• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya, before i left my wife i chopped down 2 5ft huge budding plants and threw them away 3 weeks before harvest

she knew I was serious about leavin when I did that,

then I said later bitch,

got my kids 50% of the time and a lawyer handy just incase she try's to get wise with me.,

get rid of her asap, or break her like a wild horse

just play it cool till your next harvest, dry the plants, take the bud stash it at a trusted friends house, and take down your grow op, tell her your leavin her,

if that doesnt give her a wakup call then just leave that ho, theres literally billions of gurls out there every shape and size, lifes to short to fuck with an imature snot nosed little brat of a g/f

just make sure you get your kids atleast 50% of the time. murder is not really an option yet at this point :D the kids need thier mom :D



Moderatrix of Journals
guess that's better than genital herpes. Don't kiss her if her lips are not perfect, even chapped could be the start of a sore.

I need a good grower girl, mkitty is right. That's why I moved to CA.
move to van!! you won't even need mello's help to find yourself one, there's a good chance you might even find yourself a veganic-esse. (at the very least it'll take you less than a day to find a pot snob who wants to learn how, you know the neighbourhood of which i speak ;))


Moderatrix of Journals
Why can't they all be like that?
as the mother of a child whose parents wouldna met if they weren't both growers, i often ask myself the same thing.
it's lonely for us girlies too. (*which is why more of you should be teaching your girls how* ;))
i'm the only 'wifey' in our circle who takes an active part in it; i even get hired out to work in other hubby's rooms for all the repetitive tasks. while i'm more than happy for the supplemental income (which hubby doesn't mind if it goes straight into my 'shoes and purses fund'), i simply don't understand. i mean, if i were a bread-winning man with a pet SAHM (<- ;)) damn straight she's learning how to tend our room 'cuz i sho' ain't payin someone else's wife $20/h forever.

Matt Rize

is it still cool down there? I haven't gone back since about a month after they got emery. I got some seeds from the third floor next door, not even good genetics. I showed the guys on the second floor some of my blueberry and dr A's bbxnl and they asked to buy from me! I was l like "why the eff do you think I drove 4 hours to be here? for SEEDS!"

Emery was nice, so was peter, his right hand. After I dropped a grand on dj blue they got to know me. Funny thing is they recognized my name from my mail orders, yikes, by the name of the college I went to. Best part was I brought my pit into the store with me. Worst part was showing up (clueless) after the bust with tv cameras everywhere.


Moderatrix of Journals
is it still cool down there? I haven't gone back since about a month after they got emery. I got some seeds from the third floor next door, not even good genetics. I showed the guys on the second floor some of my blueberry and dr A's bbxnl and they asked to buy from me! I was l like "why the eff do you think I drove 4 hours to be here? for SEEDS!"

Emery was nice, so was peter, his right hand. After I dropped a grand on dj blue they got to know me. Funny thing is they recognized my name from my mail orders, yikes, by the name of the college I went to. Best part was I brought my pit into the store with me. Worst part was showing up (clueless) after the bust with tv cameras everywhere.
the third floor next door? you mean the door with the pot leaf gates yeah? what was the company called? i was under the impression that the "house of pain" (or whatever they call themselves now) were the denizens of the third floor until just recently. were they also selling weed? anyways, thugs. on the one hand, a bunch of them cozied up to HAs a while back which precipitated the 'war of 98' as i've come to call it. on the other hand, they've always been "the devil we know." (then again, a couple of "the good ones" have died/turned to crack/gotten their "colors" in the last couple years, and tbh i don't go down there as often now, so i am kind of out of the loop these days, save for a few og connections.)
the "herb museum" used to be on the second floor, before that it was a short-lived "new age store", before that it was smokin seeds, before that, if i remember correctly, more thugs. you could've run into any of those people, i guess.
these days, the 'cannabis culture' office takes up most of those 2 buildings, which also house DML's "herb museum", and i think there's a second vapour lounge up there somewhere? and i'm sorry, any regular on THAT block who doesn't have ready access to dr. a genetics is either not 'in the know' or new on the scene, or incredibly cheap (i mean, c'mon, for the effort of walking across the street you can get them for under $100). (it took me a few 'chance meetings' involving other trusted individuals to figure *that one out... "THAT guy's dr. a??? are ya fuckin wi me?? no??" meanwhile i'd probably already had half a dozen sesh's with him....)

personally, as a longtime peripheral member of that 'cannabis clique', there's a part of me that's unsatisfied with mrs. emery's "leadership" (<-finger quotes); notwithstanding all of the divisive bs she has either said or published, it's kind of absurd to be out there begging for handouts in louboutins and blahniks, imo. but then, i try to think that as a 20-something who suddenly found herself married into a prominent position, she's probably doing the best she can.


