Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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i know but i bet he resembles that character

No. That's a person far more badass than those gay bitches.




hey man i wish 7forever would make post like this one
Yes crypt made some really good ones. His thesis of white on rice was good, as was the snow cone in a blizzard. oh lets not forget the whitewashing of the pure fallen snow, that was good one too.
are we now assuming that jack nicholson asassinated "the one who would be known as benny hinn"? all this time i thought it was a collaboration between the bigfoot population and the illuminutty.
no it was willy wonka and the notorious oompa loompa gang [video=youtube;qw0zZttfUaw][/video]

are we now assuming that jack nicholson asassinated "the one who would be known as benny hinn"? all this time i thought it was a collaboration between the bigfoot population and the illuminutty.
i'm not sure i can fit all this into the dogma of our new creed, "The Church Of The Grassy Knoll". so far we've included benny hinn and the original list of dallas luminaries, bigfoot and the illuminutty, bob dylan, miracle max, abraham zapruder and his magical camera, 23 of the 72 virgins i was promised for blowing myself up (even virgins wanna get paid these days), an unidentified woman in what appears to be an ugly housecoat, jack nicholson and his pet ax henrietta, alexey pajitnov (the inventor of tetris), willy wonka and an unknown number of oompa loompas. next i suppose you''ll want me to find a place for charlie bucket and slugworth. our scriptures are beginning to look like an odd mixture of obscure references and pop-culture icons. i'm already up to 783 pages and i've only included half of our cast of characters. if i'd known it was going to be this much trouble, i never would have started this damn religion in the first place. i now understand why god refuses to make personal appearances any more, it's just too exhausting.
Not actually against your theory but at least give us a motive for each person in the car to make it more interesting.....:D
Jackie would have wanted him dead for publically humiliating him with his tarts....
the others...paid off perhaps?
Then there's the mafia, the CIA and everyone else that wanted him not much of a conspiracy.
But if it was done openly in public like this, my point is, surely it would have been a spur of the moment murder...because otherwise it is the most ridiculous assassination idea an open top car, get the passenger to kill him and the rest of us say it was a shooter in the hills.....but what about the crowds that will see it?
So yes, I get what you are saying, you think it was someone in the car...I get that. But why? What motive? And was it spur of the moment or deliberately planned?
Even if you don't know - just give me your theory, that's all I was asking...:rolleyes:

Jackie wasn't look at him, so she didn't see Greer shoot although she may have realized it but who knows. Connally saw Greer shoot jfk and took it to his grave. They didn't say anything because it was a massive cover-up. Just imagine the governor of TX going against the media and government in the 60's. A complete joke. Of course it was ridiculous and that's the very reason why millions of americans should know about it. So, they can laugh at how retarded government can really be when their arrogance allows such an epic blunder.

Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot Kennedy.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.
Austin Miller's Warren Commission Testimony (back to the list of witnesses)
(Miller was standing on the triple overpass)
Mr. BELIN - Well, describe what happened. Did you see the motorcade come by?
Mr. MILLER - Yes sir; it came down main street and turned north on Houston Street and went over two blocks and turned left on Elm Street. Got about halfway down the hill going toward the underpass and that is when as I recall the first shot was fired.
Mr. BELIN - Did you know it was a shot when you heard it?
Mr. MILLER - I didn't know it. I thought at first the motorcycle backfiring or somebody throwed some firecrackers out.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you hear or see?
Mr. MILLER - After the first one, just a few seconds later, there was two more shots fired, or sounded like a sound at the time. I don't know for sure. And it was after that I saw some man in the car fall forward, and a women next to him grab him and hollered, and just what, I don't know exactly what she said.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see?
Mr. MILLER - About that time I turned to look toward the - there is a little plaza sitting on the hill. I looked over there to see if anything was there, who through the firecracker or whatever it was, or see if anything was up there, and there wasn't nobody standing there, so I stepped back and looked at the tracks to see if anybody run across the railroad tracks, and there was nobody running across the railroad tracks. So I turned right straight back just in time to see the convertible take off fast.
Mr. BELIN - You mean the convertible in which the President was riding?
Mr. MILLER - I wouldn't want to say it was the President. It was a convertible, but I saw a man fall over. I don't know whose convertible it was.
Mr. BELIN - Where did the shots sound like they came from?
Mr. MILLER - Well, the way it sounded like, it came from the, I would say from right there in the car. Would be to my left, the way I was looking at him toward that incline
Mr. BELIN - Is there anything else that you can think of that you saw?
Mr. MILLER - About the time I looked over to the side there, there was a police officer. No; a motorcycle running his motor under against the curb, and jumped off and come up to the hill toward the top and right behind him was some more officers and plainclothesmen, too.
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone that might be, that gave any suspicious movements of any kind over there?
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone when you looked around on the railroad tracks, that you hadn't seen before
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't.
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