6 Inconvienient truths about slavery.

Have you guys seen the movie "Roots," how about "Amistad"?

The way we are taught about slavery in America and the way it is normally discussed in most circles gives a clear impression that slavery was unique to the US. Can you remember ever being taught that slavery, specifically the trans-Atlantic slave trade shipped slaves all over the world and not just to America? Have you ever been taught that it was the black North Africans that sold slaves to the Whites or were you left with the impression that we went there and stole them?
What I find most interesting about this thread is that there is so much poor reading comprehension. In the article Medved never even comes close to defending slavery nor does he come close to excusing it. In fact, he states several times how horrible and wrong it was.

What Medved does point out is that much of the claims related to slavery are incorrect. Take for instance the first claim, that America was uniquely responsible for slavery. If we go by what we are taught in school or what we watched in the movie "Roots," it looks very much like America invented slavery when the facts are very different. Who here was taught in school that the sub-Saharan Africans were enslaved by the Northern Africans for centuries before the white man ever showed up and that it was largely Muslims who ruled the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

Has anyone here ever heard a teacher discuss how numerous American statesmen argued vehemently that slavery was immoral and while it was not white Christians that invented slavery it was white Christians and Christian sensibility that deserve the credit for ridding most of the world of this horrible evil? To this day many countries (especially Muslim ones) still keep slaves.

Other points made by the author are meant to set the record straight with regard to many false claims made by the Left and to educate people with accurate history. What is wrong with telling the whole story?

it appears a lot of the posters here simply read the title and went into instant "ATTACK MODE". :shock:


Have you guys seen the movie "Roots," how about "Amistad"?

The way we are taught about slavery in America and the way it is normally discussed in most circles gives a clear impression that slavery was unique to the US. Can you remember ever being taught that slavery, specifically the trans-Atlantic slave trade shipped slaves all over the world and not just to America? Have you ever been taught that it was the black North Africans that sold slaves to the Whites or were you left with the impression that we went there and stole them?
roots was a show, not a movie (a miniseries)
An asian named "Rick White", riiiiiiiight.
so whats your point?

alot of asian people either change their name or if they are second generation when they come here pick a more western name

just cause your asian doesnt mean you need a name like chang (retard)
fuck you buddy, i aint a god damn republican

furthermore i have worked with unions, and young enough as i am, i know a fucking scam when i see one

i gotta pay, for them to represent me against a company who treats its employees decent? why the hell should 5% of my pay check go to an organization that is self serving?

thats cool if unions want to exist, but when they become the same fucking extortion racket the government runs, fuck them and they can burn in hell for all i care[/QUOTE] lol, I worked for a Union once and your right, It has become corrupt. I did one job only. but I found it funny how up and down the line there were managers doing nothing at all for the company?
But I have also worked at places where the workers, Bust there ass making the profits for the company and are treated like shit and work horses period, while the tie guy's get all the benefits, That's fine I refuse to work for large corparations where they hire no nothings and do nothings and reap all the rewards, off of slave Labor.
I like that saying "fuck You buddy", I said that before lol,:peace: and I'll pass you the pipebongsmilie, To me this article tries and justifies a Bad time in American history, writen by a RWB waving conservative republican, and it's Bullshit. I wave the same Flag and have different views, that;s what makes America great, but I can see the Lies:eyesmoke:

so if it was written my a rabid liberal this would be ok then?

i dont know who wrote it to be honest, but i didnt see them try and defend anything, just bringing up points
You gys got slavery and raceism mixed up some blacks were sold by there own people to america for slaves it was big buieness back then.and even thoe even thoe it seems inhuman most africans are to blame because they treated those africans as they were scum comeing to america you can't blame the wites for not eccepting something different they had to get used to me just like we had to adjust to mexican food and chinese food i cain't spell cause i'm high
Still sounds like excusing it a bit... excusing america's involvement, not the act of slavery. And, I did read it - just because I don't agree with you, does not make me stupid, or have low reading comprehension ability.

I'm thinking about writing a paper about a serial rapist named Joe Smith.

First, I have to say that rape is horrible.
-Joe ONLY raped 8 women.
-Many serial rapists have each raped many more women than just 8.
-Joe never beat any of them up.
-He even felt some remorse afterward.
-He did not invent rape. It has happened throughout history - all over the world.

Doesn't that sound like I'm excusing Joe, or trying to minimize what he did?
That's how Medved's piece comes off to me.
And, I just don't see the big liberal conspiracy that he's addressing.
Sure, classes learn about slavery in america, but not so much about other parts of the world. Same with a lot of other things. We live in america and our history classes are really focused on american history. I really don't remember any details about my history lessons as a kid, but it seems like I've always understood that slavery has happened throughout history.