Well-Known Member
wow.. my girl actually brought my whole setup for me from the grow tent to the actual nutrients. but i did kind of tell her it is an investment on her part. But she really dont mind me growing. She even give me props for how well the plants look. She said she going to start growing roses and shit just to try to out do me lol. its funny but yet if i turn on the playstation 3 then she start bitching. So i guess i gotta take the good with the bad. but good weed and ps3 go together like chocolate and peanut butter


Moderatrix of Journals
wow.. my girl actually brought my whole setup for me from the grow tent to the actual nutrients. but i did kind of tell her it is an investment on her part. But she really dont mind me growing. She even give me props for how well the plants look. She said she going to start growing roses and shit just to try to out do me lol. its funny but yet if i turn on the playstation 3 then she start bitching. So i guess i gotta take the good with the bad. but good weed and ps3 go together like chocolate and peanut butter
see now, this girl is more to my style. just give her a handful of primo and tell her to get back to her roses ;) (<-- i cannot stress enough that that's just mello trying to be funny. don't try this at home. mwa ha ha ha)


Well-Known Member
see now, this girl is more to my style. just give her a handful of primo and tell her to get back to her roses ;) (<-- i cannot stress enough that that's just mello trying to be funny. don't try this at home. mwa ha ha ha)
lol my girl don't even smoke like that, she's a lightweight half a joint and she be ready to go to sleep. she caught on to my trick tho cause i use to stay trying to get her to smoke just so she would take her ass to sleep sometimes lol. She want some pot brownies after i finish my grow so that should be funny to see how she act.


Moderatrix of Journals
lol my girl don't even smoke like that, she's a lightweight half a joint and she be ready to go to sleep. she caught on to my trick tho cause i use to stay trying to get her to smoke just so she would take her ass to sleep sometimes lol. She want some pot brownies after i finish my grow so that should be funny to see how she act.
you just have to time it right, feeding medibles to your partner is like feeding sugar to the kiddies (mello would know lmao. my man loves them now. ;)).... 4 - 6 hours of total madness, BUT THEN, after the comedown, ah, 8hrs of utter peacefulness.


Active Member
ya, before i left my wife i chopped down 2 5ft huge budding plants and threw them away 3 weeks before harvest

she knew I was serious about leavin when I did that,

then I said later bitch,

got my kids 50% of the time and a lawyer handy just incase she try's to get wise with me.,

get rid of her asap, or break her like a wild horse

just play it cool till your next harvest, dry the plants, take the bud stash it at a trusted friends house, and take down your grow op, tell her your leavin her,

if that doesnt give her a wakup call then just leave that ho, theres literally billions of gurls out there every shape and size, lifes to short to fuck with an imature snot nosed little brat of a g/f

just make sure you get your kids atleast 50% of the time. murder is not really an option yet at this point :D the kids need thier mom :D

lol i giggled when I scrolled down and saw this picture


there is peace in the valley once again.
long may it last bro. If she kicks off again, ... and this will be tough but necessary ... leave her for 3 days. If she rings you shrieking and shouting cut the fone call. When she rings the next day, all calm and sweet and promising to change, then you can start negotiating properly. That 3 day/night break will also help you to decide where your own head is at and where you want to go with this situation.

Thats how I handled my own bitchcow, but the 3 days turned into forever lol

good luck friend


Active Member
To the OP.

If you got a woman and kid you shouldn't be spending too much time on your grow op. Always find quality time with the family. Take an interest in your woman, it's not a coincidence she's with you, chances are she's got something to offer you in life.

