Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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hey man dont be thread jacking

QUOTE=7forever;5541714]With this old copy you can see the cartoon gun, arm and hand form perfectly before the fake reflection jolts backward in perfect unison with the headshot.
I don't have the video editing skills that you folks do, however, I do have an understanding of video, and 1963 Lincolns. I think I finally see what you think is an arm of the driver, and no, sorry, it's the upper part of the driver's door. Plus, the top of the passenger's head, with the grease, is of course going to move some... there was a high powered rifle shot just shot in his general direction, and just as a final thought, you do understand that this film, even when new, was approximately 7.5mp resolution for still pictures, right? Not counting "Z's" movement during the shooting? Plus the low frame rate doesn't help matters at all.
Not trying to sound trollish, just saying is all. No offense to anyone.

Greer's left arm crosses over in the nix film which completely destroys any hope that this idiotic cover-up could continue on indefinitely. The arm is fake in Zapruder because it crosses in nix and muchmore.

Advance to 1:09 and see for yourself where this gif came from.
if you look closely enough, you can clearly see he who was soon to be known as benny hinn being given a hand job by his eternally virginal bride. just look to the left of the leopard-skin pillbox hat.
Greer's left arm crosses over in the nix film which completely destroys any hope that this idiotic cover-up could continue on indefinitely. The arm is fake in Zapruder because it crosses in nix and muchmore.
Wow, you can see it so clearly in this zoom. That is definitely a gun in his left hand. Anyone that denies the photo evidence I just presented should be locked away for insanity.

are we playing tetris now? i think mine's broken. as hard as i try, i can't get those damn little boxes to rotate or even move.
and i thought it was his dick and he was turning around to jack on jackie

Wow, you can see it so clearly in this zoom. That is definitely a gun in his left hand. Anyone that denies the photo evidence I just presented should be locked away for insanity.

why don't you just give up?
as someone said, 99% of ppl here still don't believe this.
sorry for the things i said, i get nervous easily
but dude, that's enough, you had your time, you did your job, now it's about us to believe or not
no more.

You joined 13 days ago and you're asking me to leave.LOL You are off your fucking rocker...
well at least he has only had to listen to u go on and on with the same so called proof for 13 days dude he said it right u presented it and no one agreed with u so do u think by constantly bombarding this forum with same crappy grainy pics is going to make us believers no you sir are the one off your rocker
and u act like a little kid that goes to store with mom and repeatedly ask your mom to buy u something till she gives in OH MOMMY I WANT THAT MOMMY BUY ME THAT

well we aint your mommy and we aint buying shit for u or from u

You joined 13 days ago and you're asking me to leave.LOL You are off your fucking rocker...
You joined 13 days ago and you're asking me to leave.LOL You are off your fucking rocker...
At least he joined this forum for the reason it was created and isn't a fucking troll spammer like you. You join RIU and don't participate anywhere except this thread. You are clearly a disturbed individual that craves attention and acceptance but you have no social skills (or critical thinking skills) whatsoever, so you search the interwebz for posts about Kennedy hoping to find someone that thinks you actually have a brain. Good luck with that.
Wow. I have heard of a person joining a forum and not posting about the dedicated topic, or a person joining and only posting in one subforum, but never a person joining a forum, and only posting in ONE THREAD, their entire stay. Half a year.
well that is because he is so busy posting it on 20 other forums if u google u will see what i mean and sad thing is no one believed him there but he claims they agree im sure he doesnt even smoke but maybe he should then he will realize how crazy he sounds or might make him worse he might get paranoid

Wow. I have heard of a person joining a forum and not posting about the dedicated topic, or a person joining and only posting in one subforum, but never a person joining a forum, and only posting in ONE THREAD, their entire stay. Half a year.
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