OMG! Fuckin Landlord Stopped by today


Active Member
So I was sittin around this morning watching TV when I get a knock at the door. Looked and holy shit its my landlord. I had my cabinet open for all the world to see. I hurried up and closed it up and opened the door. He said "I would like to come in and look around, because the apartment under you has water leaking into it". I told him to give me a minute to put on a shirt (to stall). I got everything cleaned up pretty quickly. He looked and didnt find anything then left. Just to be safe I moved my stealth cabinet into my Bedroom (where there isnt any plumbing). Good thing I did because when he came back he said the water was leaking from right where my cabinet was sitting. He came and went all day long, making me nervous as hell but never found a drop of water coming from here. I recently cut a hole in the wall to vent into the other room. He was working right next to where the hole was but because I put a filing cabinet there he never saw it. I Was Shiting Bullets The Whole Time!!!!! :shock: This has been my nightmare the whole time. I covered the smell (carbon filter), I took care of the noise, and even built a stealth cabinet so you cant visually see. The only thing that could go wrong is if maintenance had to come in for some kind of emergency work. Good thing I was off today, otherwise they would have seen the way everything was set up. Only security I have is the fact that I put a Master lock on my cabinet and you cant get into it unless you have the key or a crowbar. Holy Shit Balls!! Gonna smoke a fatty now! :joint:


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Saw another thread on here with the same scenario few months ago. Landlord ended up calling cops if i remember correctly. Not to scare ya or anything bro. Il try to look it up.
Saw another thread on here with the same scenario few months ago. Landlord ended up calling cops if i remember correctly. Not to scare ya or anything bro. Il try to look it up.

Yeah well this guy didnt suspect anything because of how well my system is concealed. I dont think he suspected anything strange. Well its not illegal to have a weird cabinet with a master lock on the secret back door. They cant see anything, so I dont think they could do anything. I think im in the clear (Hope so anyway)
Yeah well this guy didnt suspect anything because of how well my system is concealed. I dont think he suspected anything strange. Well its not illegal to have a weird cabinet with a master lock on the secret back door. They cant see anything, so I dont think they could do anything. I think im in the clear (Hope so anyway)

as long as your not a dumb ass and play your cards right even if they found the cabinet and it is locked they can not open it with out a warrent.. thats why if you put shit in your ((LOCKED)) trunk or glove box of your car u get pulled over there's nothing they can do they will try to tell you if you dont unlock it they'll arrest you and open it anyway THEY CANT and if they do when the case goes to trial they'll have no choice but to drop it.....

very thing happened to me....... pulled over they searched my car all except the locked glove box so the one cop took a bar from his trunk and broke open the glove box inside was a bag and my camera the cop then went threw my pictures in my camera and came across my grow pictures.. shortly after they booked me i called my girl and they had raided my dads house.... my last known address.... i was living/ growing with a buddy so they didnt know that adress

sat in jail for a week went to court i plead not guilty and the hole thing was dropped all because he opened the glove box that was ((LOCKED)) if it wasnt locked i would have been FUCKED.... my dad got compensaision for the broken door they busted in but they didnt give me my fucking camera back and as of now i never have my name on the lease i live at nor do i ever have my camera on me haha
Yeah that is the main reason I put the lock on there. I figured that if anybody found it then they would suspect something but dont have the right to break into my shit. It isnt a very big lock either, just enough to deter anyone who might find it. I put alot of effort into the cabinet looking totally inconspicuous so that hopefully nobody will ever get that far. So far no one has even blinked an eye at my armoire (AKA Grow Cabinet). Sorry Grower001 about you run in with the PoPo but at least you walked out of it with your freedom.
Here are a couple pics of how secure my cabinet is or isnt.


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I like your cab (classy!), however, I would maybe just reposition it and try to conceal the ducting in some way. Bedroom is a good idea.
I like your cab (classy!), however, I would maybe just reposition it and try to conceal the ducting in some way. Bedroom is a good idea.

Thanks When the cab is pushed back in its normal position you cant see any of the duct work. It looks really good, Better than I expected actually.

did you cause the leak by cutting that hole in the wall and inadvertently nipping a water line?

No the hole was cut last week and the leak just started yesterday. I was very careful when cutting the hole so as not to hit any wires or pipes.
Nice cabinet man, you survived that one only because your build was super clean. I would have looked it over in a hurry too, good build.
Nice cabinet man, you survived that one only because your build was super clean. I would have looked it over in a hurry too, good build.

Thanks. The biggest concern I had while building it was the way it looked. I did everything possible to make sure it was just another piece of furniture. I will post some more pics since everyone likes it.

great setup

Thanks bro! :)

My original thread for the build


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I'm a landlord, I don't give a shit what my tenants do, long as they pay and they don't hurt my shit. =)
I'm a landlord, I don't give a shit what my tenants do, long as they pay and they don't hurt my shit. =)

Well I did cut a hole in the wall but do plan on fixing it before I move out. This isnt a typical place where it is the actual landlord that stopped by. It is a large community and they a crew of maintenance guys who do the door to door stuff. I think that is better anyway, All the maintenance people are Puerto Rican and every Puerto Rican I have ever met smoked. Biggest worry would be that they tried to steal my shit.
glad my landlord is my fiancees aunt was scared at 1st she asked my girl last yr hope he has his card my girl told her yeah and she was kewl with it had a green house in the back yard shes even picked up a few sacks from me
That's why they call it "Stealth!" ;-)

Congrats! You just passed the acid test. :clap:

GREAT job. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
So I was sittin around this morning watching TV when I get a knock at the door. Looked and holy shit its my landlord. I had my cabinet open for all the world to see. I hurried up and closed it up and opened the door. He said "I would like to come in and look around, because the apartment under you has water leaking into it". I told him to give me a minute to put on a shirt (to stall). I got everything cleaned up pretty quickly. He looked and didnt find anything then left. Just to be safe I moved my stealth cabinet into my Bedroom (where there isnt any plumbing). Good thing I did because when he came back he said the water was leaking from right where my cabinet was sitting. He came and went all day long, making me nervous as hell but never found a drop of water coming from here. I recently cut a hole in the wall to vent into the other room. He was working right next to where the hole was but because I put a filing cabinet there he never saw it. I Was Shiting Bullets The Whole Time!!!!! :shock: This has been my nightmare the whole time. I covered the smell (carbon filter), I took care of the noise, and even built a stealth cabinet so you cant visually see. The only thing that could go wrong is if maintenance had to come in for some kind of emergency work. Good thing I was off today, otherwise they would have seen the way everything was set up. Only security I have is the fact that I put a Master lock on my cabinet and you cant get into it unless you have the key or a crowbar. Holy Shit Balls!! Gonna smoke a fatty now! :joint:

+REP you have indeed earned this video.

You're lucky if you can find a 420 friendly landlord. My friend has one up in Mass that he's friends with and he even pays part of is rent with a sack every now and again when he's short cash. As far as not letting the cops look in your trunk, that's hit or miss. They can call in a drug dog that will of course indicate weather it's in your car or not just so they can have probable cause. Also the police do read these forums and a warm box with a motor sound inside and warm air coming out of the back is probable cause. I'm glad to hear he didn't spot it or the hole.
So explain the supposed leak.

Do you think this was just a ruse by the landlord to inspect your place?

How long did it take you to answer the door? Do you think he heard you moving furniture around while he was waiting?

You said he looked at the spot where your cab was because of the leak but you say you moved a file cabinet in front of the vent hole?

I'm just trying to figure out why he wanted to check out your pad in the first place.