California license plate 4hzt408 , can anyone look up license plates ?


Well-Known Member
LOL, musta not looked at the date of the original post... this is very old... Wonder what happened.... guess we'll never know... (i'm betting the guy was waiting for his opertunity to jack a grow house... writing down his schedule and all... LOL)


Well-Known Member
Walk over and say hello. If he's a cop, he'll know that he's busted. If he's a punk scoping your grow, he'll know that you can identify him. If he's there with no interest in your activity, he'll probably tell you why.

Then again, it may freak him out enough to leave and not come back.

Either way, your problem is less apt to incite paranoia.


Active Member
op if you're still alive please respond. We want to make sure you're still alive and not in jail

But mostly i wanna know if you bbqd on your front lawn wearing scuba gear and floaties


haha just read the hole post and then realised how old it was.

there a really simple answer, go to a payphone and call the cops on him. if your house number is 10 then say your number 16 and theres a car thats been sitting there for days and trying to talk to young girls and he'll be gone in 10 mins lol