Stealth Dresser Grow - 1st Grow Attempt


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I said temporary because the idea is to run 4 of these from the front to the back; However, I would like to buy some fixtures first.. Right now things are kind of just hanging by wires and chains.


Well-Known Member
It broke my heart, but I decided the advice here was correct and that the plants needed to be trimmed down a bit more in order for this to work out.

So, here's the updated picture:


I know, I gotta get those plants closer to the light.. I'm working on a solution, didn't have this issue before.


Well-Known Member
They look much better incade. They are on 12/12 light schedule now, correct? Some will tell you cutting at this stage will hurt you, but your plants have enough root mass and plant matter left to compensate. If you are not in 12/12 they will probably grow back to how they were in a week or so, for real.


Well-Known Member
And, we're off!

Despite my n00bness, these plants have been champs and from the signs of it they are going to continue to cooperate with me. I've been continuing the flowering nutes at full dosage every other watering, we are on 12/12 since 04/02, and I've installed some lights to reduce the stretching I was seeing with the big lights mounted to the ceiling.

Here are some already delicious looking pictures:



Active Member
Ease back on the nutes. When using CFL's or low wattage, i tend to go 3/4 what they recommend.
I reckon if you carry on feeding full strength at such early stages under low watts one of the nutes will accumulate in the compost and you will nuke em quite quickly.
My 2p.



Well-Known Member
You do realize that I said every other watering, which means they get nutes twice a week... right?

I give them nutes, wait 2 days, water, wait 2 days, nutes again.


Well-Known Member
More pictures!! Things are starting to smell really good in there. :-)


P.S. I haven't had to move any lights in the last 4-5 days.. I think they may have finally cut back with the vertical growth a little.

P.P.S. When I see that my smallest plant (Picture 5) is now my best looking plant because I didn't have to cut it, it makes me sad for the other two. :(


Well-Known Member
I'll try to get some more pictures up today.. How far do you guys think I may be from cutting these down?

It was a 04/02 that I flipped them into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Budsicles anyone?

Sorry these aren't all that good. My DSLR is unavailable, so I took these with my phone. I know we're looking for redish trichs, and you're not really going to be able to see them with these pictures. :roll:




Well-Known Member
Looks good buddy! Well you want to start to see amber trichs, and maybe let it go a touch longer, but right now you need time! You have between 2 and a half and 5 more weeks to go depending on the strain, and since it is bagseed you dont know that. Give it some time, around memorial day weekend come back and compare them to the pics up now :D


Well-Known Member
Heh, sad thing is.. when these are done I won't even be able to try my first grow for a while, having to pass a drug test in the near future.

However, at this point I'm just ready for these damn things to be done.. it's been 5 months already lol. Honestly, I've learned a lot and it's been a fun ride. Bad fans, high temps, low humidity, wrong nutes, veg'd too long (accidentally), cut, and cut again. I'm glad to see they are on their way. The next time around, this journal will be MUCH shorter. Lol


Well-Known Member
Oh, another question... based on the pictures I've posted. Would any of you be able to give a rough estimate of expected bud?

The original goal was for a minimum of 2oz, but some seem to think that I'm going to be way over that.