First Ever Grow


Active Member
Hi and cheers for all the advice, The earliest ill be abe to put her into flowering will be next week so gonna put into 30+ days of veg, If it overgrows my space i guess ill just have to deal with it, I brought it on myself for being unprepared. :) (Noobie mistake 1) lol


Active Member
Cheers ABM, The wardrobe conversion is getting there very slowly, Finished installing the intake fan for the veging chamber today and boxed it in, With any luck im hoping to get done tomorrow then ill post some pics up of it finished and my plant.


Active Member
UPDATE - Day 24 from seed

HI all

Well what a fucking day, Between my tools not working properly or running out of materials i was ready for taking a hammer to the whole lot lol.

Anyway managed to make progress, lined most of the top chamber and made a frame for the front of the top chamber so i can velcro on the mylar and light proof it hopefully. My plant seems to be growing at an alarming rate, 8" from top of the pot already. Because of the rapid growth im going to a hydroponics store tomorrow so by thursday i can start 12/12.

Heres the wardrobe so far.

Wardrobe - 1.jpgWardrobe - 3.jpgWardrobe - 2.jpgChamber C - 1.jpgChamber C - 3.jpgChamber C - 2.jpg

And heres my baby girl :).

Day 24 - 8.jpgDay 24 - 6.jpgDay 24 - 5.jpgDay 24 - 9.jpgDay 24 - 1.jpgDay 24 - 7.jpgDay 24 - 4.jpgDay 24 - 3.jpgDay 24 - 2.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and happy toking everyone :).


Active Member
Not sure on the size of the pot ill measure tomoz but all it said on the bottom of the pot was it was 30cm pot, think its about 10" in height and doubt ill be re-potting her as i wont have the space for it.


Active Member
Ok just measured my pot. Its 32" top diamater, 25" bottom diamater and 10" in height. Being doing some research on the size etc and closest i can work out is the pot is 25 litres or 5 gallons, feel free to correct me if im wrong.


Active Member
Hi all, Im on schedule for once, Went to the hydroponic store and decided to buy a 125w Envirolite 2700k CFL for Flowering. Also managed to finish the chambers today, Just got to wire 1 light and some fans and im done, Oh yeah and i forgot to ask if they sold E40 bulb holders at the Hydroponic store because stupid me thought they were a normal standard thing that i could get anywhere, well i was wrong every shop i asked in they either looked at me strange or didnt have a clue what i was on about lol. So ive been forced to buy one off Ebay and hopefully should be arriving before the weekend. Heres some pics of the almost complete wardrobe conversion :) and ill post some pics of my girl tomorrow, Shes grown 2" since yesterday lol.

Almost there - 5.jpgAlmost there - 2.jpgAlmost there - 4.jpgAlmost there - 1.jpg


Active Member
UPDATE Day - 26 from seed

Hi all, Last update till i determine sex next week sometime, Plant is still growing at an amazing rate and tweaked the wardrobe a little. Also got 2 seeds Germinating and 1 seed has just been planted in a peat pot. Heres the pics of my baby and just gotta keep my fingers crossed for a female.

Day 26 - 5.jpgDay 26 - 1.jpgPICT0296.jpgDay 26 - 4.jpgDay 26 - 3.jpgDay 26 - 2.jpg


Active Member
I have a couple of questions if someone can give me an answer would be great, First thing does mylar take away the need for a light reflector? ( Im using the diamond diffusion) Also whats the most pc fans that you can wire up to one 12v DC charger? (Got 3 fans wired so far.)


Active Member
I just realised im thick as fuck, Been looking all over for bulbs and worrying about lighting and lumens and today i had to change a bulb as one blew and when i read the description on the bulb the spectrum was 2700k :) (only 15w) But i have fucking shit loads of these lying around from when all the electric companies were sending them out for free lol

So now im gonna make a fixture and wire up about 10 of them together :)


Active Member
Ok just measured my pot. Its 32" top diamater, 25" bottom diamater and 10" in height. Being doing some research on the size etc and closest i can work out is the pot is 25 litres or 5 gallons, feel free to correct me if im wrong.
Thats an indudtry standard 3gal Pot... +/- of course...


Active Member
................. Also whats the most pc fans that you can wire up to one 12v DC charger? (Got 3 fans wired so far.)
Belesar-If you are using a 12v "wall wart" type charger, it should be rated as to its output. Chances are the fans will just slow down if you overload it... the fans don't usually draw much, depending on the size.


Active Member
Belesar-If you are using a 12v "wall wart" type charger, it should be rated as to its output. Chances are the fans will just slow down if you overload it... the fans don't usually draw much, depending on the size.
I have 3 fans. 1 - 120mm, 2 - 80mm all wired to a standard 12v charger, I know from my PC building days that most fans have an adjustable RPM if u can get enough power in them. I tried yesterday to re-adjust it by using an adjustable 12v charger and for some reason it was struggling to run my new 3 fan setup but when i ran them through the standard 12v charger they all ran but had a lower RPM. Im at a bit of a loss at the moment on what to do about the fans, Only thing i can think of is to buy a standard PCI-E fan controller to try and squeeze a few extra RPM`s from them.

Oh and cheers for the info on the pot size lol, Over in the UK or atleast were i am from the fuckers just put stupid crappy info on the bottom of the pots like its a 30cm pot, WTF is that shit, I just want to know either A) Litres or B) Galons that the pot is lol.