Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...


Well-Known Member
I would have did her like ive had to do a pitbull. The second she latched on i'd of gone for her ribs and just went to town on them bitches.

..And if it turns out shes not crazy weird flesh eating zombie bitch and she was in fact having a seizure, well then clearly her ribs hurt because she hit the ground pretty hard.*winkwink*


Well-Known Member
Here's a picture for now, if it bruises up to show the teeth marks better I'll post a picture of that as well.
you didn't write RIU on her leg.... we need validations around here ya know...

*wonders why Hannibelle couldn't have bitten her on the va jj so we coulda gotten a shot of that too*


Active Member
could somebody have put salvia (i think thats what its called) cause i know ppl use to mix a layer in with weed in a bong that way nobody knew who was going to get it
i;ve heard some horror stories about it but nothing 1st hand


Well-Known Member
YOU GUYS are animals........poor girl had a fit..........give me her name and phone number she can come live with me..........Ill take care of her.................just had the basement Sound PROOFED so nobody will hear......I mean nobody will bother her............


Pickle Queen
Sounds like the girl may be a epiliptic and had a aunt had those when I was a kid........they just cleared the area so she woulhnt hurt herself................Im betting on that being the case.
I was going to say this also, i had a girlfriend have a similar episode when i was a teen, she smoked some green, next thing she was on the ground having what looked like a seizure, a min later she was on her feet asking wtf??? Scared the shit out of me, i walked her home right away and made sure her parents knew.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've never seen a reaction like THAT, but i've seen some epic freakouts nontheless. all were in females under the age of 21 who never or rarely smoked before. one chick freaked out and ran all over the house like a cracked out squirrel, then she threw a glass of water in her own face and started screaming like she was being stabbed. another chick started violently puking and crying then she passed out for 2 hours. lol i never seen anyone turn cannibal though. she should see a professional for that shit.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
i saw a similar experience to this when a friend of ours took a major hit of some salvia some super potent 20x shit. dood fell out his chair knocking over and breaking glass on the floor, and proceeded to roll around in it cutting himself up and if anyone got near him he just freaked out more, causing more personal damage go him self. it was bloody.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Been smoking for 30yrs, and about 3yrs ago a buddy gave me some Sativa he grew outdoors.
30 minutes later, I was so paranoid I pulled and killed a Blue Cheese and Blue Mystic grow of 12 plants in the veg stage of about 4 weeks ! lmao
The next day I was laughing AND pissed at myself.
I also found 1 seed


Well-Known Member
20x is weak..............I tried 80x they say I was gone for about 3 minutes but seemed like hours........and I had butterflys all over me...........didnt panic just enjoyed the colors of the wings and they say I was holding my arm out like holding something and to me I was holding butterflys on my fingers..............was one time.......did it a couple times and the novelty wore off and never done it again.
fuck that salvia shit. the shit is TOO FUCKING MUCH. it's scary to a 15 yr. pothead. i'll stick to my black and white dominas, kushs', purps' and all other colors of rainbow weed
20x is weak..............I tried 80x they say I was gone for about 3 minutes but seemed like hours........and I had butterflys all over me...........didnt panic just enjoyed the colors of the wings and they say I was holding my arm out like holding something and to me I was holding butterflys on my fingers..............was one time.......did it a couple times and the novelty wore off and never done it again.


Well-Known Member
Chick just got possessed by the demons. This sounds like a Pishacha demon or Wendigo. Both are cannibalistic in nature and very violent. Better buckle up cuz this is just the beggining! :D


Well-Known Member
haha. what the fuck?

someone going mad like that isnt because of weed. unless they had some mad schizo reaction, which is well unlikely.

something else is up!?


Well-Known Member
haha. what the fuck?

someone going mad like that isnt because of weed. unless they had some mad schizo reaction, which is well unlikely.

something else is up!?
I just told you guys whats up ... only explanation!