Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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You can literally see skull detaching from his rear skull. Also, notice as his goes back you can see the white lane through the back of his head.LOL
It's hard to imagine a better comparable to the Kennedy forehead shot. You can see the bullet smoke when it strikes his face which is mirrored by the nix gif showing the bullet strike his right forehead consistent with my work placing the entrance over the right eye and logically exiting the right rear, supported by 40 witnesses including Greer and Jackie Kennedy.
Does it not seem pretty damn impossible that if Greer really did shoot him that the entrance wound would go from left to right? Instead you have a wound that lends the shooter to be either very close to directly in front or a bit off to the right (Grassy knoll?) An impossible shot for greer to make, thanks for defeating your own theory. Now please stop posting this nonsense.
damn i knew i knew that song man just couldnt place it thanks man had it stuck in my head since i posted that lol but i would rather have that song stuck in head then some crazy conspiracy theory

You can literally make anything funny with Benny Hill music.
Clint describes a massive exit that could have only been caused by that goon, Greer.

Clint Hill saw the massive hole on the right rear portion of his head.

Mr. HILL. This is the first sound that I heard; yes, sir. I jumped from the car, realizing that something was wrong, ran to the Presidential limousine. Just about as I reached it, there was another sound, which was different than the first sound. I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard object--it seemed to have some type of an echo. I put my right foot, I believe it was, on the left rear step of the automobile, and I had a hold of the handgrip with my hand, when the car lurched forward. I lost my footing and I had to run about three or four more steps before I could get back up in the car.
Between the time I originally grabbed the handhold and until I was up on the car, Mrs. Kennedy--the second noise that I heard had removed a portion of the President's head, and he had slumped noticeably to his left. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. She turned toward me and I grabbed her and put her back in the back seat, crawled up on top of the back seat and lay there.

Mr. SPECTER. What did you observe as to President Kennedy's condition on arrival at the hospital?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

The back of his head opens up at the moment of the front right impact.

Kellerman moved his head forward, backward and forward again in the space of 1 second (frames 296-314) in an attempt to block the gun's view from the north side of elm street and after to look like he's ducking bullets. Watch him look to his left towards Greer's chest. He was following the movement of the gun and Greer's arm. When Greer turned the second time, the gun was near his right collarbone, so all he did was push it up, over and shoot jfk directly in the forehead.

Watch the fake reflection recoil and separate from Roy's head.
u r so out of touch with reality it is pointless it try to get u to see how stupid the things u say sound
your ideals do not match the evidence so stop imagining things


The back of his head opens up at the moment of the front right impact.

If you think that’s anything other than an exit wound it makes one thing perfectly clear, you’ve never shot a damn thing in your life. Bullets going in don’t do that but they do coming out.
You can literally make anything funny with Benny Hill music.
have you ever turned the channel to what you thought was an old benny hill rerun, only to find you had misread the guide and it was actually benny hinn?

i just love this thread. it gives me the opportunity to blurt out any random thoughts that are circling around my brain.
if u look at link i posted u can see it blowing his whole right front side of face out
his vid is so fucking grainy because it is blown up

If you think that’s anything other than an exit wound it makes one thing perfectly clear, you’ve never shot a damn thing in your life. Bullets going in don’t do that but they do coming out.
have you ever turned the channel to what you thought was an old benny hill rerun, only to find you had misread the guide and it was actually benny hinn?

I just love this thread. It gives me the opportunity to blurt out any random thoughts that are circling around my brain.
lol! Yes!!!!
well jump on board and come on mindphuk u too
he loves a audience and its been lonely just me replying to him for days
so whats your take on this subject

have you ever turned the channel to what you thought was an old benny hill rerun, only to find you had misread the guide and it was actually benny hinn?

i just love this thread. it gives me the opportunity to blurt out any random thoughts that are circling around my brain.
so whats your take on this subject
well, i firmly believe that benny hinn should be taken off the air. not only is it confusing as all hell after a couple of bowls, but he has taken advantage of the ill and defenseless for far too long. i can see that religion fills a vital need in our society, even though i myself am a life long non-believer, but his brand off this confidence game is more unethical than most. he preys on people at their most vulnerable and has even gone so far as to claim that the funding of his ministry is more important than even the welfare of one's own family. if i were still a violent man i might be tempted to place several well aimed rounds into his greasy little head.
idk even know who benny hinn is but tell me some terrible shit he did and i might do

wasnt he selling cookware on tv

well, i firmly believe that benny hinn should be taken off the air. not only is it confusing as all hell after a couple of bowls, but he has taken advantage of the ill and defenseless for far too long. i can see that religion fills a vital need in our society, even though i myself am a life long non-believer, but his brand off this confidence game is more unethical than most. he preys on people at their most vulnerable and has even gone so far as to claim that the funding of his ministry is more important than even the welfare of one's own family. if i were still a violent man i might be tempted to place several well aimed rounds into his greasy little head.
well then FUCK HIM tell that fucker to get a real job instead of stealing money with false promises
when a church starts talking money i leave
god dont need money but preachers do
and 7forever i have decided to turn u life long work this thread into a talk and toke party thread might last for days bro and if we leave a mess we will leave u some rep for the damages
ok who is blazing now and what u cranking
we know 7 aint if he was he would say fuck who killed kennedy
pass that shit to left

he is a faith healing televangelist and a huckster of the first order. who knows, he may even have been involved in jfk's assassination. i believe he was lounging on the grassy knoll at the time.
thats right i remember now he had a frying pan that would make a grill cheese sandwich in the shape of the cross
that commercial made me so hungry

he is a faith healing televangelist and a huckster of the first order. who knows, he may even have been involved in jfk's assassination. i believe he was lounging on the grassy knoll at the time.
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