Best thing I ever learned to do with my wife was have a sense of humor. Man she starts to piss me off I start to chuckle inside. Nothing funnier than a wife trying to piss off her husband.

I grow, its a small operation and I usually work on it during the off hours or late at night. The rest of the time I'm making sure I'm there for my wife and kids.

She let's me grow cause she knows the farming activities are good therapy.

You got to care for your woman in a fair and respectful manner. Be sweet to her, listen to her, and try to support her in life.

The weed is way less important than your family, keep that perspective and you shouldn't have too much long term trouble.


Active Member
Mine got real bitchy the first time too. But she realised she liked having a bunch of Mason jars full of smoke to pull from whenever she wanted. She still gets a little sketchy sometimes but I just tell her what she wants to hear like "yeah just let me get through this one and I won't do it again" and she chills out.


Active Member
maybe its a jealousy issue but my girlfriend has turned into such a bitch since I been growing. Making big scenes and shit. Lucky I have cool neighbors or the cops woulda been here a bunch of times. The more I try the more things work against me. Its killing me.
I was into this thread until it turned into a woman bashing thing. Use that tongue for lovemaking not fighting and she'll probably be less bitchy. If you live in a med state and don't have a card, she should bitch. I think if you are lucky enough to live in a state that has mmj and you grow without it, you should reconsider.

If you don't live in a med state, how secure is your grow? If you have company in and out and plants and FF shit laying around; she may have a point. If she's just bitchy because she thinks you are scum for growing - perhaps it's time to part ways. Before someone calls the cops, you need this situation under the rug.

To add to the discussion, I have a great g/f, Hell she'll even help take care of them. Problem is she's:
1) Overly helpful
2 Really damned clumsy
3) Knows Jack Schitt about gardening

What this meant for me last year when I was using a "modified" heating pad on low: "Since I know he said heat speeds up germination and we are behind schedule, I'll surprise him and take initiative and turn this puppy up to medium to give them an extra kick."

What really happened: She fried every single frickin feminized seed I had in there (about 32). If I gave you a strain list, you'd cry. I wanted to kill her but then I realized my main crop was doing 2X as good as I hoped and that was good enough for me. So, I grabbed her face that I just wanted to hit with a hammer and gave her a long kiss; told her not to worry, we'll make it up next year. Truth is w/o her I probably would have no grow.


Active Member
To the OP.

If you got a woman and kid you shouldn't be spending too much time on your grow op. Always find quality time with the family. Take an interest in your woman, it's not a coincidence she's with you, chances are she's got something to offer you in life.

The rest of the time I'm making sure I'm there for my wife and kids. She let's me grow cause she knows the farming activities are good therapy. You got to care for your woman in a fair and respectful manner. Be sweet to her, listen to her, and try to support her in life. The weed is way less important than your family, keep that perspective and you shouldn't have too much long term trouble.
If she's just bitchy because she thinks you are scum for growing - perhaps it's time to part ways. Before someone calls the cops, you need this situation under the rug.

To add to the discussion, I have a great g/f, Hell she'll even help take care of them. Problem is she's:
1) Overly helpful
2 Really damned clumsy
3) Knows Jack Schitt about gardening

What really happened: She fried every single frickin feminized seed I had in there (about 32). If I gave you a strain list, you'd cry. I wanted to kill her but then I realized my main crop was doing 2X as good as I hoped and that was good enough for me. So, I grabbed her face that I just wanted to hit with a hammer and gave her a long kiss; told her not to worry, we'll make it up next year. Truth is w/o her I probably would have no grow.
I swear all of the good ones are already taken! Two gems in a sea of rocks.:hug:


Well-Known Member
good ones aren't all taken... we're just all so detatched from one another that it seems that way. the FEW people in this world you know are taken, there are MILLIONS more you don't know.


Well-Known Member
my lady is cool with my garden. She doesnt smoke either but she understands that it is a passion of mine and it saves us money by being self sufficient. I know she looks at the price of the nutes like what the fuck, and would rather I spend that extra time im in the garden with her, but she loves me enough to let me have my own interests. I love it when she gets excited about what im doing too even though she doesnt really understand. I think some girls make it hard because of the money and attention factor, but those usually end up being unhealthy relationships without growing as well