The things is: I'm not seeing a conspiracy in his writing either. I don't think he set out to excuse american slavery. I'm sure he really believes that he's correcting some misinformation (I just don't think it's as prevalent as he believes it to be).
His writing just gives the impression of excusing america's involvement, and I think that stems from him being scared to say anything very critical of america and sounding like a bad patriot or america-basher.
Let's just put it into perspective. Slavery has been a labor choice throughout the entire history of man. It's nothing new. Almost every country EXCEPT for the USA gave up slavery for purely ECONOMICAL reasons, not moral reasons. Was the USA being completely altruistic back in 1863? NO, of course not. There is a misconception that the Notrh was all in favor of freeing the slaves, but that's simply not true. The North was very divided about slavery, but was all for crushing a rebellion which endangered the union. States rights vs. Federal rights. We all know who won. The Fed's have been growing ever since.

Slavery was the side issue of the Civil war, not the cause, nor the true goal.
You gys got slavery and raceism mixed up some blacks were sold by there own people to america for slaves it was big buieness back then.and even thoe even thoe it seems inhuman most africans are to blame because they treated those africans as they were scum comeing to america you can't blame the wites for not eccepting something different they had to get used to me just like we had to adjust to mexican food and chinese food i cain't spell cause i'm high
i like what he said,and now the world wants the swagger of a black man:mrgreen:think about it,and i do not think the world would try it know:twisted:
Slavery is a mindset for economic prosperity,,Yea right..Nice thinking so I guess child labor and sweatshops are alright to? as long as your the one getting rich and everyone is getting poor and sick with a short life span. You guy's need to wake up! That's exactlly why the Unions were created to protect the real men from the slave drivers. You'll never change. BUt we have HA HA.

If you belong to a union you are a slave to the union. Unions do not equal freedom comrad.
No I do not belong to a union, I understand that they are corupt. but if they were completly gone who would protect the worker? The Feds, They inforce, labor laws, with no representation in government, Laws would change for the worse IMO.
i find repulsive that somehow an author was actually able to "spin" america's use of slave labor into a good thing.

i don't care about economics and what not, it was wrong, period. if they didn't realize it, i cannot do anything about it now, but it was wrong.

a human is a human, not an ox. they will never be the same, no matter how much the people of that "era" thought that. it was wrong. period.

why didn't they use white slaves? why didn't they just start a trade selling white babies into slavery? because it is wrong. it is not too complicated. if white people would've been the slaves, it would still be just as wrong. it is something that goes against the very idea of human dignity.

they just used black people as slaves because they somehow saw themselves as superiors. it's sickening.

there is no excuse, there is nothing to say, it was wrong. i'll go throw up now...

At no point does that article say that it was a good thing. Correction there is one line in there what says it may have been more horrible that the ships captians did not want the loss either. That line is either typed wrong, or it is just plain wrong. While it is true they did not want to have their money lessened it was not more horrible.

He points out that slavery kept the south behind the expanding and wealth north.

The real point here is that not all Americans feel responsible. It is a shame that it happened. It was a shame that the holocoust happened. It is a shame the way the Indians were treated. It was a shame when the Egyptains enslaved the Jews. It was a shame when the Hutu's were killing thier enemies. Po' Pot(sp?) was a nightmare.

But, not my fault. Why should I get beaten over the head with other peoples mistakes from the past?

NO, I do not feel bad. I owe no one an aplogy. I am part of white America, and I hate that I am refered to that way. We are all Americans. White, black, brown, yellow or purple. Can we put away the differences and move ahead?

Did you ever notice that in school you only ever learn about the American Instance of slavery?
No I do not belong to a union, I understand that they are corupt. but if they were completly gone who would protect the worker? The Feds, They inforce, labor laws, with no representation in government, Laws would change for the worse IMO.

My company does not have one nor do they need one. It is a false belief that all business are out to screw their workers.

A happy work is a productive worker.
1. England created the colonies to be the agricultural breadbasket for her far flung empire
2. England brought the slave trade to the colonies in realization that the south with large plantations could not produce what the empire needed without the infusion of a labor force
3. By the time the colonies had won their independence, the south was hopelessly addicted to slavery to keep the economic system the Brits had created running. Of course they benefited personally from that.
4. The founders agonized over slavery full well realizing the hypocrisy in their statements but believing (correctly) that the fragile union would not survive if an attempt were made to end slavery.
5. As politicians will do, they kicked the slavery can down the road the whole way to 1861. Instead of the nation ripping itself apart for sure in 1787, it waited four score and seven years, and almost ripped itself apart in a civil war.
6. Nobody won from slavery. Everybody lost. It is a fact that blacks in America today are the most affluent black population in the world. We elected a black president. It's time to get over it.
My company does not have one nor do they need one. It is a false belief that all business are out to screw their workers.

A happy work is a productive worker.
I said that before,,I have lived it, worked at good and bad places, but to say all places will treat there workers with respect is crazy, some will take care of you,,which is where I'm at now,,but other places, really could give 2 cents, for you hard work. My beef is it's alway's the Bigger company's screwing the employees, and if they had there way it would really suck for the majority of US workers. I AM NOT UNION,,but I get why they created. look back in history:peace: