i used to do amt alot... and 5-meo-amt as well... i took around 100 doses of 5-meo-amt in my youth, and about 50 doses of amt... I have perminent damage because of the 5, twitches, massive dislexia, flashing white lights every tim i close my eyes... i hear shit, see shit out of the corner of my eye that isn't really there, i cant talk right anymore either, always jumbling my words... i got the shingles because of it too because my amune system was so bad while on it, and because of that i have nerv damage on the left side of my forehead, itching all the time...doctors say i'm lucky it doesn't hurt alot... all because of 5-meo-amt, wonderfull stuff lol.
but after all that... i can't say that all the other drugs didn't also have a cumulitive effect, i'm sure they also contributed to all those symptoms...I also did 2CB and 2-CT-7...and 2-CI and many other research chimicals... i can't even remember them all...AMA,DMT,5-meo-dmt, 5-meo-DIPT (foxy we called it), BZP, shit i can't remember them all... there used to be a site that you could get any chemical you want...Omega Fine Chemicals it was called, and me and a freind would just research shit and then get some and take a shitload of it... man 2-ct-7 was the most fucked up shit... besides 2-ct-2, which almost killed me...
i wouldn't take any of it back though. and i encourage anyone to try any of those if they feel up to it... i don't do it anymore...mainly because the FDA/DIA shut down omega fine...
i still have some of the bottles if you guys want to see?