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So I was sittin around this morning watching TV when I get a knock at the door. Looked and holy shit its my landlord. I had my cabinet open for all the world to see. I hurried up and closed it up and opened the door. He said "I would like to come in and look around, because the apartment under you has water leaking into it". I told him to give me a minute to put on a shirt (to stall). I got everything cleaned up pretty quickly. He looked and didnt find anything then left. Just to be safe I moved my stealth cabinet into my Bedroom (where there isnt any plumbing). Good thing I did because when he came back he said the water was leaking from right where my cabinet was sitting. He came and went all day long, making me nervous as hell but never found a drop of water coming from here. I recently cut a hole in the wall to vent into the other room. He was working right next to where the hole was but because I put a filing cabinet there he never saw it. I Was Shiting Bullets The Whole Time!!!!!
This has been my nightmare the whole time. I covered the smell (carbon filter), I took care of the noise, and even built a stealth cabinet so you cant visually see. The only thing that could go wrong is if maintenance had to come in for some kind of emergency work. Good thing I was off today, otherwise they would have seen the way everything was set up. Only security I have is the fact that I put a Master lock on my cabinet and you cant get into it unless you have the key or a crowbar. Holy Shit Balls!! Gonna smoke a fatty now!