• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?


New Member
a teacher wants asked me, would you send money to a african nation that is starving
Even tho it hurts me to see kids and humans in general struggle my answer was

i would rather send them knowledge on how to cultivate there land gving money to someone will never really help when they become depended on it but rather teachin them how to survive i feel would be better overal

but then again how much of your money you send is really helping them

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
There is nothing more Balkanizing then race based politics. What is so amazing to me is that we are still willing to entertain the idea that modern American society is systemically or institutionally racist. It is not. Anyone who's says otherwise is ignorantly guilt ridden, seeking power, extortion, or handouts. Racism doesn't exist! At least not by any real definition of the word.
Not true. Racism nowadays is more subtle than it used to be. For example if a black dude calls for a quote on an apartment, but he sounds...well..."black" when he speaks to the receptionist. The receptionist might be prompted to tell him that there are no vacancies just to maintain the white identity in the apartment complex. This is racism as well as a real life situation.

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
I hope that everyone can see that I'm not beating a dead horse when it comes to way black people are treated. I'm drawing peoples opinion so that I may combat them with my own opinion. Thats the main point of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Until we all stop identifying ourselves as "white" "black" "latino" "asian" etc etc we are doomed to repeat the folly of perceived self-supremacy no matter your race. If Jesus came down here & told us that race is a bunch of bullshit would you listen? Well, He did just that. I'll let His words speak; Behold the Lion of Judah...[video=youtube;UH7LNI_9nVY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH7LNI_9nVY[/video]


Active Member
To live a more stable life.
I speak of the latinos
To fuck people out of as much money possible.
I speak for white people.

I'm only kidding about the whites.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so by all means jump on your next boat to africa cause in reality your costing me tax money

The reason so many people and black men in particular are in jail is largely because of the "war on drugs". I'm not a liberal white apologist, far from it but I do acknowledge that racism still exists. I don't support the race card being played in many circumstances either, but in some instances racism is very much alive. I'd love a world where we judge others on their deeds, we have a ways to go to get there.

As far as somebody "costing you tax money" I think you are blaming the wrong party, it's the enforcement of the prohibitve laws that is costing you the money, not the victims of the laws that are sitting in prisons.


Well-Known Member
Not true. Racism nowadays is more subtle than it used to be. For example if a black dude calls for a quote on an apartment, but he sounds...well..."black" when he speaks to the receptionist. The receptionist might be prompted to tell him that there are no vacancies just to maintain the white identity in the apartment complex. This is racism as well as a real life situation.
Your just making this up! I can make up scenario's that seem nonracist just as easily.

This is not Racism. This someone using judgment and protecting thier property. Racism is the idea that one group of people are intrinsically superior to another based on race.

I might do the same thing...... But I don't know what color the person is. There are lot of "white" folks that sound "black". A person is making a judgment about the character of the person not a judgement about skin color.


Well-Known Member
Your just making this up! I can make up scenario's that seem nonracist just as easily.

This is not Racism. This someone using judgment and protecting thier property. Racism is the idea that one group of people are intrinsically superior to another based on race.

I might do the same thing...... But I don't know what color the person is. There are lot of "white" folks that sound "black". A person is making a judgment about the character of the person not a judgement about skin color.
OMG you mean you live in a nation where you do not judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character? But don't you know that is called racism when you simply judge a black, half black, 1/4 black or .00001% black person?


Well-Known Member
OMG you mean you live in a nation where you do not judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character? But don't you know that is called racism when you simply judge a black, half black, 1/4 black or .00001% black person?
People have the right to make judgments and if people are bigots than they have the right to be. Though it's borish and uncivilized to be a bigot no amount of legislation, public announcements or after school specials are going to change human natures tendency to make judgment based on life experience. What we can do is change our political system and our institutions which we have done. We live in the least racist country on planet earth even to the point of hypersensitivity to the subject of race. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying or doesn't know any better.


Well-Known Member
According to some of the more left leaning members of the forum, just being a bigot is equal to racism. At least you and a few others have figured it out.


