California license plate 4hzt408 , can anyone look up license plates ?


Active Member
it was really difficult but through rogorous checks and a lot of time i found out who he is, he is the 2010 northern ireland hide and seek champion.


Well-Known Member
they obviously want a give em one

Day 1:
sit outside on your lawn wearing cop glasses with an unplugged hair dryer....act like you're doing radar duty
Day 2:
argue with your shrubs for an hour
Day 3:
vacuum your sidewalk wearing oven mitts
Day 4:
trim your grass with a ruler and scissors
Day 5:
move most of the living room to the front Oprah...move everything back
Day 6:
spend an hour ringing your own doorbell, knocking on the door, and yelling, " I KNOW YOUR IN THERE", then whip out your keys and let yourself in.
Day 7:
sit in the center of your lawn dressed like a hobo and hold a sign begging for change

Day 8:
wear flippers, swim trunks, water wings, goggles, and a snorkel.....then BBQ


bud bootlegger
^^^^ lmao.. some of them are great.. move the furniture outside and then watch oprah and then move it all back in.. i would give the op a nickel to see that one, ... too effing funny..

Cloner X

Although i do like chubby's ideas, i'm with the walk outside and have a chat crowd. Simply approach him and ask if there's anything you can help him with. Gives you a good excuse to get close enough to the car to look inside and see if you're dealing with a detective, private I or what. No real sense in being shy about it. So long as you are amicable, you are well within your rights to ask if he needs assistance and go on from there to try and find out why he's been there on multiple occasions (while making your own conclusions via observation).


Active Member
Although i do like chubby's ideas, i'm with the walk outside and have a chat crowd. Simply approach him and ask if there's anything you can help him with. Gives you a good excuse to get close enough to the car to look inside and see if you're dealing with a detective, private I or what. No real sense in being shy about it. So long as you are amicable, you are well within your rights to ask if he needs assistance and go on from there to try and find out why he's been there on multiple occasions (while making your own conclusions via observation).
watch out, maybe one of the mexican drug cartel, dont wanna upset that lot with your nosey neighbours.


Active Member
get the baseball bat out and smash his windscreen then tell him if you ever see him around here again it wont be the windscreen you smash it will be his face

benny blanco

Active Member
Its really no big deal to call up the cops and ask them to check out a suspicious activity. If you don't want them knowing its you that called get a cell phone with no service, turn it on and use the emergency dialr to call the cops.


Active Member
^^who would really make it that obvious
^^go check if the car has registration tags (if i doesnt i would assume its police)
^^ someone once called the police when i was parked in another neighborhood, cop just told me where i lived, what i was waiting for and that i was worrying the neighbors.


Well-Known Member
If he's doing it for more than one day...
I'd Call the Police, (the actual station... not 911) and say that there is a susp. person parked outside (give closest neighbors address and Description of vehicle) and state that there may be children playing around the neighborhood, and that you would like to know if there is a patrol car anywere near the area that can cruise by the area and just look the guy over... to make sure everythings ok.

Mentioning Susp person and children in the same sentance will prob get them there in less than 5 minutes... If he doesn't leave after that... call again a few hours later... They'll make him leave...


Well-Known Member
How about finding out where he lives and park outside his house in your car scribbling notes on a bit of paper?


Well-Known Member
call 911 and report a stalker in the neighborhood. maybe a rapist or child molester, hes been in the neighborhood for days and is always seeminly looking at the young girls and your very concerned for the children of your neighborhood safty.

give a clear discription of the car and the person, and the license plate. id even go so far as to say, you are pretty sure you seen him trying to talk to little girls thru his car window.


Well-Known Member
Interesting...I've been hooked on watching Dexter so I don't think any advice I give would be to appropriate


Well-Known Member
wander up dressed/looking like a crack head 'clean' his windows with a filthy dirt encrusted rag (the works, even spit shine his bumper) and then thrust out your hand for monies and see what happens

if he says anything, just gibber like a madman....don't threaten...just string random syllables together
yell and do an angry dance if he drives away...then await his eventual return


Well-Known Member
Rhetorical question: are you doing anything illegal (trafficking) that he might be noticing? If you aren't, don't worry about it. If you are, well, I guess you should be paranoid.


Well-Known Member
Got a shotgun. Walk out on the porch and chamber a round. Then sit down and watch him watch you. I use rock salt loads but bird shot gets the point across.


Well-Known Member
wander up dressed/looking like a crack head 'clean' his windows with a filthy dirt encrusted rag (the works, even spit shine his bumper) and then thrust out your hand for monies and see what happens

if he says anything, just gibber like a madman....don't threaten...just string random syllables together
yell and do an angry dance if he drives away...then await his eventual return
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA cant forget the fingerless grey torn gloves :]