Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...


Well-Known Member
This event that I am posting about happened last night.
So I begin the evening at my house by pulling up to my house and see my friends parked-up and waiting to smoke hookah. We enter my house, my friends get the setup ready, and I go speak with my mother. She begins to complain it's too late...yadadada.... I go back up stairs to help my friends out. My sister and her friends were getting ready to go out, and were making a whole cackle of noise. My dad is already asleep, and can be ill tempered. The main thing is that my sister doesn't give a fuck if my parents are sleeping and this has been an ongoing issue. So she and her friend's barely escape both my yelling and my father's, and were not just yelling we're putrefying with anger, real bad energy and what-not. The night goes on friends and I hookah. Sleep. Next day in class I receive a call from my sister telling me she has to talk to me about "some crazy shit that happened last night", I still being mad at her shrug her off, and don't worry about it. I get home from school, kind of wanting to know what happened as I hear bits and pieces of it from her and her friend's talking, but I am still in exile from her presence due to the night before. Finally this afternoon she cornered me in my room asking if I wanted to blaze, I say fuck it, I don't got weed anyways. Then she starts getting all teary-eyed and says she needs to tell me about last night, then she loses it and started crying. UP until this moment I did not give a fuck about last night, but the fact that what ever happened fucked my sister up to the point of crying when talking about it seriously concerned me. So this is what happened for her and her gfs for the rest of night from my account of what she told me.
So she and her gf's get to their dude friend's house where they were planning on smoking. They bust out the glass-on-glass, beginning with girl one (who doesn't smoke too much) she rips it coughs like a mofo, and passes the bong along. It wasn't until about two rips down the line they notice that girl one had collapsed to the floor. She then starts becoming violent, kicking and flailing her arms at what ever was nearest to her on the floor, no one knew what to do, so my sister stepped in so this girl wouldn't hurt herself, but the moment she starts to get close things get weird. The girl immediately grasped my sisters legs while in a semi-fetal position, my sister's thought on this was that she needed some comfort, and her "hugging" my sister's legs was her comfort. But things took a turn for the weird when the girl began biting and gnawing at my sister's shins, and my sister had to literally pry this girl from her as she continued to act strangely.
I honestly wouldn't be too alarmed from this story had I not seen the bite marks left on my sister. (which I will post)
Anybody else have and experience or have heard of and experience such as the one above?


Active Member

Had to laugh when I read/imagined this..
"girl began biting and gnawing at my sister's shins, and my sister had to literally pry this girl from her as she continued to act strangely"

Its the smoker, not the weed imo.


Well-Known Member
"wet" is marijuana, a ciggy, joint, or whatever, soaked in embalming fluid and dried.

marijuana all by itself just doesn't do that to people
...either she's a nutter (or on something else) to start with, or they smoked wet.


bud bootlegger
lmfao they were smoking some wet,theres no way weed would do that to you.
yah, but if the girl can't smell wet a mile away, she's the dumb ass.. that magic marker scent is a hard one to miss, and i don't think you could smoke wet and not know your not smoking weed.. that's my two cents worth atleast..


Well-Known Member
it certainly isn't marijuana's fault
Yeah.....never seen or heard of that with pure, clean weed or any of its extracts.

If it wasn't what she smoked, then she's fucked in the head. You say it's real a stun gun whenever she's around.


Well-Known Member
if it did happend did anyone else smoked , illy is one sad drug , that psycho that knife mad people in NY city was on pcp for two days , look at the dude that helped two cops bring him down ,,, pcp is like spinatch for popeye... and yeah it smell funny not natural, you cant miss it , dumb bitches...tell me who you hang with and i would tell you who you are... steve is the man ...


Well-Known Member
yah, but if the girl can't smell wet a mile away, she's the dumb ass.. that magic marker scent is a hard one to miss, and i don't think you could smoke wet and not know your not smoking weed.. that's my two cents worth atleast..
true but I met some pretty stupid people that wouldn't know the difference,and after 2 hits they aint even gonna care lol.


Well-Known Member
true but I met some pretty stupid people that wouldn't know the difference,and after 2 hits they aint even gonna care lol.
Come one guys, I raised my lil sis better than that. And plus the guys they were cardholders, and have been around the scene for a while.