Unbelievable. O.K. let’s look at the definitions of the terms here.
Racism 1. a doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior.
2.a policy, government, etc. based on such a doctrine.
3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
So is the KKK, no longer a group who believes the white race is superior? Is there no longer a group called the KKK?
Yea, they are practicing racism in this country under definition 1 and 3. And so do many other individuals as well, all the haters.
Now, we recognize forced segregation of a race or ethnic background as racism, falls under definition 2. Don’t think there is still forced segregation in this country? Let’s look at the definition.
Segregate 1.to separate or set apart from others or from the main body or group; isolate.
2.to require the separation of a specific racial, religious, (or other group) from the general body of society.
3.to separate, withdraw, or go apart from the main body and collect in one place.
4.to practice, require, or enforce segregation.
O.K. So if there is no racism in America, why do we still have special college funds and other funds for certain groups, Native American, African American, Mexican American and so on. And If I am not a member within that group, I cannot access such funds. And racism can also be equated to the segregation of cultures and religions. Think we have freedom of religion in this country? We don’t, try joining a Native American Peyote Church without proving your Native American Heritage. So you are literally banned from joining such a church and practicing the religion based on racial heritage. Not racism? Yea it is.
As a matter of fact, if there were no racism in America; first then we would refer to all human beings born in this country as Native American. We say if we live in our home State (the State you were born in) that we are native to that State, but this is not the case within the United States as a whole. Second, we would not title the current president of this country as African American nor even black, it would never even have been mentioned if it weren’t for feeding society these ideas of racism. All we need to know about him is; was he born in this country? Which State? What has he done? What does he intend to do? And in the case of our president, if he had lighter skin, would we still call him black? Black implies African descent/ African American, but many children of white and black parents can in appearance look either black or white. So our president is equally as much white as he is black. What he looks like is of no importance at all, it’s all about intentions. But no-one will say he is Native American because people will automatically think Indian. And why these terms; African American, Mexican American etc.
The only correlation I can see is dark skin. We do not hear the terms German American, French American, Scottish American. To be fair some of us would have to refer to ourselves as Irish German American, or even Asian German Irish African Scottish Italian American, you can see where this idea just gets stupid.
So long as we continue to have special funds or appropriations for select ethnic groups, we have racism. So long as we continue to introduce a person as African American, Mexican American, whatever, we still have racism. So long as we continue to segregate ourselves from one and another, we have racism. And it’s not limited to just those of African descent, it includes almost all groups of dark skinned peoples. And now the haters have managed to shun and ban people from marriage based on sex, so it’s getting even worse and taking on new forms. Shouldn’t we be able to love whom-ever we want without condemnation or restriction? When did love become a bad thing? Did I miss a meeting?
Racism is a stupid concept to say the least, but still occurs in this country by all definitions, systemically and especially institutionally, and will continue until we realize that we are all one. Special funds and appropriations should be for all people who live in poverty, and a person should never be lawfully restricted from becoming a member of any religion or church based ethnic background.

jeff f

New Member
The problem with your debate is ignorance. There were civilized groups of people in africa before the influx of caucasions. Ever heard of the Nubian Kings and Queens, The Kingdom of Mali, The Songhay Empire?? I'll go into a bit more detail later but for now I must get off my phone get back to my course work.
dont forget the great black leaders like Idi Amin Dada, Gen Laurent Nkunda, Mohamed Farrah Aidi and many others. super great people boosting the rights of the down trodden blacks.

if you notice, i didnt have to go back to "ancient" blacks.

better stick to studying.


Well-Known Member
I'm drawing peoples opinion so that I may combat them with my own opinion.
Interesting...Most folks seek other opinions to round out their own, not to combat the enemy.

People see what they want to see. A chick saying that an apartment is full hardly counts as systemic, government sponsored racism.

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
dont forget the great black leaders like Idi Amin Dada, Gen Laurent Nkunda, Mohamed Farrah Aidi and many others. super great people boosting the rights of the down trodden blacks.

if you notice, i didnt have to go back to "ancient" blacks.

better stick to studying.
Completely irrelevant to the topic a few pages back...but your two cents was duely noted..NOT
That was a shitty attempt to discredit me.


New Member
Let me give you my perspective on this please listen. The america that I lived and grew up in the majority are black however I am white so I think its a uniqe perspective(detroit/flint), I also have many blacks/latino/asians/arabs in my family and most my coworkers are black as were my schoolmates.

It is not about race differences, this is what the elites want you to think, they want us fighting and bickering, they want us divided. It is about the elite class over the poor people, why are more blacks in jail? its because there are more poor black people and latinos then of any other race for a multitude of reasons but mainly it is because they are born into this(not their fault). The real american dream has been long since dead, sure you can get a fancy job and maybe bank a few million and lets face it, its very easy to be happy and successful enough here to just get by, but to become a true person of great power with loads of cash from nothing honestly is next to impossible, most people that are really wealthy are wealthy because they inherited it from their family who had that wealth from many past generations (long before blacks were free and long before latin people emigrated here in large numbers), so this is why there is more poor black people, its because the american dream is for the most part a farce.

The government is not out to just get black people - its out to get poor people - to maintain this form of modernized slavery we call america - so until we can rise up as one and stop drawing racial lines and speaking hatred/racisim of each other the rich will continue to be the winners in this and the lower class will continue to be victimized. It is not black vs white its rich vs poor. We must unite and not fall into this trap if we are to make change and move forward, our government is corrupt and controlled by money, the bankers are in charge of us all. We are all the prey of the wealthy and will continue to be their prey, money and power is blind to race.