My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
so today iwent and dropped some cash.... i am pumped i havent set it up yet but in hind sight i think i got the sales pitch. i got a 400 watt switchable, a 3x3 tent, 4inch inline fan, carbon filter and cool tube. i was going for a 4x4 tent, a lumatek digital ballast and the same fan and filter......but the reason i did was he told me about the hortilux blue mh over the super hps hortilux you think the spectrum is that much better? i think it is alot more even acrossthe spectrum......the guy at the lhs also said that he reccommended against the lumatek because the case is filled with epoxy and not i was convinced to go with the viagrow....i think thats what it is....did i fuck up ya think?


Well-Known Member
Well the 2 different size plants will give you a good idea on the screen height for next time :lol: they look great though :clap:
Hi mel I just finished reading your journal and I must say great job! :clap:
I wish my grow was going as good as yours.

I was wondering if you or anyone following your journal could please give me some direction as to why this is happening to my headband plant. ph is 5.7-5.9, ppm around 600, room temp 76-80, rh about 40%. I'm using GH 3 part nutes on a 30 min watering schedule 4 times a day. I've tried changing around the watering schedule and even ran just plain tap water for a few days to see if anything would change but im having no luck.

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Thanks for any suggestions


Well-Known Member
so today iwent and dropped some cash.... i am pumped i havent set it up yet but in hind sight i think i got the sales pitch. i got a 400 watt switchable, a 3x3 tent, 4inch inline fan, carbon filter and cool tube. i was going for a 4x4 tent, a lumatek digital ballast and the same fan and filter......but the reason i did was he told me about the hortilux blue mh over the super hps hortilux you think the spectrum is that much better? i think it is alot more even acrossthe spectrum......the guy at the lhs also said that he reccommended against the lumatek because the case is filled with epoxy and not i was convinced to go with the viagrow....i think thats what it is....did i fuck up ya think?
Nah man you didn't Fuck up you'll be fine with what you have And congrats on getting all that much need it stuff. where's the journal????


Well-Known Member
Hi mel I just finished reading your journal and I must say great job! :clap:
I wish my grow was going as good as yours.

I was wondering if you or anyone following your journal could please give me some direction as to why this is happening to my headband plant. ph is 5.7-5.9, ppm around 600, room temp 76-80, rh about 40%. I'm using GH 3 part nutes on a 30 min watering schedule 4 times a day. I've tried changing around the watering schedule and even ran just plain tap water for a few days to see if anything would change but im having no luck.

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Thanks for any suggestions
ce im no expert by far but it looks like heat stress but only on upper leaves from what i see, how close is your light? i just read somewhere about the way the leaves are postured its a defence stance, i think it was too close lights ill se if i can find where it was.


Well-Known Member
Hi mel I just finished reading your journal and I must say great job! :clap:
I wish my grow was going as good as yours.

I was wondering if you or anyone following your journal could please give me some direction as to why this is happening to my headband plant. ph is 5.7-5.9, ppm around 600, room temp 76-80, rh about 40%. I'm using GH 3 part nutes on a 30 min watering schedule 4 times a day. I've tried changing around the watering schedule and even ran just plain tap water for a few days to see if anything would change but im having no luck.

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Thanks for any suggestions
Thank you and welcome CE!!
Believe it or not this is the 4th time I try to post this morning and last night did to but got busy and didn't finish sorry!
I'm with 4tatude it might be heat stress but after looking around I've seen people thinking ph or boron deff but your ph seems dead on.
How high are the light from tops? What is the temp over the tops? Have you try moving the lights up a bit?

Google leaves curling up and nutrient def. Chart. I found bunch of top drip grows with this problem some were due to wrong ph some were heat stress.
What kind of medium ar you using? Are you feeding at lights off? Have you try feeding 15 min on 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hrs off sched?

