Except that the rich aren't being taxed down to the level of the middle class. Not even close.
Nor are the poor being brought up to even the level of the middle class, you can't even survive on welfare nowadays, let alone live well.
The rich aren't prevented from doing anything because of overtaxation, they are still rich, can still buy whatever they want. But in many, many, many cases families can't afford the car repairs, or new gutters on the house, or Jennie's tuition this year because of taxes. Maybe you should rethink who needs their taxes lowered and why.
I mean, we can't even pay for the government AS IS, taxes are going to have to go up in the future, PERIOD. Even if we were to balance the deficit without new taxes(which is nearly fucking impossible and would send our economy into a tailspin) we would still have to pay down the debt.
Taxes are at historically low levels, not high. Lower than they have been in 70 years. Not higher, and the government can't even fund itself, when taxes go up, should they go up on the people who have more than they need, or the people who are barely getting by???
It is completely fucking illogical to tax the people who recieve welfare, if they had the money to pay for it, then they wouldn't need them now would they??? Of course you tax the rich to send the poor to school, this is how you combat poverty, not by taxing the poor to help the poor. Makes no sense.