the other side for exhaust, it works great for this. i'll post plenty of pics of everything as i go. im gonna miss this girl for sure. i thought about doin a reveg but im just gonna be done for a while till i order some new seeds which will be small short autos, most likely 3 plus i'll get some free seeds to from herbies.

as you can see in the pics, the bud went from 3.1 when i cut it to 1.9 last night and today its .8, i did smoke a little last night and it was great for being right off the plant, treal smooth, no funny taste and it got me pretty stoned after only 2 hits. next thing i know, im out and woke up this morning, LoL. so yes, this shit is very good and its a real stoney buzz like i like, everyone should really try kandy kush at some point in a grow. wet weight will be posted after i cut and trim it all tomorrow.


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oh boy oh boy!! can't wait for this chop, one of the most anticipated of all time :) . also, cool before and after pics of the buds. crazy how much weight gets lost in just a couple days huh? glad to hear the weed works and look forward to the full report in a week or so!
i agree with homer, i'm all amped up for this one!!! there's no way they're all gonna fit on that rack..... you're gonna need four of those things!!!!
yep,that wt loss is a bitch. ivve never done wet wt. it would hurt my feelerz to see it dry!!!!loli think ill re weigh my big bud now see how much it lost since tuesday. as far as the races cd, i was gettn all excited and the ol ladys like its just dog racing.so i talked her into watchin 1 next thing we were both on the couch getn high watch "just dog races" together! she dug it once she watched.good stuff cd!
man those buds are huge cd, great job. i just noticed last nite my blueberry is starting to turn clear. hopefully it wont be much longer.. dont know if i can take the wait..

edit; cant +rep ya yet.