Hope this helps good luck. :peace:
Thanks for the suggestions from both of you. Now that I think of it I was having ph trouble for a little while and I had 1 cfl about 2" above the tops. I just switched to a 400watt hps and its about 15" above the tops. I'm using hydroton and my timer only runs on 30 min intervals but ive tried as many as 8 feedings a day and i was running lights 24/7 until yesterday i just flipped to 12/12. They actually seem to be doing a little bit better already. I think the sleepy time helped.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions from both of you. Now that I think of it I was having ph trouble for a little while and I had 1 cfl about 2" above the tops. I just switched to a 400watt hps and its about 15" above the tops. I'm using hydroton and my timer only runs on 30 min intervals but ive tried as many as 8 feedings a day and i was running lights 24/7 until yesterday i just flipped to 12/12. They actually seem to be doing a little bit better already. I think the sleepy time helped.
Glad to hear that and good luck keep us posted :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well it has been a few days since last update but I have been really busy some days I've gone 24hrs between checks .
Droped my ph meter in the solution two days ago and it doesn't works sucks. using test kit for now. Ran out of Bloom and forgot to order more don't know what I'm going to do until I get a new bottle. guess I could go to the store but it is 50 min away and I hate that drive.

Checked this morning and they didn't look to happy to me and low on water but didn't have time to add some more because I was running late to work ppms were high because the water level dropped . Don't know what to expect when lights come on tonight. I've seen the humidity up to 70% some days and I don't like it also found the tips of the leaves turning a bit yellow. Ill take corrective actions tonight.

Temp 75
Rez 68
RH 62
PH 6.0
PPMs 1540

Pics from this morning sorry no comp Yet.



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the pH meter. Mine is broke and I still haven't gotten my new electrodes for it in the mail. Been about a month since I have checked my pH. They are still alive and kicking tho. Must be doing something right I guess. Lol! Your bigger plant is taking over the screen I see. When do you plan on trimming underneath the screen? Your buds are starting to form together nicely. You should get a great yield out of them. I would Rep you if it would let me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the pH meter. Mine is broke and I still haven't gotten my new electrodes for it in the mail. Been about a month since I have checked my pH. They are still alive and kicking tho. Must be doing something right I guess. Lol! Your bigger plant is taking over the screen I see. When do you plan on trimming underneath the screen? Your buds are starting to form together nicely. You should get a great yield out of them. I would Rep you if it would let me.
The big one has 30 tops and the small plant has like 8 lol!
I'm planning on cleaning under after I get my cuttings ill prolly do within a week or so because I don't want the clones to grow to much in there. I got the airstone and pump yesterday for my cloner. I would like to start on the vegg box so I can have more room to work with cuttings and clones . But for now a 3 gal tote inside a filing cabinet under 4cfls will do.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm going to stop been lazy and I'm going to the hydro store to get bloom nutes today! I stil hate the drive glad I brought my pipe to work with me so the drive won't be that bad.


Well-Known Member

Temps 72
Rez 66
RH 65%
PH around 5.6
PPMs 1559

Drove to the store and got more bloom and micro nutes yesterday I hate that drive!.

For the past two weeks I've been adding nutes only at water change trying to stretch it out so I don't know if I've been under feeding them? If I have that big one surely doesn't look like it. Added 3gal to the rez and 60ml bloom 30ml micro 15ml grow added grow just to use it cause the bottle is for the most part full,20ml liquid kool bloom and 20ml cal/mag.
Going to poke a hole on the eaxhaust duct to vent some hot air back in the garden to try to raise the temps and lower RH.
Rez temps are staying under 65f due to the shade from the cannopy and the room stays at like 72 most of the time and RH has gone up to 70% in several ocations but not less than 65%


Well-Known Member
little high on the rh there mel, cant remember if you have 2 fans or 1. you may have to exaust air 24/7 to keep rh down. i just turned mine on the 24/7 and is much better as the rh is below 55 90% of the time. also need direct circulation into and through the canopy to keep the moisture down on the leaves. those ladies will transpire a lot of water as they get bigger and are able to due to canopy size. jmo
they are looking great to me!!


Well-Known Member
hey man not trying to highjack your thread but finally got my first journal started should be fine so check it out link in sig.


Well-Known Member
HAHA, I hate the drive too, but a full pipe or 2 and some great music and it turns into a great drive!!! Plants are looking good. I wonder how long they would have gone without bloom nutes...